City Council Approves Multiple Variances and New Permits; Addresses Public Concerns on Safety - 16-07-24

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-07-16, City: Kingston, View Transcript

1. Procedural Guidelines: - Attendance protocol and the five-part application handling format discussed.

  1. Quorum Confirmation:

    • Quorum confirmed despite some members being absent.
  2. Agenda and Minutes Approval:

    • Amended agenda approved unanimously.
    • Minutes of June 17th meeting approved unanimously.
  3. Disclosure of Interest:

    • Chair disclosed a conflict of interest on items 7 and 8 and planned to leave temporally for those items.
  4. Application for 1441 Montreal Street:

    • Minor variance to reduce driveway width from 3 m to 2.4 m discussed.
    • Public concerns addressed; no adverse effects found.
    • Motion to approve passed with 4 in favor, 1 abstention.
  5. Community Concerns and City Response on Montreal Street:

    • Katherine Nolan raised concerns about structural safety.
    • City staff indicated no flagged structural issues with permits.
  6. Application for Minor Variance at 26 Matland Street:

    • Proposal to allow an accessory structure in the front yard approved unanimously.
  7. Application for Minor Variance at 28 Matland Street:

    • Proposal to allow accessory structures in the front yard approved unanimously.
  8. Application for Minor Variance at 933 Innovation Drive:

    • Proposal for loading spaces and elimination of rear lot line planting strip passed unanimously after discussion.
  9. Deferred Item for 2267 Princess Street:

    • Amended agenda led to deferment.
  10. Hydro Easement Shift:

    • Additional loading spaces proposed; motion for approval passed unanimously.
  11. Hair Salon Permit at 393-395 Earl Street:

    • Motion to establish a hair salon approved unanimously.
  12. Car Wash Loading Space Requirement at 780 Gardener Road:

    • Motion to exempt car wash from loading space requirement passed unanimously.
  13. Front Yard Accessory Building at 1813 Moore Lane:

    • Proposal to construct a 47.72 square meter building in the front yard approved unanimously.
  14. Next Meeting:

    • August 19th meeting to be held virtually at 5:30 p.m. due to council chambers unavailability.
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