good evening welcome to tonight's council meeting it's Tuesday August the 13th I am Regional and town counselor Janet haset theel mayor Burton is regrets tonight and it's my privilege to chair tonight's meeting I do remind those that are in our chamber tonight that the Corum is essential in our work here in order to ensure a peaceful and respectful environment for all participating I'm sure you'll all agree please join us in rise for O Canada Oh Canada our home and native land true pent love in all of us command with glowing hearts see the rise the true nor strong and free from Fall wide oh we stand on God for thee God keep our land glorious and free Oh Canada we stand on God for thee Oh can we stand on for [Music] for in 1820 indigenous people here began welcoming settlers from all over the empire soon they were helping slaves escaping from the US to settle here too today our indigenous founding partners are still here enjoying this land with us they fish and Camp under their treaty rights indigenous people in their thousands also live with us as neighbors and Friends our indigenous white and black settlers created a community with an attractive degree of Harmony and prosperity in 1857 Ontario gave official recognition of Oakville as a town at Town Hall all of these years later we fly the flag of the Miss AAS of the credit beside the flags of oakal Ontario and Canada we fly these flags together to acknowledge our Origins people from all over the world are attracted to the livability we have created we offer newcomers a warm Spirit of welcome we offer everyone our founding story so everyone knows what we are a part of we feel sorrow and distress for acts of racism and intolerance suffered across Canada and here at home we want our future to be Equitable and inclusive for all the path of reconciliation can unite us all please keep well stay safe and let all of us on counil know of any chance to be helpful to you and yours please let us know anytime you can help increase oil's Harmony prosperity and livability so with the help of the clerk tonight let's see if we can get through this agenda uh so item number two is uh regrets and Madam clerk I understand mayor Burton is the only regrets for tonight um I look to my Council colleagues are there any Declarations of pecuniary Interest seeing none uh looking for uh a confirmation of the minutes of the previous Council meetings that's 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4 and 4.5 councelor dck councelor elar any objections no objections thank you very much um uh we are we have no public presentations tonight no standing committee uh reports tonight I need a mover and seconder to go into the committee of the whole councelor Chisum councelor Longo seconds thank you very much so we're at public consent items uh uh 8.1 and 8.2 and we also have a confidential consent item 9.1 I look to see if there's any separating out that you would like of the public consent items councelor Amira uh thank you madam chair uh item 8.2 please okay uh I'd be happy to move the other two if there were no other uh suggestions so perhaps we just move 8.1 which is the 224 bylaw to invoice payments in Le of tax on provincial institutions are you fine with that councelor Mera okay so any objections to that so 8.1 passes uh councelor Mera you asked to separate out 8.2 the Integrity Commissioners code of conduct formal complaint dismissal report you have the floor thank you very much Madam chair um and I I do have some comments and I know the Integrity commissioner is on uh online as well I'd like to uh thank her for her work um I would I would think it was only fair to to do this um when may Burton is available to be here I'm sure he'd like to be to take part of it and we wish him a speedy recovery for his health so um on that note I would I would move deferral of the item um so that so that the mayor can attend and and hopefully his health is better on that um to the next next council meeting if uh Council would see fit to uh to do that with with that deferral takes precedent are there any objections so we are deferring uh uh 8.2 Madam clerk uh the next item is uh 9.1 it's 110 Reynold Street lease uh it is a confidential consent item but if there are no objections we could move it councelor gidds so moved okay thank you very much are there any objections to 9.1 okay so move by uh councelor gettings that the recommendation contained in the confidential report from the legal department dated July 30th 2024 be approved we're moving on uh discussion items uh 10.1 it is the Bronte Harbor Banquet and Conference Center second floor lease and I understand a presentation is available if you would like it Council um Madam chair I'm I'm I think everybody's familiar here we've had long discussions about the harbor Center I'm I appreciate the the uh opportunity for a presentation it was fairly straightforward in the report I do know we have a delegation but I'd be happy to to foro the presentation and and hear from the delegation though if uh if that would be council's inclination any objection from any other member of council okay so uh we will call our our delegate ation uh Mr Shay welcome to the podium good evening Madam mayor and members of Town Council on behalf of the Brony Village resent Association in one Brony One Voice tonight we support staff being authorized to enter into the agreement with catch Hospitality Group for the second floor event space at Brony Harbor Banquet and Conference Center we applaud the town for we we applaud the town moving forward on this initiative but as the staff report indicates the second floor has been vacant since January 2019 one way of restating that last sentence is that for the Last 5 Years there's been no West End jazz music con uh concerts being hosted there and obviously with the second floor being vacant for The Last 5 Years there's been the loss of five years of Revenue we agree that animating the second floor space will provide a Hospitality service for the community the staff report indicates the long-term Vision can't be developed until the land transfer takes place this appears to be at odds with the reports of April 23rd 2019 which states in the key facts that the town is the owner of the Brony Harbor Banquet and Conference Center if we own the building why can't we engage with the long-term Vision now this location is too valuable a piece of real estate to go underutilized and finally we re we request that the revenue generated from the second floor operations be retained in bronti we ask Council to um approve the establishment of a brony water revitalization Reserve fund whether it's a new splash pad or a local library the monies generated in bronti from this lease must be viewed as a down payment for further investments in Bronte I thank you for your time thank you Mr Shay do we have any questions from Council for the delegate Jon Mr MCN thank you uh thank you acting mayor um this is may be pointed more towards staff but just on the suggestion of a I think it was a waterfront Reserve fund um I know in Port delusi they've set up a reserve fund for their Waterfront not just for the amenities but also realizing that if we take over these Federal lands or hopefully when we take them over there's also going to be investment that we'll have to make into those lands and the buildings and you know whether it's a splash patter or things like that so how do we sort of be maybe Innovative on how we can keep getting recurring Revenue that gets reinvested into uh the amenities and in the upkeep because um as Mr Shay said the compass building's been you know you know largely vacant for a number of years metr Marine building needs some investment the greb property you know may need some investment as well um so I'm I'm for moving this but I would just ask that staff maybe look at uh some ways that we can keep investment going into the Waterfront and and maybe look at Port delusi as a model thank you so can I just look over to staff and uh would anybody like to comment on that or are you taking that under advisement uh through to you acting mayor um we'll take it under advisement I think there are uh quite a few budget questions in there and so that we need to sort that out so we'll look at the Dell uh dell housing model sorry I might have pronounced that incorrect ptoi pzi yes sorry uh and uh see what that offers to any opportunities I know we are looking at doing a uh um Harbor's master plan overall in that area um with budget approval so we'll consider it in context of the budget okay thank you for your comments are there any other questions that are for our delegate uh councelor mcnees again sorry I'd be happy to move it at the appropriate time okay thank you very very much for your time and your comments um councelor mcse can I ask you if there is no concerns with 11.1 which is the confidential motion uh can we move both at the same time time I'd be happy too okay looking to counsil are there any objections okay no objections Madam clerk both those pass thank you very much um staff have asked uh to take one of the items out of order um I think we all have an interest in uh the July 2024 rain event uh and so I'd ask CAO uh closely to speak to uh 10.5 um and then we will return to uh 10.2 and go forward acting mayor members of council uh tonight we have several reports on the agenda uh speaking to issues of flooding in our community a propo given what we had experienced in the middle of July um I did want to acknowledge the late arrival of the agenda item 10.5 um on the July rain event any storm event that involves flooding is important to the town and staff have been busy responding to calls received in repairing damage to town assets including our storm water system uh as well as trails and harbors pardon me we had hoped to include this on the initial agenda and we were working towards those deadlines but we did need some additional time to uh understand the any legal implications related to the flooding event so that's why it didn't appear on the initial agenda when it had come out um I also wanted to note that there are many responsib many parties that are responsible for uh understanding our flood risk in our communities so it's not only measuring it it's developing the infrastructure and programs in order to manage it uh it is um and it also spells into the actual flood event itself so the parties that are included are of course the province and that's mostly through the ministry of Natural Resources um it is the region as well because they have a role uh it is conservation Halton as well as the town and homeowners actually on their own property who need to understand and manage the risks so staff from each of those uh government parties certainly work collaborative to ensure we have that proper response on any type of event that happens uh and commissioner Fu and M members of the senior leadership team are actually here and you'll see quite a few staff in the audience are here to answer any of your questions related not only to tip 10.5 but also many of the other uh fighting items that are on the agenda uh so the three flood reports that um um are on the agenda are actually a great example of the techniques and tools that we go in trying to mitigate uh risks of flooding within uh the town itself and so uh the team that has been involved in that is going to present each of those three studies and you'll have a good understanding in terms of localized flooding riverine flooding and the tactics and tools that we use in order to manage those events um that come to play so that when we do have those very major events um we have hopefully enough mechanisms in place that uh we can minimize the impact so with those introductions I did want to turn it over to commissioner Fu who has some additional remarks commissioner Fu hello great thank you good evening acting mayor and member of council the July 15th and 16th storm event in Oakville saws rainfall levels that were equal to a five to 2 to 5e storm event for most of the Town although some local areas did experience rainfall levels for 25 years and up to the 100e storm event our storm infrastructure is designed to respond to rain event and meets provincial and conservation halting requirements as well as the design standards when the community was built for example south of QEW was designed to accommodate a 5-year storm event while development post generally mid1 1980s are generally designed to accommodate a 100e storm event in our North Oakville the storm system is actually designed to accommodate the regional storm event this is why various area of the Town experien different levels of flooding however this storm that we experienced in the middle of July was complicated by several consecutive G days of rain in advance the ground was saturated the river were full which Amplified the impact of the storm our staff did do an excellent job in responding to the storm related damage from the July 1516 event as noted in the rain event report under agenda item 10.5 similar to our winter maintenance response we have a proactive storm response protocol that begins with weather monitoring prior to the storm our roads and work crew proactive go out to clear key culverts and Outlets that are on our hot spot map while during the storm we continue to Mo monitor these hotpots by removing debris and we start shifting to emergency response to ensure safety of our roads and assets are maintained during the storm after the storm we complete full recovery efforts this is very similar for our park and open space Department staff also have a list of cers and dis basins that get inspected as well as checked through their Hots spot map along the trails and particularly along the trail they are prone to erosion in Harbors staff inspects all dockage and the harbor assets and close them off um and close off the peers as necessary in forestry prior to the storm event additional arborus may be placed on call and the notice is communicated to the roster of our private Arbor firms of a potential need for assistance forestry staff work closely with Oakville Hydro during many storm events if any closure of Roads Trails Parks or Harbor asset is required Communications placed through the town website and social media channels from a private property perspective a home can be flooded for several reasons there could be sanitary lateral blockages and basement and some pump issues it could be the result of change Landscaping blocking the side yards and front yard Swale that doesn't drain towards the road to the front and lack of positive drainage away from the house or simply the leak in the walls of the home or around the window cills it could also possibly be caused by public infrastructure maintenance such as Clogg basins The Province conservation Halton the region town and the homeowners as per the described by the CEO all plays a role in increasing the flood resiliency of our neighborhood in particular basement flooding due to Wastewater surcharge is generally responded to by the region while Town generally respond to flooding of property due to Overland flow our role is to ensure the public areas are drained are draining and clear of debris and maintain the safety of our rideway as well as public spaces since the preparation of the report working with the region collaboratively they have provided an updated updated number on the flooded basement calls that were received by the region for Oakville the reports stated 80 and were're now up to 103 as of August 11 collectively though we are Partners to address Urban flooding and to that end we do have Halton region staff here with us Andrew far Commissioner of Public Works and tris en manager of water and wastewater system support are here tonight to assist in answering any questions recent event have Illustrated the importance of our flood Management program on tonight's agenda you will hear from staff on three flood study reports two are related to the town river ring system and one is specific to a local area that experiences Urban flooding these reports outlines a range of flood risk with Associated recommendations and provides a snapshot of how different areas experience various levels of storm impacts through our rainwater management financial plan workk we have developed an infrastructure Improvement plan within the current fiscal framework of the town the town has and we then have prioritized the various study recommendations based on risk and service level objectives we look forward to working with Council and the public on our continued response to mitigate flood risks and improving storm water management this conclude my remarks and staff and I are happy to answer any questions related to item 10.5 uh July 24th ring event Oakville impact and update thank you commissioner Fu I think that uh councelor Chism is first up thank you um your worship for this evening um couple qu quick questions on page five of 16 award two and that's our award we seem to have the highest uh uh calls in for uh from the region in service Oakville 26 and 64 which we know we identify in West oaki it is a a major flood plane challenge in in water and so forth um my question is this we've had a lot of calls on the flooding of homes um is is there any correlation or any um decision or excuse me not the decision or studies with respect to the flooding in their homes is related to our our water distribution um not being dissipated throughout the uh the drains and the ditches is it a backup uh to these homes are we responsible for it uh through you acting mayor uh for each of the call that comes in for both the region and the town I'll speak to the town first uh when they come in we do go go to each of the sites our staff visit the site to look at the complaint of the flooding and we do determine whether is there in individual property related versus it's because of Town's infrastructure so when we did look at roads and Works Data based on the calls that we have received um there's very fairly little that are related to because the road did not drain it was mostly related to local flooding of their property um and then we then help them resolve the issues and and give them some advice on how to uh flood proof their property in the future good it's good to know thank you uh last question um it's not identified in your I call it the hotpots you had 16 Mile Creek Harbor foger Lawn Cemetery Park trails and I think uh one of the community centers and town facilities uh was it identified one on Spears Road uh where the uh bingo hall is where there's a covert at the back I personally went there and it was coming out and flooded the whole parking lot in part of Spears Road and it's an open cul and it doesn't seem to go anywhere and the water was just rushing through that it comes underneath the railway railway tracks was that identified as an area of potential uh risk uh through asking M I was going to ask Sam director Ron Worth to answer the Hotpot location through you acting May that location is on our hotspots we do look at it we do pass spy and have a have an idea of that it is metr linkx sort of land but we do look at it just to make sure that we need to inform them if there's a problem the Culver is open it just just pours into the into the parking lot is there any uh indication that that has to be redirected in some shape or form uh because if this happens again you're going to flood that whole parking lot it looked like a lake going in in there with all the uh the businesses so forth we very very concerned about it yeah I've had staff definitely look in and and check in to that location because of the high amount of rainfall and at that point it did dissipate in time H but we will definitely keep it on our hot spot and review thanks Sam appreciate it thank you thank you uh next up is councelor dck thank you um this might also involve Sam I don't know but I know on Bader um there's a channel there that runs down and underneath the the uh roadway and actually incorporates a channel that goes into cornation park when I visited the site it was breached beyond belief onto the roadway the channel wasn't doing or able to accommodate the flow of water which normally it can is that also one that we're looking at to revise in terms of a hot spot well through you um AC regarding that Western Channel it was part of the coronation Park EA study and it was recognized that it would not be able to accommodate such um I'll say the more severe event storms to begin with okay so it was identified that there was going to be some Divergence through the EA study to be constructed from the variety of recommendation in that EA study to hopefully help with that Western channel so aside from the Hotpot that is definitely on Sam's list I could guarantee you that um his role is to remove debris and making sure it flows um in terms of the Capital Improvements for providing more flood resiliency for the future that would be part of our Capital program that's evaluated through the rainwater master plan thank you that's what I wanted to make sure um the other question I had um there's two actually one I noticed there's something on the town's website do we have something um we sometimes send out alerts when we know that there's a storm coming whether it's an ice storm rain whatever do we have something like a hot button on the landing page that somebody can go to report an issue okay I'm just thinking um some people when they're in the middle of something like this they're panicking and they want to get right to the appropriate Department that will be assisting them and I would assume maybe serve as Oakville uh yes through you acting mayor uh so on the website there is the the Topline alert uh for any emergency or um important issue of the moment uh if you click on that it doesn't bring you to service Oakville um but let me talk to the team about that because we do have uh as you know we've got our new Salesforce uh platform that does email alerts and we can just kind of check in to see if there's a an option available there but of course we we do ask that people direct the call to service Oakville so that it can then be triaged appropriately from there okay the other thing that I was made aware of was the fact there were quite a few people when I responded to them I asked them did you call the region did you call the town they said no so the numbers that we see here may not truly reflect the amount of people who were inconvenienced or concerned and I guess I I I think we should maybe make some sort of effort to encourage them just let us know so we can track because I know commissioner Fu came out with us to a property recently and the people had indicated there was an issue and she said well even if there's an issue please call us so we can make note of it on our map so that we're aware and maybe connect the dots if it's a surrounding area so I think that would be something we should maybe look at encourage enaging as well okay so if I may I think that's a great idea okay uh we are reviewing our Communications protocols and and looking at ways to uh clarify uh who does what because there are so many different players it can be confusing for folks particularly in a moment of absolute stress okay uh so I will add that uh to the list thank you um and I don't know if this is commissioner Fu or maybe CAO closi um our neighboring municipality city of Burlington um was very prompt getting back to the residents in terms of assistance and they um even went so far as to say if you did not qualify for the region's, um whatever you want to call it to go towards their damages that the city would provide that ,000 have we investigated that to see what kind of criteria they used and is it something that we might consider to use in the future uh we have had some preliminary conversations with uh Burlington in terms of what they have done there we didn't opt for that in this particular case because uh we do spend um we are I would say quite advanced in our storm water uh program in terms of how we're trying to mitigate at the front end um so we hadn't uh we hadn't um recommended to Council that we should move in that direction because it would be a council decision in order to be able to do that um and so we are exploring with them what they have available I think through other mechanisms as well um and we we didn't recommend that and I don't think we until we do a little bit more research I don't think we would recommend that to council at this point in time okay is there a way we can communicate that to the public because to me that's a good news story in the respect that we're farther ahead in terms of our storm water management we're being proactive but when people read something they immediately say well they didn't do it well you can't Apples to Apples so I mean maybe we have to have something where you may see something in a neighboring municipality and just some sort of a caveat that not all of them are the same in terms of their infrastructure and I do I do know that as uh um uh Julie Clark had mentioned we are looking at our Communications protocol and how to improve that so that is an aspect we'll look at as well super thank you councelor Adams you're next thanks very much uh we've had a whole bunch of really good questions already and I I might be sort of over overlapping a little bit but um can you help me with um a little bit of uh what you think about how we did with respect to providing education about the flood response and who to go to um if there were things that we could do better what would they be uh to improve uh resident knowledge about what they can do to reduce their own risks and um also what they should do during a flood event well I have four questions in a row yeah so I'll summarize to kiding I how did we do what could we do better and um and what could we do to improve our education of our residents yes through you through you acting mayor uh as as director uh Clark mentioned we are looking at communication protocol so first of all during the event of the of the storm we are going to look at how do we communicate out about what's our react response level and what's what's happening to the storm so that's more of the right way we're also going to look at the pre commmunication about okay the storm is coming how can you protect protect yourself in terms of looking at some of the drainage issues and then we also have already revamped um um our website originally our website have information in different locations and we have now created a dedicated flood page already and we have uh in the immediate um quickly have added a lot of information but we're continuing to uh improve that what can we do better so it's during be before during and post that we are going to take a overall review of our communication in how we educate our residents as well as how we inform our residents will be reviewed um as as after this report and then I think it was councelor Chisum who uh touched on this issue of who's responsible for flood damage uh and how how do we compare to other municipalities in terms of the quality of our own existing storm water um controls one of the concerns I have is that as soon as somebody has a flooded basement they immediately go well it's only because the municipality did such a terrible job of managing storm water that I have a flooded basement when in fact it could very well be their own fault because their own private property has not been well managed looking at our website and the materials there it's not super clear to me that um we're telling people that hey this is part of this responsibility lies with you and and you need to take your own um responsibility over your own property and managing your own risks um we'll do our part but you you have to do your part too um and I I recognize soon if you have a flooded basement it's a terrible thing it's a horrible thing to live through um and I feel sorry for everybody who had the issue but um going forward we need to make sure that people recognize that the municipality is not going to be there to save them every time if uh they're not doing their part um can we can we improve on that yes definitely through you uh acting mayor not only to our own communication also working with the region and conservation Halton we also are partnering with University of waterl um and that we are partnering with them and they're going to create a project to look at uh the opportunity to educate actually the purpose the scope is to educate the resident about how to better flood proof your home how to make your flood uh your home more flood resilient we're about to we haven't started the project but we're about to partnership with University of waterl on that so we're very excited on that initiative and hope and there will also be public um involvement for that process and thank you very much to all the staff who responded because responding to flood events in in the Nica time kind of thing is a hard and challenging thing and so I appreciate everyone who was on the front line that day dealing with it appreciate it thank you thank you councelor Adams I I would add that the region now has two videos out um and I see commissioner far here and and his director um and they got those out quite promptly um and uh so we can also circulate those uh because they are really quite helpful and and they're very they're done in a very friendly plain language way so uh we appreciate the region support on that as well uh next up is councelor ginnings through you arting chair here uh further to uh counselor Adams questions on private property the other reports before us this evening provide a lot of details in the number of homes with Overland flooding and and so on with very specific numbers so we know where those homes are or most of them can we reach out to them directly whether it be through address mail or door knockers um whatever to make them aware of what our responsibilities are as a municipality and what their responsibilities are because we have uh uh I guess all of us that represent uh south of the qbw will get phone calls saying you better clean up your creek you better do this you better do that and uh we'll speak with staff and it's well uh no actually it's their Creek it's their responsibility and so um that may go a long way in terms of helping some of this at least making them aware uh the other question I have uh one of the reports talks about uh conservation Halton being responsible for uh working with home uh homeowners in some of these areas because it's under the per purview of CH is this something where Municipal enforcement could get involved you know mpal enforcement goes out and talks about uh West Nile uh as as a result of an unkempt pool or or uh Property Standards or long grass is that something that we have considered uh through you acting mayor we haven't considered involving missile enforcement at this point but I certainly take all the comments that we do have to look at not only a communication piece but a public education piece I think public education in terms of their role and our role is very very important so whether it's through the studies that you're referencing or through this after um this Improvement that we're going to do and again I want to emphasize we're collaborating with the region um to make sure that we educate the homeowners make sure they provide and we'll look at programm of providing door knockers and whatnot to to to further provide them almost a uh immediate uh something to read and I think that's what's happening some people don't go to our website at all or don't go there unless you're flooded but there's many folks that who are not flooded could help with the drainage overall of their neighborhood so we look at these flood prone areas and come up with a better robust communication education program and um and hopefully that will uh improve the flood resilience of the neighborhood thank you for that i' uh I know we have messages on social media requesting residents clean the grates in front of their property um which is great if they do it um there are a number of greats or um greats in ditches whatever you want to call those um that are packed that are jammed you know repeated rain and then you hit a a situation where the ground is water logged you get an event type storm do we have the capability I appreciate the fact that we go into known uh hotspots or grates where uh can't handle the flow do we have any plans for that whether it be uh addition street sweeping that kind of activity uh through you uh acting M we don't we do not look at the additional sweet sweeping during the storm particularly because as as you imagine it's almost too late when the rain comes even it was s blocked before it will be blocked during the rain so sometime people even go out in their boots just to clear that gra if they don't want to get flooded so but we certainly do a lot of proactive pre preact uh preventive work that um we have regular Sweet street sweeping apologies and and as I mentioned um through director um Sam's um hot spot map it is regularly inspected all the all the flood prone areas all right and similar to a number of my colleagues it sounds like we all go out at night in a Big Roy store and watch the water uh having done that a number of times in our area we have a lot of ditches that is for for most of our area uh how the water is channeled and dissipated we have a lot of homeowners that have rebuilt their homes and the ditches are non-existent and some of them may have a culvert that's been put in place a lot of them don't have culverts that are in place that directs the uh overflow or the water to the roadway and sends it different places is this identified as a concern or is it something uh that we should deal with through the uh inspection process proactive just curious about that uh through asking you're completely correct um it is definitely a concern of ours particularly when the ditch is meant to do something and it's now blocked uh we we have in three ponds we want to look at a more robust communication strategy to tell folks with ditches not to fill them and definitely repair their driveway cover some of them they completely collapsed so there's a resident responsib ility per councelor Adams Point there's there part that the resident could really help us do this the second thing is through our rainwater financial plan we do have um inspections and condition audits starting for the dishes now um so even through our asset management program we're going to start going through the entire older part of the town and start inspecting dishes and start creating a program to look at um certain areas for red dishing and then at the higher level for the third PR as I mentioned in the storm water master plan there are I'll say um priority areas um that are more higher risk we're going to start looking at looking at the studies and tonight actually you'll see one of the priority areas on the agenda because they they are an area that we didn't look at a lot clearly and you'll see later on in the presentation dis the dishes is actually one of the problem that we're going to redit so we're looking at it from Individual areas all the way down to the residents responsibility and hopefully together we could uh improve the flood resiliency of the community great thank you very much last question in terms of Public Health uh the region does a great job dropping pellets into uh basins to help control West Nile and does this flood I guess it's for my Council colleagues to bring to Regional Council in terms of does a rainfall like this wipe those out does it render them inoperative I'm just curious from a public health standpoint oh we do have a regional commissioner here I may not through see that one coming to you commissioner far mayor we will we'll take that back and we'll provide a response um because I think it's it's something that we have to check with other departments thanks so much thank you Saved by the Bell thank you councelor Giddings councelor Amira um thank you very much a lot of concerns and I I was one of those people whose basement flooded and I didn't call the Region because that's just what I go through so unfortunately I I know better for next time um um a lot we had a lot of of um complaints about new homes that were built and excess flooding now obviously the amount was was was something um but just with our development engineering grading and and plans are are we able to look at that and say how do we take new builds to a different level in terms of what our expectations are for development engineering and how we are ensuring uh weepers uh uh pipes are we are we looking at at um a need to double down on that and and to to improve that do we do that through our zoning review or how are we how are we going to try and climb ahead of the 4,000 ft homes that are built on a small property now and the water has to go somewhere else are is that in our work plan somewhere yeah and foot basements yeah looks like we have some experts coming to the podium good evening through you acting mayor uh so we work through the provisions that we have uh with the zoning bylaw and the building code uh so with the tear down rebuilds the bulk of them are in the older areas uh where we have that sort of as as commissioner Phoebe was speaking earlier uh sort of the older standard of of of storm water uh so we do look at not impacting adjacent property so we look at the swales and having that drainage self-contained um with this amount of rainfall where you do have sort of the flatter areas and if if you know some of them hadn't built according to plan you will have these issues uh we are looking at what can we do sorry not sure if you can hear me we um are looking at through the zoning bylaw an official plan it starts with the official plan and then into the zone by law what Provisions we can look at as tools um but at this point we work with the the tools that we have no and I I get that I I think what I'm looking for is that we recognize that we need to hit a higher standard here because I think this is going to be the norm and I think what tools we have been using um are just are are causing a lot of problems and I know hey well we'll make sure there's a Swale there and they never stay um I I think we need to we need to figure out a way whether it starts at the op and works down I think we need to figure a philosophical or a principled approach where we know we need better development engineerings on infill development um so if we start there I I think we can acknowledge that that there's probably a higher standard that needs to be met because it's just it's it's like whack-a-mole and and and these things are changing and growing so I think if if if we if we we have to acknowledge that first so I'm wondering if we we've acknowledged that we probably need to to to have better better standards when when we do these things and then I'm happy to let let staff go away and fill in the rest but if if you need Council to maybe put that forward so that you guys can go and do that and we'd be happy to work on that too so I just wanted to provide just a few comments in addition to uh Christina's comments was that um we have actually we had a number of years ago put a very robust plan in place with the additional uh site plan approvals that we required um unfortunately uh the provincial government made some changes to site plan approval and can no longer deal with um uh single family homes where we were trying to manage that storm water element and attach um agreements to that so you could have the Swale stay in place for some time there was responsibility of the owner so as a result of the changes from The Province we do need to step back and look at okay with the new legislation that's in place what are the things that we can do uh in order to actually manage that going forward so I don't think we need a council resolution at all we recogn that that was something we had trying to manage in the past uh the change in legislation means we need to look at new Tools in order to be able to do it um effectively we hope thank you I I appreciate that um and then one last question to commissioner Fu and I and I know that um when we had our presentation on the rainwater master plan and it was you know $700 million over 30 years it was this big monolith thing um I guess my question is can we wait 30 years to do all of this uh through you acting that's a million dollar question um $640 million question um certainly we we have we believe that climate act um climate change is real we understand frequent flooding is going to happen we also have to recognize that the area south of Oakville South Oakville was built to a 5year standard so any rain more than that that will likely and more likelihood for flooding through the rainwater financial plan we did prioritize we we did look at um certain areas that need to go first and certain studies has to go first and we prioritize based on the natural infrastructure that really will help um looking at the green first all the different things that are prioritized it doesn't mean that it will take us the full 30 years to do everything it just that the certain areas that if you look at our storm water master plan the some the red areas will go first because some of the green areas are less likely you'll actually see that tonight because there's a variety between the three report you'll see a variety of impacts and therefore there's a variety of recommendations some recommendations going ahead next year some recommendation will wait a little longer so then um to to your point I think everyone would like to have everything done next year but I think everyone will hate me for digging up every single Road in South Oakville overnight as well so I think we have to take a look at it in a in a planned approach and that's what the rainwater financial plan is going to do thank you very much thank you uh acting chair thank you councelor amiro councelor Chism thank you thank you yeah I'm on here a couple questions with respect to I forgot to ask um with with the basement issue and this has been one of our main themes in our Ward with respect to the depth of basements being dug uh in Resident infills you know they want 10-ft ceilings and basements and they got three or two uh pumps going at once and they burn out then they we get the call that you know it's our fault that there some pumps are is there anything that we can do or any leverage and I know uh uh count um uh Jane mentioned the uh new legislation which might tie our hands but uh under the building code I know I was was throwing back at me is there any way we can get to the building code to improve or to take out uh in the development of an infill building or project where we can limit the depth of the basement to avoid that because what happens um they go down the some pumps are pumping into the swailes or the ditches and it's the water's really not going anywhere and the problem is it's not going away it just you're just moving the water from from the basement into the swailes so help me out in this one folks yeah I don't think we can so so the a change to the building code would take a lot of time and effort that the code was just recently amended there are over 3,000 changes to the code so it's unlikely we' be able to get anything through the code in short order they I I believe the code answer would be or the ministry would answer that's a design matter and it would be up to the designer to find a solution that meets what the applicant is looking for and what the facilities exist so they would take into consideration the storm water systems that are in place and designed a solution that works can we not make uh intergovernmental memo to whoever to bring this forward as as an issue that we have because if we're having trying to mitigate all the flooding and everything else there's a prime example because we're still going to get all the calls on the flooding in in homes and so forth grading whatever the case may be and I understand we have a role responsibility to and also the residents have a role and responsibility with respect to their property but we're creating right from the beginning right from the beginning of digging a deep hole and and water coming up so we're we're kind of defeating our our U we're kind of shooting ourselves in footo with all duee respect yeah we we are and to try to answer that the the regional CBO so the four municipalities are working together with the region of Halton as well to try to come up with a report and make a collaborative report to the count uh to the ministry rather to ask for some changes yeah I and I and I appreciate uh you know I think we have to start being a little bit more creative and being a little more aggressive with with the province you know the building code is is some something up there that seems to be uh Untouchable and It Go goes every 5 years to make a renewal uh on what you want to do so um with all the things we're dealing with we're trying to do green infrastructure we we're we're having flooding issues and so forth this is this is not down here it's we have to bring this right to the top now and saying folks you've got to change things quickly and turn around quickly so we can be part of the whole uh solution or mitigation of our flooding don't you think if I could just jump in here um I I do think this is part of the tool tools and the tactics that we're looking at to understand through all the various mechanisms you've got a planning act you've got a a building code you've got different Tools in order to address the issue and so because we lost a lot of our ability with the changes that they made what can we replace it with and that's the work that we're doing so I wouldn't want to jump in on one particular side of it until we've looked at that bucket of tools that we have in order to address the uh flooding around a single family home so this is something we will bring back to you uh in and and as part of our storm water management piece um the tools and tactics it's also part of the official plan in terms of sustainability so it is something very much on the top of our minds to bring you back what are the various ways because there's not going to be just one tool there's going to be various Tools in order for us to manage this appropriately so it's a great it's a great segue into the the tools that will be as long as we have use the right tools y okay you can put a lot of tools in the tool box but those tools don't work uh you got to get the right tools and my last question maybe I'm jumping ahead here with respect to the reports uh one of the one of the recommendations in in the three um reports coming up about culverts that we we would replace culverts is our position in the town now is that we're going to start um replacing culverts um on the expense of the of the taxpayer oh through you acting mayor uh existing Culver that's within our asset management program will will be inspected and replace them and that would typically be paid through the tax base are you referring to I'm talking about aprons and driveways sorry my apologies if I wasn't clear so oh yeah sorry is is is that something different when we talk Culvert are we talking big culverts and not little culverts correct thank you thank you so the the driveway apron Culver the little ones that you see right going across ditches those are the responsibility of the homeowner okay so the recommendation today all the three reports are in the right away in our public asset and those are bigger covers that we want to make it bigger yeah just for clarity sake I think we need to identify that that they're they're big covers because uh sometimes uh residents think cul so you're going to replace my C part of this so let's just be clear on that if we wouldn't mind we'll make sure on on the language thank you okay sorry you correct me yeah uh through you acting mayor uh has a theal uh on the Civil area drainage study we do have some recommendations for replacing private driveway culverts we have a significant amount of regrading of the culverts of the of the ditches that needs to be done and to make sure that there's the positive drainage and and that that continues to flow there we are recommending in that case through that study that there does there need to be some driveway culverts replaced as a general principle on a one-off basis individual driveway culs those Remain the respon responsibility of the individual homeowners it's where we have a larger study and we're seeing that those culs need to be replaced as part of the overall system drainage improvements that we may be recommending uh that they be replaced by the town as part of a capital project and that's the case with this civil study as you'll hear when that report is presented thank you director Stevens um I'm seeing no other uh questions or speakers I do have um one question just in regards to tools uh that are are in our toolkit can we provide a letter to uh at the close out of a permit a building permit that said you assume responsibility for the following and be forewarned that this could impact your uh you know the flooding of your basement like we we put all sorts of warning labels on condos um do we provide that to a an infill or a new home um as a as a result of you know we can't control any longer as a result of the province but can we say you assume that at your own risk you're not going to like my answer again I don't think we would uh people they rely on the on the building code to say that they meet the Min minimum requirements and once the town signs off on it we we would support that the building meets the requirements and it would be safe for use I there we could look for a way and I think we talked about it earlier tonight already with our communication style and we would be able to provide some kind of information but to tie it directly to the building permit for occupancy or Clos out I think that would send a conflicting message yeah I think we we'd have to agree to disagree on that one because you're not holding up their permit but you are clarifying that you know as a result of doing the following you know if you do not maintain your ditch if if you've chosen to have a 10-ft basement these are elements that could put your basement at risk and we encourage you to check the following from an education perspective to protect yourself I I get that but my position would be to to defend the building code to say that we've deemed this property safe and for use it it to me I would see it like if you got your car safety but you're told but be careful if you don't M maintain your car you may get in an accident so hang on a sec I have my safety saying my car is suitable for me to drive and I think the the maintenance piece there's other agencies that will remind owners and occupants what to do with their with their property in order to maintain it keep it safe yeah I think we spending a huge amount of time after the fact not at the time but thank you for with you um but thank you for your comments thank you um all right so uh I need a mover to uh accept uh uh the information report July 2024 rain event Oakville impact and update councelor Chisum councelor Longo seconds just need one so counselor jism this time and any objection that passes all right so uh we are on to 10.2 hello hello good evening Madame chair and members of council can everyone hear me okay yeah okay so yes this just wait a second for the presentation to come up all right um hello my name is Diana mikakos I'm a project leader with design and construction I'm here to present information on the lower morison and lower Wedgewood flood mitigation opportuni study as you have learned tonight there are several different ways properties and buildings can flood the study Focus this study focuses on riverine flooding which is flooding caus when Creeks overflow their Banks and spill into adjacent low-lying areas during heavy rainfall events next slide or unless I can do it okay all right thank you so the lower Morrison lower Wedgewood study Builds on the 2008 townwide flood prioritization study that identified water this Watershed as having areas prone to flooding this current study takes a a more in-depth look at flooding extents and mechanisms for its occurrence and looks at opportunities to reduce flooding impacts through municipally L Capital works the study area is located east of 16 Mile Creek um and includes lands south of the Morrison Wedgewood diversion Channel and that's shown on the map at the top it should be noted that the study does not include a risk assessment of the diversion Channel itself this aspect is being looked at at a separate study by conservation Halton the study team also used this opportunity to assess an area of drainage concern near North Service Road and invict a drive and that's shown on the map on the the top right and this sorry sorry um the study has been carried out um as a schedule B Municipal class environmental assessment and which includes um some public inform which included some public engagement opportunities so the detailed flooding assessment for lower moris and lower Wedgewood Creeks indicate that flooding is possible during both frequent and less frequent storm events the flood plane map modeling carried out uses what's called design storms that represent the probability of occurrence in a given year for given rainfall intensity this probability is based on long-term averages over many many years and is not dependent on what has occurred in the past for example a 10-year storm event based on long-term averages would have a 10% chance of occurring in a given year at a lower rainfall intensity whereas a 100-year event would have a 1% chance of occurring in a given year at a much higher rainfall intensity for Laura Morrison Wedgewood the greatest flood risk occurs during a 100-year storm event before I move on it's also important to Define what flood risk is in the context of this study flood risk is when water spill beyond their Creek Banks and extend onto property or possibly enter into buildings depth of flooding which in turn determines the degree of flood risk is not defined however you would expect lower flood depths along the flood fringes or edges of the flood plane which is shown in the diagram on the bottom right therefore the of the 266 properties and 119 buildings at flood risk during the 100-year event flood risk would be lower for properties within the flood fringes As you move farther away from the creek so once once the flood risks risks sorry once the flood risks were mapped opportunities to reduce these flood risks were assessed we looked at Green infrastructure Alternatives as opportunities to mitigate flooding the preferred Alternatives presented here include a combination of green infrastructure in the form of low impact development or the term LS Culvert upgrades and offline storage LS would be incorporated through detailed design of the Culver upgrades and storage facility Culvert upgrades and I should clarify these are Road culverts large CTS um are at several locations are listed in the staff report would help to reduce flooding levels Upstream of the crossing and help to reduce the frequency of overtopping of the roadway Culvert size increases would be done to the full extent possible while ensuring that flooding and erosion is not adversely impacted Downstream of the crossing the offline storage facility in Cornwall Road Sports Park was selected with green infrastructure in mind as it mimit the function of a pond where it takes in Creek flows once it reaches a certain height stores the water and then slowly releases it back to the creek once the storm Peak has diminished keeping in mind Park setting the flood storage facility would be situated underground so to preserve the park Form and Function through detailed design there will be opportunities for public engagement and feedback on the offline storage so following implementation of the preferred Alternatives a total of 116 properties would see flood risk reductions during the 100-year storm event although it's not shown on this slide it's important to note that flood risk reduction benefits are also realized for the more frequent storm events from the two-year through to the 50-year storm event as noted on the slide in front of you even after implementation of the preferred Alternatives flood risk will still persist in many areas and as you know there are also different types of flood risks that may impact residents so not just flood plane areas as noted in the study so it's important that all residents be aware of their flood risk and take advantage of resources available to them flood emergency preparedness plays a critical role in safeguarding homeowners property and well-being resources to assist LS are available online and they're continually improving the region as well as uh so available online at Oakville doca the region of Halton conservation Halton as well as the intax center for climate change adaptation from the University of waterl so moving forward the preferred Alternatives will be assessed under the lens of the rainwater management financial plan and prioritized along with all other storm waterer Town initiatives the rainwater management plan will deliver a strategy to maintain and improve the town's storm water management infrastructure and create a sustainable Financial strategy to fund storm water related infrastructure projects into the future so finally um given the opportunity of overlapping the study area the study team also took a detailed look at an area near North Service Road and invict a drive and this is just east of e Line um and there has been reported drainage issues over many years to improve drainage and to help mitigate Urban flooding onto private property and over top of the roadway the study is recommending the storm water management pond at 8 line the pond will take in previously uncontrolled storm water and temporarily temporarily store it in the pond and then slowly release it the pond a green infrastructure measure will also provide water quality for this commercial industrial area construction of the pond will be combined with the future reconstruction of North Service Road and is scheduled to get underway in two in 2026 so that brings me to my last slide which is the staff recommendation um and this is to commence the 30-day public review period which is consistent with the min class EA process um and it's to gather feedback from the public the final study report will be made available online and hard copies can be provided if requested uh notices um similar to what we've done throughout the study will be mailed out to Res to the residents located in areas identified as having riverine flood risk so I guess that's the end of my presentation and if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer them thank you miss m mocus did I melus um so thank you very much for the presentation and I believe First up is councelor Giddings thank you very much uh thank you for the presentation you started off by talking about a conservation Halton study that's concurrent y could you just explain the differences in terms of who's doing what for that um so through through you Madame chair I will pass that over to Phoebe to answer that question uh through acting mayor um the diverent channel That is being done a review by the conservation hton um the reason why who's they're doing the study is because the Divergent channel is actually their asset is um it's not a town asset it was built many years ago to take the water away because there was then a lot of Downstream impact if there was no diverger channel so then uh am miss all these different studies for flooding they're also doing theirs um we did this study because the river belongs to us um conservation Halton reviews uh flood warnings they look at the flood levels however in the river but then the asset itself is in our property so you're wondering how come we're doing a study of the river and they're doing the Divergent Channel and they're not doing the river well it's because it depends on who owned that land and then who owns the land do the study however we work very closely with conservation Halton they review this EA um as much as we will be reviewing their Divergent Channel study as well yeah the uh the information from CH shows that going down to Cornwall in terms of their study area so as we advise residents in the public of the studies would it make sense for CH to promote we promote CHS because water flows downhill and it's going to it's a continuous area so is that possible we could certainly do that we actually coordinated with ch on their notification um in terms of who are they're Distributing to in their study area and in our website for lower morison we could certainly add a link to the study that they're working on but they're just starting so it's a little bit different but then we'll make sure that there's link Crossing to their web page as well thank you for that we already have a tank at the corner of Chartwell and uh and Cornwall and so the other tank is being proposed for the Cornwell Park just to the West what water would that be picking up for you Madame chair uh Madame chair um so the corn so the existing tanks that are in the ground near Cornwall Road are are are designed to take in storm water from the roadway and to store it and then to uh slowly release it and that was to mitigate the impacts of the the the widening of Cornwall Road um so this particular tank in the sports park is slightly different um it's designed as a flood mitigation storage facility so it's specifically designed would be specifically designed to take Creek water directly into the tank hold it there and then slowly release it back to the creek so um essentially you're you're trying to diminish that Peak flow so that um so that you're not getting those intense Peaks further Downstream so it's actually helping to um throttle back the the flow during an extreme flood event thank you uh the the recommendation that was in the report in the detailed report talked about uh the East West diversion channel is great but that's not being considered as part of the Midtown development that there were going to be uh tanks and and lids and various other ways of controlling that water is that correct so um through you madam chair so the report does um so the the study itself does um we did look at some storm water controls within Midtown however um we know that there's additional study um work happening for Mid town so that that that will be looked at under a separate study is that what you're referring to well yeah because concurrently we're having discussions on Midtown and this is directly uh that area the water is going to go south if it doesn't go anywhere else and I can't Envision any tanks large enough that would be able to contain that amount of runoff through you through um acting mayor we're studying Midtown and there will be a storm water report for Midtown we're studying rain um the rivering which is the study in front of you and we do recognize once the water overflows it flows wherever downhill as you mentioned um what we're going to do is this study is recommending the protection that's mitigating flood risk for specific properties along the river um for the river ring study um the study of the Midtown including the diversion Channel as well with the CH will be all coordinated and once that comes through we will review technically holistically to ensure that the storm water of Midtown is control that they have no with no impact Downstream I certainly appreciate the complexity um it's a it's a tall order in terms of uh the Midtown uh Brownfield sites what do we do in terms of concerns over water quality in terms of what may be in the soil now in terms of mitigation like that I I know that's a larger part of the process but as we agreed it flows downhill uh I'll try to attempt to answer this question but someone might help me with that um men um so with the with the when we review the storm water report for Midtown we'll make sure that we minimize impact downhill that's the first tall order second piece with the brown field that you mentioned there's always site controls that we have to do through the actual development study so every development that comes through will have to complete um site assessments um variety of um studies individual to that site and in that we'll have to make sure there's uh controls and and protections on groundwater or any other environmental impacts so that's actually expected for every individual development um so the overall storm water study looks at how we impact Downstream while the individual studies of individual sitze for every application have a whole SLE of studies that have to complete complete um environmental s assessments as an example um to prove to us that everything will be safe and protected the environment all right last question uh further to counselor chism's question uh earlier in terms of uh sea and rail along the along the tracks there we have a lot of tracks uh just north of Cornwall and having had events in the past where uh diesel oil fuel have flow does CN have any or Metro links I guess now do they have any responsibility for their property along the rail line in terms of holding it maintaining it making sure it doesn't do harm so I'm going to pass that question to director in chassie through you acting mayor so metr linkx is responsible for everything within the right way now what we would do is if there is a spill of any sort that we're aware of of we would definitely call them let them know and we would take anything through our spills action center and kind of report it as well so the ministry of En of mecp would be aware of the issue at this point they are fully responsible and we would be H letting them know that's the best answer I have thank you thanks thank you councelor gettings councelor Adams thanks very much um appreciate this the report and all the materials in it you mostly answered one of my questions which was about the storm water management Pond I wondered if you'd be able to provide the um the detailed design work that goes with it uh that's part of the North Service Road project uh through you Madame chair uh so yes so it would be um Advanced through the North Service Road Project and a detail design U will be Advanced as part of that work so that so the detail design isn't done yet is that what you're saying because you you showed a drawing just now that looked like there was it was fairly Advanced I'll let uh Philip Kelly answer that one good evening and through you madam uh acting mayor uh so the North Service Road Project currently is about at uh approaching this 60% design that's why we have some ini initial drawings uh so it's being done as a separate project under a separate project leader uh and we're coordinating our works with the regional Halton because they're doing sanitary and water main works in the area uh um scheduled construction uh for the north North service project is scheduled to start in 2026 okay so it's there are some drawings but they're not full um is there an ability to have discussion about how it's um what the finishing of it is or the Landscaping that might be around it and those kinds of things certainly okay so for another time obviously um it's unrelated to the details of tonight's um work so thank you for that uh and then the the second question I had for you was um just to the north of this there's work that is going to be underway with respect to the Morrison Creek Valley riverine um area the valley uh work I think it's reached 39 to 45 uh can you provide an update as to where that project stands and um how it might impact this work um Downstream so through you uh Madam chair I I am not the project manager on that but um I believe Philip Kelly can speak to that item as well we brought out all the forces for each night um so the East morison Creek uh erosion control or uh study um is gearing up for its uh first public meeting which is scheduled for the fall of 2024 um so you'll probably be hearing we'll be reaching out to you shortly to give you a um capsule summary in advance of that uh so we're looking at probably late September or October sometime for public meeting number one where they can come in public can come in and see what the study team has found in terms of erosion problems and possible solutions along that reach okay and um I'm backtracking a little bit to the item that we just discussed previously 10.5 um is there an is there any impact between uh that project that's upcoming uh and possible flood risks associated with the properties around the um morison Creek Valley Al s on the upper end of the valley at the top of the banks um or is it really more related to Downstream uh flooding issues so the East Morrison study which we're going to have the pic is a erosion mitigation study so it's focused on erosion works when we do erosion works we make sure that the erosion works we put in do not worsen flooding conditions for anybody upstream or Downstream okay so um when we get to that can we make sure that that's clear to members of the public because I think there may be some confusion about um what the output of erosion the erosion control project might be okay certainly thank you so much appreciate that thank you councelor Adams I'm not seeing any others um I just have uh two questions just around both Midtown and um the the uh the Creek area um so one of our residents appropriately said the biosphere doesn't have boundaries there's no property boundary um and that the surface water runoff needs to be holistically looked at what you were explaining to us tonight is that will be done in the Midtown storm water master plan so as much as we will look at individual sites we will have a comprehensive storm water master plan for Midtown that's correct through you Madame chair yes okay thank you for clarifying that and then the other question is just around metr links because um they do have lands that um have a major Culvert on it so is it for the residents that notice that it is not being um cleared to bring it to Public Works attention or how do you suggest they address that concern sorry can you re um ask the question again at then quite catch it so there is um a there there is a um there is a significant portion of the Headwater lands on metr linkx lands and at times the the the management of that Headwater residents have commented that it's not being taken care of so is is it our responsibility to bring that to metrolink's attention or um do we bring it to our Savior which is the director who's standing there um what's your advice go ahead Sam to the rescue you bring it to me Madam I will take care of it he honestly residents are encouraged to always go through service Oakville and partly is for us to be able to track it and we if we find that there is an issue we would investigate through my team and we'd be able to make sure that we app reach the right channels to advise them of any concerns that a acting mayor that would be the best approach I could suggest at this point but I would be happy to look at it thanks very much for the clarifications all right seeing that we are through that presentation I need a uh mover for uh item 10.2 that the notice of completion for the low Morrison and lower Wedgewood Creek's flood mitigation opportunity study Municipal class environmental assessment study be published commencing a 30-day public review period from September 1st 202 24 to September 30th and counselor uh Giddings um uh moves it any objection okay so moved thanks uh we move on to 10.3 uh the ceville area storm water system Improvement study and we give our attention to the manager of design and construction Philip Kelly good evening acting mayor and members of council I'm Philip Kelly manager of design and construction I'm here to give you an overview tonight of the cevil area storm water system Improvement study now I've got a few bonus items before I actually get into the details of the cevil area storm waterer system Improvement study I'm going to give some a little bit of basic overview and I have some uh slides courtesy of our colleagues from the region of Halton that I hope I can do justice to tonight so flood risk reduction as you've heard earlier tonight it's a collective effort um we all play a role so who owns what and who is responsible for what so the town of Oakville is of course responsible for the storm water system on the public rates of we Halton region is responsible for the Wastewater system on the public right away as well as the water main system on the public side and lastly homeowners are responsible for their buildings including any subsurface waterproofing systems there some pumps are back flow valves and the likes and they're lot grading so what's under a typical street I'm going to explore this a bit more and for ease of reference I've tried to color code things tonight green referencing the region of Halton and blue referencing uh the town of Oakville so under the typical street we have uh moving from left side of the screen to the right we have the water mains we have the sanitary sewer pipe also known as the Wastewater M and uh we have the storm water system so the region of Halton again looks after the water main and the Wastewater system and the town of Oakville looks after the storm water pipe uh the catch basins and that also includes the ditches so moving on to the the green side of that previous page uh we have a few slides from the region of Halton to just to give an overview uh and this helps tie into the event of July 2024 so the region sanitary sewer system is of course designed to take flow away from your homes uh away from your kitchens and bathrooms and the likes but excessive infiltration and inflow can lead to Wastewater system search charging so Wastewater system search charging is of course not uh good because that's when the actual system is overloaded so and uh what is infiltration inflow so infiltration and inflow also known as II is any storm water or groundwater that enters the Wastewater system and it can enter V variety of ways that are listed on your screen there could be cracks in the pipes holes in the pipe uh water getting in through maintenance holes uh that could be those are possible sources on the public side there's also possible sources on on the private side with uh depending on how the homes are plumbed and although the Wastewater system is designed to take small amounts of II it's not designed to take excessive amounts of II and when excessive amounts of II get into the system it can quickly overload the Region's sanitary sewer system and then cause uh sanitary Wastewater backup so the previous slide gave some general overview of what happens now in the cevil area which is uh the focus of the study tonight U we are working in conjunction with the region we're both kind of active in the same area now when the region looked at their Wastewater system in the cevil study area they found the actual specific causes of Wastewater uh system sech charge in this area is due to high groundwater level and surface ponding uh also from time to time there submerged manholes below below water during storms there's some direct private side connections that are uh contributing storm water to the Wastewater system uh and there's the laterals that carry Wastewater from the homes to the street and some of them are in poor repair and their groundwater's getting in there there there's also people have also flooded in the cevil neighborhood due to uh private storm waterer system failures you could have sump pump failures you could have undersized pumps you could have Frozen Outlet pipes in the winter uh you could have poor lot grading so the region has seen all these through uh household drainage surveys that they do where they actually go into the people's properties and do detailed surveys so as I mentioned it's a shared responsibility so what is the region of Halton proposing to do to uh reduce the potential for basement flooding in the Civil area so here on the figure just to orientate everybody you got third line down the right of the figure and we've got Rebecca street at the south end so the area shown in green is basically where the region is proposing a fairly substantial um Wastewater system upgrade so basically replacing the Wastewater sewers um and or upgrading the Wastewater sewers and the design of that work has already commenced and construction is anticipated to start in 2025 and be span over two-year period carrying on with the theme of it's a shared responsibility you know what can homeowners do to reduce basement flooding risk so you can make sure that your down SPO and your ease trost are set up properly and water is not getting into your window wells and directed away from your foundation you make sure that your sump pump is working properly backup power is always good making sure that your weeping tile is draining properly and this one applies to many of the newer homes in the area who have Backwater valves on the sanitary laterals make sure your sanitary Backwater valves in good working order at all times so that's what homeowners can do on the private side of the property on the public side uh the region of Halton as I said is going to do substantial upgrades lastly on the pro public side you have the storm shro there so moving back to this figure and now switching over to the blue side of the screen you got the town of Oakville in the storm water system so first I'd like to before I go into so now right now at this point I'm I'm really diving into the town storm water uh civil area storm water Improvement study so again the sanitary system and the storm water system they're supposed to be designed as two separate systems so one of the first things that we did in conjunction with the region of Halen is uh both these systems have been inspected in detail because they're supposed to be separate systems storm water is not supposed to get into the sanitary system and vice versa and these two systems are not connected on the public right away so they're working as intended on the public right away we figured that out to v through video inspections and smoke testing now on the public Railway we have what you've heard a little bit about tonight both the major drainage system and the minor drainage system the minor drainage system is the flow in the pipe systems and to a lesser extent the flow in the ditches and the major Drainage Systems when the really big storms hit and flow is actually flowing on the roadways which we expect to happen now this study area was actually designed in the late 50s and early 1960s um and while we expect flow to the end up on the roadways this this this type of subdivision at this uh era of development the roads and the the Overland drainage system wasn't actually designed to direct the flow to any specific location it just kind of flows where depending on the lay of the land it wasn't until about 1980 as commissioner F was noting that uh we actually started to design uh the the major system to direct the water to a safe spot so when we entered into the Civil area storm water system Improvement study we wouldn't be surprised as it went on to see if the major system was challenged so study area and purpose so the figure on your right side of the screen we have third line which goes down the right side of the study area we have Rebecca that kind of splits the area in half and then the water flows down to Lake Ontario at the bottom of the page we call the part north of Rebecca as the primary study area because that's the area that aligns with the region of halton's uh sanitary system upgrades as you saw earlier a few minutes ago um but from a storm water perspective the area north of Rebecca Street drains to the area on your screen south of Rebecca street so we really had two triggers for this civil area study one we knew the region of hton was coming to this area to upgrade it to help minimize basement flooding and two in the 2019 storm water Master planet at the Town um the town townwide south of the qw rated all areas from a storm drain perspective are's got either a rating of A B C or D to simplify it and most of this area rated to D so it it wasn't raing too well from an overall storm drainage perspective so the objective our of our study is to identify drainage deficiencies and evaluate and recommend solutions to improve drainage of course we want to align our Solutions with the region of and as always we did this as a municipal class environmental assessment schedule be so what were some of our results so some of the results when we did really detailed inventories of the driveway culverts in the area is about 70% of the culverts driveway culs in the area are actually in poor condition they're blocked or they're sedimented up or they're in poor a poor State and don't offer good drainage similarly we have roughly half or a little bit more than half of the sewers in the area uh and now now I'm talking storm sewers they're sech charged that means they're overloaded during the fiveyear event so the figure you have on your lower right hand side of the screen depicts the storm sewers in the area for the um five-year event they're either shown as green which is good that means the sewers are free flowing during a fiveyear event or they're red which means they're search charge which is bad what we want to see for a 5-year event is uh the sewers FL or most of the sewers if not all the sewers flowing green uh in that figure on the lower right if there is no red or green on a street that means the street is serviced by ditches so what we found in this study area is that we got clogged um driveway driveway drains sorry driveway culverts we have poor ditch drainage we have some sewers that are maxed out we also found out the Overland drainage system is challenged which wasn't surprising because the over land drainage system is really it's not a designed system it just is what it is what's actually happening is the Overland drainage system is directing a lot of water Overland to seatan AV Satan uh Drive and ceville Crescent so we looked at a wide variety of solutions um to improve drainage in the area which of course would be replacing driveway culs doing some ditching Works doing select storm sewer Works uh and installing storm water improvements and green infrastructure to try to solve and improve drainage in the area and what we ended up uh as a solution to improve drainage in this area was a combination of Alternatives so we are we're proposing some ditch and driveway covered upgrades some select storm sewer Works some storm water facilities uh in various locations which I'll show you shortly so the diagram on the right side of the screen again gives a general overview of the recommended Works uh now again we have third line sort of comes down the right side of the screen and then Rebecca is at the bottom bottom of the screen and we have a variety of work so the two parks there's two parks Rebecca Gardens Park at the uh South lower sorry lower left corner of the screen we have an underground storage facility store proposed there which can also be designed with uh low impact development and getting perhaps uh storm water back into the ground and that facility is underground so that we can maintain the form and function of the park similarly we have seab Brook uh park at the uh at above Bridge Road and that's another underground facility in a park again so we can maintain the form and the function of the park we did have a uh a neighborhood meeting for that Park and the neighborhood was much more in favor of an underground facility than than than an above ground facility we also have select storm sewer Works which are shown in a variety of colors bright blue being new storm sewers U magenta being sewers that are staying and then the purple are some super siiz sewers that we're putting in are just slight upgrades and then we have ditch upgrades and driveway covered upgrades and that's what's shown in the green on the screen and collectively uh by doing this works we're we're improving both the major system drainage we're improving the minor system drainage so if we reran the models you'd see the storm sewers with more green in them less red uh and there's just an overall reduction of flow in the area that moves uh water out of the area better uh that should uh only be of assistance to the region of halton's sanitary sewer system so our proposed next steps is we'd like to commence the design of The Works some of the works in 2024 that being the the ditch and driveway Culvert works because we'd like to undertake that work in 2025 and then the design of other works will continue in 2025 2026 and probably 2027 as well and and the construction will be phased of the other facilities and storm sewer Works would be phased over uh four to five years and you'll see the proposed phase in the in the upcoming capital budget and forecast we are working with the region of Halton and we meet with them regularly to align our works and to share information um and as always in order to when we're working on the parks in the area there'll be opportunities for public engagement because we're working on a Parks we want to work with the neighborhood to keep them informed let them know that the form and function of the parks are going to be maintained which brings us to the conclusion again this is a class so we have to do minimum 30-day public review period for this one since there's been a fair amount of public involvement over the the years we're proposing a 45-day public review period uh starting in mid-september and going to the end of October that concludes my presentation today I'm happy to answer any questions thank you for the presentation I Look to council councelor mea um well I don't have any questions I just want to say thank you it's been a long um um process so far and I know there's is a bit more to go but uh but yeah very very happy with with the work you've done and and the way that you guys have been able to listen to the community so far and and I know we've got another 45 days to go and hopefully residents will will will take a look and and uh and respond accordingly so uh thank you very much for that and um when the time is appropriate Madam chair I'm happy to uh to move this uh item thank you councelor Amira any other comments or questions okay so councelor Amira has moved that the notice of completion for the Civil area storm water system Improvement study Municipal class environmental assessment study be published commencing a 45-day public review period from September 16th to October 31st 2024 are there any objections Madam clerk that passes thank you sir and we are now moving to Joshua Creek flood mitigation opportunity study item 10.4 um hello again Madame chair and counsel um we're at the last flood report so that's exciting um so you've just heard about two flood studies detailing flood risk under the more frequent storm events uh one related to riverine flooding and one related to Urban flooding here we switch gears to the Joshua Joshua's Creek flood mitigation opportunity study which is another riverine study but what you will notice for this area in particular is that flood risks are much lower in that flooding has a potential to occur only at the less frequent storm events and I'll go into that a little bit more detail as the presentation unfolds so similar to lower Morris and lower Wedgewood Joshua Creek is a followup to the townwide flood prioritization study through this earlier study uh townwide study uh Joshua Creek was considered a low priority based on the magnitude of flood risk determined at the time nonetheless the town Advanced the more detailed Joshua Creek flood study to confirm flood risks and to assess opportunities to mitigate these risks through Municipal lead Capital Works uh so as you can see on the map the study area extends from Upper Middle Road um to Lake Ontario um I should also mention that Joshua Creek the Watershed does extend all the way up um so it's it's a rather large drainage area starting from uh north of dund street but the area of focus that we looked at was Upper Middle Road to the lake and and once again the study was carried out as a a schedule be Municipal classier okay so flood risk was assessed for both properties and buildings similar to lower Morrison Wedgewood Creek flood study however in contrast to that previous study as I've already mentioned results here show that adverse flooding has the potential to occur only at the most extreme less frequent storm event which in this case is What's called the regional storm event the regional storm event is based on historical conditions observed during Hurricane Hazel which occurred over Toronto in 1954 this storm event saw 212 millimeters of rainfall within a period of 12 hours following and this was following saturated ground conditions in comparison to the 100-year storm um which is still considered a significant rainfall event the 100-year storm has a shorter duration and much higher rainfall intensity than the regional storm so this slide um presents three maps with differences in which shows the differences in flooding under the three extreme storm conditions here it shows that the majority of flooding is contained within the town-owned creek Corridor up to the 100-year storm event and the hundred-year storm event adjusted for climate change and this was done based on future greenhouse gases up to 2080 it's not until you have Hurricane Hazel conditions where we see flood water spilling into the residential area um Downstream of Cornwall Road under these Regional conditions a total of 134 Residential Properties would be inundated so with flood risks identified several Alternatives were assessed including green options to determine a preferred alternative to mitigate flooding these long list of alternatives are provided in the staff report the preferred alternative looks at both short-term measures and long-term the short-term being flood emergency preparedness and the longterm to increase the capacity of the Metro Links rail Crossing together with construction of a flood wall and incorporating liid features the metrol links Crossing upgrade is identified as a long-term recommendation as any changes to the structure would be outside the town's Authority based on recent discussions with metr links uh and there are no immediate plans to renew the structure however the recommendation is to work with metr links to ensure that any future replacement of the structure does include increased capacity so ultimately by increasing the flow capacity of the metr Link's Crossing and then constructing a flood wall to accommodate this increase of flow flow Downstream this will reduce flooding by removing 124 buildings from Regional storm conditions um however it again I should emphasize that this area does remain flood free up to the hundred-year conditions with climate change total cost for the Metro Links Crossing together with green infrastructure and the flood wallet is estimated at 7.4 million prioritization of the crossing upgrade and flood wall construction will be dependent on the metr link timing and it's and its implementation will be depend will be independent of the rainwater management financial plan so finally uh the staff recommendation is shown here on the last side similar to the other riverine study the report will be made available for the 30-day review period not notices will be sent out in advance to all those identified in the flood risk areas and that's the end of my presentation and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have thanks very much once again and councelor ginnings thank you through you uh thank you for the presentation uh Mr Kelly talked earlier I believe about the different standards of building and how things have progressed the fact that this area is doing far better than a number of areas is that reflective of the building standards that were in place at the time as it was developed later so through you madam chair yes that that would be so this area was developed uh a SL LLY later on um than the lower moris and lower Wedgewood area which was uh Circa 1940s 1950s so prior to um um current policy um that are in place to regulate flood plane development um so this the other part part of it is that if you the differences between the two systems Creek systems this one has a much more defined Valley system and higher Banks um so you don't have so you don't have that um that overflow like you see in lower moris and Wedgewood where you have almost non-existent valleys or you have houses that have been built into the valley slopes um so yes it it it is an element of the the era of development um where is why we see this area of much better condition than so the downside of that deeper Channel along Joshua Creek is the fact that it uh creates a lot more work for our parks and open space folks because of the flooding that takes place along the creek bed just off uh Mr Mark's not here but he can well attest to that one um the Ford lands this would be directly above and a little to the west but it's still in that in this catchment area correct yes it is so uh several years ago we had uh horrendous problems with over topping of Royal Windsor uh with several feet of water that was solved at the time by having Ford dredge out their storm water management ponds that are on the south side of Royal Windsor at the bottom of their property with these rain events are those storm water management ponds adequate with the proper maintenance or are we looking at concerns moving forward with something else either at the north of their property on the Jos Creek there just curious it's busy night for you back from holidays thank you again through you Madame acting mayor at this point back to your question we do notice that um there is definitely some more flooding that's taking place we have reached out to Ford and we have connected with them they've done some remedial work at this point and we will continue to to to push at this point so they can go back to the 20 uh 17 I think or 2019 is when they've done the last big cleanup so at this point we are in conversations with them and during the last uh flooding event that we had we were monitoring a at this point the road Royal Windsor to make sure that if there's anything we need to slow down traffic H we were able to do that with the help with hton Region Police but conversations are taking place they will continue to make sure they do a little bit of IA edging or or clean up of the storm water management ponds and we hope to get that in effect very soon great stuff thank you so much thank you those are my questions Madam chair I'd be happy to uh put a motion forward if you'd like thank you um I was remiss of pulling the room on the last couple so is there anyone in the audience that has comments that they wanted to make okay good I um all right well thank you for the motion um councelor Giddings uh is there any objection to the motion seeing none that passes Madam clerk thank you very much for all the work uh on floods I think we're flooded out um um we are moving on to uh uh 12 we have no advisory committee uh minutes um and so I need a motion to rise and report to council councelor Longo thank you thank you very much I Rise and report that the committee of the whole has met and made recommendations on consent items 8.1 8.2 confidential consent item 9.1 discussion items 10.1 10.2 10.3 actually correction we didn't make recommendations on 8.2 is that we deferred it okay sorry um uh 10.3 and 10.4 and and 10.5 and confidential uh discussion item 11.1 as noted by the clerk is there a mover and seconder councelor elar a seconder councelor null thank you very much any objection so moved uh the report's approved Council you have your information items uh from J June 26 to July 30th an internal mem on financial planning Municipal enforcement service and legal illegal fireworks roads and works operations and the windro cleaning program and Clerk's department Municipal clearance for liquor sales any questions for the staff seeing none we move on you also have your status of outstanding issues any questions none we move on so we're at new business uh is there any uh uh emergency congratulatory uh or condolence or notice of motion councelor Amira um thank you acting chair um so councelor dck and I did circulate a notice of motion um flood funding support from the provincial and federal government um that's before um members of council right now I'm I'm wondering if um uh due to the proximity of Amo coming up in the next week if we might uh consider waving the procedure bylaw to deal with this tonight so we've we've got some some arrows in our quiver to go and say hey Council has has said this to our provincial Partners so um if that's possible I might put forward a motion to wave procedure to deal with this motion tonight okay so that's what we need we need the motion to wave procedure and I need a second councelor elar uh all those any objection seeing noce no objection we've waved procedure would you like to read your motion into the record um yeah I'll read it um um quickly because it's I know it's we've talked a lot about flooding but it's it's very appropo to to the reports we had tonight and and um uh you know I did mention briefly we're looking somewhere in the facility of 650 million to $700 million and and it's something that um the Oakville taxpayers and and to be quite Frank taxpayers at Municipal levels all across Southern Ontario that are are close to the lake cannot cannot deal with themselves and and and I think we we need all the assistance we can get and we're looking to our higher orders of government to uh to to assist with that so um the motion reads whereas the town of Oakville received the large amount of rain on July 15 16th 2024 were flooding occurred in several areas that damage Town infrastructure and whereas the town of Oakville is experienced and will continue to experience significant weather related events or disasters triggered by climate change such as record setting High lake levels shoreline erosion flooding of our parks and trails such as we experienced in 2017 and 2019 and whereas the town of Oakville has declared a climate emergency and recognizes that severe rainfall events can cause property damage put Public Safety at risk destroy natural habitat and ecosystems and have a harmful effect on the environment whereas Oakville has completed several climate change flood risk related studies and identified over $400 million in infrastructure uh improvements to increase resiliency and reduce the risk of flooding for more intense storm events and whereas Oakville requires financial assistance to invest in costly natural and structural infrastructure projects that will help increase the resiliency of our community resulting from climate change and whereas Oakville has been continuously unsuccessful in obtaining obtaining funds through the government of Canada's disaster mitigation and adaptation fund therefore be it resolved that the mayor on behalf of council write to the provincial and federal governments to request consistent and reliable funding to support municipalities and responding to infrastructure needs associated with the climate change um and I think that is um it uh it it can't be stressed how important that is we're going to see more and more of this and uh and I really appreciate uh my Council colleagues um consideration of the motion thank you thank you councelor om councelor dck do you wish to speak okay are there any comments from the rest of your Council colleagues uh seeing none um I I would just ask are you asking us also to CC this to fcm and Amo uh presidents that would be great thank you okay um thanks very much and so it's uh it's moved and seconded are there any objection record okay we're going to call for a recorded vote of course counselor Elgar had to do this right all right so Madame clerk uh can you assist me with that okay can you just raise your hand if you are uh approving this motion I see all in attendance and all on the screen counselor L Jenna your hands up okay councelor Nanda thanks very much councelor shei thanks very much okay and so it's approved um thanks very much for your hard work on that um there is um uh I did want to do a congratulatory uh um acknowledgement of oakville's uh Olympians um and I think it's appropriate tonight that we we we stop and pause because I think we should be bursting with pride and I know many are as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our local athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics and look forward to the upcoming par Olympic uh games so for those of you that uh etch this in your memory Simon McTavish kayaking Simon showed incredible determination competing with Pierre luk pulong in the kayak double 500 meter event and while they didn't bring home a medal their performance was nothing short of inspiring finishing him the strong in the final eight Taylor Perry award three year women's rugby alternate uh as an alternate Taylor was an integral part of the Canadian women's rugby sevens team contributing to their historic silver medal win the best Olympic performance ever for rugby Canada Go Crew um and next Melanie hotton a wheelchair basketball Melanie's Journey continues to inspire us all born with spinabifida and hydris she has not only overcome challenges but excelled on the global stage we're exced decided to cheer her on as she represents Canada against France mark your calendars August 30th in the par Olympics to each of these athletes we thank you for exemplifying the resilience the dedication and the spirit of Oakville let's continue to support them and celebrate their contributions to our community and Country on the world stage go Oakville GO Canada and thank you for all your efforts and and that takes us to item 17 are there any Regional reports or questions don't think so um and we item 18 there was a request for report that was to be brought forward by councelor mayor and seconded by counselor Elgar would you like to speak to yeah it's it's um um you know obviously has to do with item 8.2 as well but I think it stands on its own and and it's just to take um what the Integrity commissioner sort of wrote at the end of the need to review our our code of conduct so I'll just read it briefly that staff review council's code of conduct to reflect the Integrity commissioner's suggestion that there's a need to update the code of conduct the council code of conduct um and these are her words to bring accountability rules in Force at the town of Oakville in line with best practices at the municipal level of government in Ontario um so I just think we we should Echo her suggestions and her recommendations on that so thank you thank you councelor mayor any other comments councelor elar I'm fine okay any other comments from your Council colleague uh any objection to the request for report seeing none that moves forward thank you very much gentlemen um and thank you for your deferral and allowing um mayor Burton to have the opportunity to be in the room uh when uh a point uh when that that item is reviewed um so we are now at consideration and reading of the bylaws um which I need a mover for councelor elar a seconder councelor MCN sorry I should look online sorry councelor MCN forgive me I'm I'm actually going to look up and go I think councelor nandez hand was up um actually it was councelor she so councelor she Madam clerk um so that the following bylaws be passed bylaw 20248 which was item 8.1 a bylaw to provide for the leving of payments in L of taxes for the year 2024 on Halton healthc Care Services Corporation Oakville and the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and advanced learning and 19.2 a bylaw 2024-the of a meeting of council and so is there any objection no objection so though Madam clerk we got through that one as well so um as acting mayor I adjourn this meeting and I thank you all for your excellent questions and your contribution tonight we are adjourned
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