[Music] good morning everyone uh Alex if you could just quickly turn on your camera when we're doing things like voting and stuff just so that we can make sure we do have Quorum uh as uh I have received regrets from a majority not a majority of the committee but a good portion of them and I just want to make sure we have Quorum at all times thanks we'll do I'm just working on uh having a tech tech issue for a second but I should be good in in a minute [Music] good morning everyone I'd like to call the meeting to order and the first uh business is approval of the agenda could I have a mover and a seconder please an and then Jen thank you uh all in favor and that's carried thank you we're moving on to confirmation of the minutes the minutes from the Kingston Heritage properties committee meeting uh held on Wednesday July 17th be approved could I have a move were there any changes requir ired okay could I have a mover and a seconder Jen and an and the vote please all in favor great thank you uh next order of business is disclosure of pecuniary interest is there anyone who needs to disclose at this point in time and if you find that later as we get into the meeting you do have pecuniary interest uh just let us know please all right seeing none well we'll move on to delegations and as far as I know there are none briefings there are none so we will move on to business and that would involve a pre pre-consultation no first one oh here we go way down here stream three permit approval through Council Authority and that is uh application for OHA approval 1148 Sunnyside Road and uh we'll go over to the staff for the introduction thanks and I guess that's Ryan thank you madam chair uh so this property is known as the PO Farmhouse it's at 1148 Sunnyside Road it was formerly at 1397 uh sdam Road uh it's on the southwest corner of Sunnyside and syum Road just north of the 401 it was recently designated under part four of the Heritage Act earlier this this year the application before the committee is uh for new construction and demolition under sections 33 and 34 of the Heritage act um to smort to support a request to uh approve the demolition of a small garden shed and to construct a new single story commercial building the wooden garden shed appears to be built in the latter part of the 20th century and is to be removed to allow for the Redevelopment of the site the new building is located just west of the Limestone heritage building which is the PO house uh with vehicular access off a Sunny Side Road parking is proposed to be on the west side of the building uh and pedestrian access to the building is via a pedimented entrance facing west the building is to be clad in a vertical board in Batten style sighing with a darker colored ashal shinkle roof um Landscaping is proposed including trees and shrubs along the south and east sides of the building and a small metal fence is proposed to the rear of the stone dwelling the application included a cover letter from the owner detailed site and elevation plans and a Heritage impact statement uh which are all attached in in dash or included in dash and attached to this agenda um in the applicable portions according to this commission the intent is to build a small grocery store designed to raise funds for a christian-based uh private school called one school Global it is to be a private Members Only Store managed by a group of volunteers who are organized by the RTO Lakes funding organization the proposed new building has been designed as a freestanding building to have no physical impacts to the primary Heritage attributes of the property which is the Limestone house the new commercial building is to be set back over 14 meters from sdam Road and over 13 meters from Sunnyside Road uh in order that the privy house Remains The prominent focal point of the property the single story height and pitched roof of the new building and it's location away from both frontages will minimize its overall vision ual impact on the character of the property uh and the owners intend to conserve and restore the poy house under a separate application and and Madam chair our our opinion is that the proposal will uphold Heritage conservation objectives set out in the official plan as well as the provincial and federal uh best practice guidelines and therefore we recommend approval and the agenda the uh motion is in the agenda thanks yeah thank you Ryan um are there any questions from committee first of all could I hand the chair over to Jen I do have a question for staff yes I accept that's great uh this is just a general question uh wondering about the application and uh I noticed that I had to go to dash to look up um the uh all of the information on uh like the his and so on and I just wondered if it's if you normally put those in with the application um and will it be included for Council to look at when it goes to council uh good question Madam chair uh the entirety of the submission is available on dash uh and that's uh sort of Dash's purpose is as big filing cabinet for all of that material uh to be publicly available as well as available for committee and Council uh we try to pull the uh applicable information for the reports only so that committee does not have to go through the entire document but it's available if if they choose okay so then my next question is I thought that there were some really good points made by staff about the design of the building and so on and I uh I am just interested in finding out more about uh what the applicant uh feels regarding these questions that were on dash and uh the design and simplifying the design so maybe I could ask the applicant that just wanted to confirm I believe or Owen laurenson is the applicant so if you would like to reply to that comment please uh unmute yourself thank you yeah thank you very much Madam chair I I um we did take account of the various comments and I discussed them with Ryan um he's been helping us through the process and I will say that the uh the process with the city has been very good um I think we're taking into account the various suggestions and trying to incorporate them into the building as much as it's sort of sensible and feasible to the usage of the building so one of the things that we have taken on is a change to our siding so that we have a vertical siding which is more in keeping with the times of that Heritage Property and also the window configuration the um Heritage impact study suggested that we should use more of a horizontal window so we we are going to take that up and also close up the glazing in the garage doors so we have tried to wherever possible take those suggestions um there was a suggestion about incorporating the Stone House into the functionality of the store and I I think that could be a challenge at this point um there are two different zonings and you know to upgrade the the Stonehouse to the commercial zoning would be fairly extensive so I I don't know if that answers your question I think we're very open to doing what we can um sort of within the funds that we have and within the practicality yes and one one more question for you before I take the chair back and that is just about the restoration of the poy house itself and maybe a if you could provide do you have a timeline for this um I guess our Focus has been the new build at this point um it has been suggested to us that there is a a small amount of grant money available uh um from the city and I think one of the first things we wanted to do was some cosmetic work around the the windows um the existing shutters are kind of well they're some of them were almost falling off and I think we could dress it up on the exterior quite a bit by you know without a lot of funding I I guess we wanted to sort of tackle that as a separate project and I I probably need to talk to the other shareholders to get some timelines you know in a scope of work for that thanks does that answer your questions is that yes thank you I'd like to hand the chair back to Jane thanks Jan she accepts and I recognize Peter go has a question yeah thank thank you madam chair I was pleased at your comment on the poy house and Ryan's comment that there is going to be work done and Mr lawren I really commend you for that because a number of us commented on the poy house when we were going up to see the site and we really look forward and hope that you can in fact do some work on that uh later on it's in need of it as you probably know thanks very much thanks Peter okay uh are there any questions from the public now yes I recognize Don Taylor yes uh thank you um I I have a couple of comments and questions that really follow up what uh has already you've already heard this is a rather complex um application and I think it's disappointing that uh it didn't come either to the round table or to a preon consultation of this committee so that some of these questions could could have been circulated and uh uh dealt with at an early stage and I think that's really what the round table is intended to do and I really hope that staff in general try to encourage applicants to make use of it uh before they get deeply deeply into uh plans and impact statements um my other next comment is that um it really seems to me unfortunate that the Heritage impact statement and uh was not included in the agenda I know it's on dash but uh committee members and counselors are busy people and uh they don't have time for everything and if they don't see the material in the agenda they probably uh suppose that it's not very important in fact that is very important and uh I think Heritage impact statements should regularly be in the agenda uh also on dash uh Mr ly asked a number of very good questions and uh uh we've already heard about them but U uh I'd like to sort of follow them up by by saying that uh a couple of things one possibility that I'm sure was expl St was that uh the store be set to the rear you know along Sunny Side the rear of the lot and the driveway would then be between the store and the house I think that would allow them to function better separately which they're going to have to do in the long run I presume um and uh I think it it would certainly be be um less distracting to The Farmhouse to have it set a bit further back I noticed that also I noticed that the um applicants uh quite correctly uh planned that the drive shed should have the appearance of a sorry the store should have the appearance of a rural Drive shed and that's a good thing but Rural Drive sheds have simple uh rectangular plans and simple Gable roofs so I'm surprised that the store uh layout and plan is so much more complicated simplifying the design I'm sure would reduce costs and uh I I'm kind of disappointed that uh that wasn't in the plan uh thank you thank you on and um uh is there any response to Mr Taylor's comments from the applicant or the staff thanks okay see thank you madam chair I'll just jump in just for a minute sir appreciate Mr Taylor's comments and um there there was quite a bit of work that went into the actual placing of the building one of the things that happens at the store is we we have to receive um sort of intermediate size trucks with delivery every week or two and um we need a certain amount of space to be able to get those vehicles in what one of the things that was very prominent in the discussions with the city was that the the entire entrance off of sdam needed to be removed um and that involved working with the Ministry of Transportation as well so all entrance and exiting has to happen off Sunnyside Road which limits how far back we can put building and still have some adequate parking in a safe area important to us to make sure that the parking is in a place where it's farthest from the main traffic in case there's children coming out of those vehicles and whatnot so um as for the sort of building um we we have looked at a bunch of different ideas one of the problems of just making a rectangular building with a gable roof is that the wider the building to accommodate the size that we need uh without a jut provides a much taller roof line which starts to kind of look imposing against the Stone House the the building itself as it is is already larger in square footage than the house so to have you know a high gable roof we thought wouldn't look you you know just look too too sort of imposing compared to the stone house but I I'm not sure if any of those answers help it has been a very long process and um really a very interesting process but um we are Keen to to move forward and we've tried to to think through these things that's it thank you that's great so we're going to move on to the motion correct uh could I have a mover and a seconder for approval through Council Authority an and Jen and I'd like to call the vote all those in favor and that's carried thank you all right and now we have the notice of intention to designate under the Ontario Heritage act and uh I'll turn to staff for the introduction thank you thank you madam chair so this report provides background information regarding another 14 properties uh to determine their cultural heritage value and interest the properties are at 161 Princess Street 165 to 16 163 to 165 Princess Street 167 Princess Street 23 RTO 25 Roo 27 Roo 29 Roo 31 Roo and 33 Roo 25 Richard Street 262 Princess Street 3566 Boundary Road 3748 Sand Hill Road and 427 through 429 Victoria Street they were evaluated and found to exceed the threshold esta by the province of Ontario for designation of a part four of the Heritage act this group includes an uh diverse mix of Heritage resources it includes three prominent Princess Street buildings including a former theater a pair of sandstone vernacular farmhouses in the East End a brick row of historically workingclass houses that defines a section of RTO Street an unusual stone dwelling in Portsmouth Village and a substantial Limestone dwelling in Williamsville the owners of the property is listed have been provided with the draft designation bylaws and general information on Heritage designations by registered mail the owners have also been invited to an open house on July 24th hosted by planning staff uh Heritage planning staff one property owner attended that meeting uh we also received one letter of objection uh from the owner of who owns 2729 and 31 RTO Street and that's included in in your agenda all 14 of the properties in the group meet the provincial criteria for evaluating cultural heritage value uh as set out in Ontario regulation 906 and are thus recommended for designation the notice of intention to designate and draft bylaws have been prepared in accordance with the recent changes to the Heritage act accordingly staff recommend proceeding with servicing serving notice of intention designate on these properties to ensure their conservation and to ensure and to enable the city to provide support and resources to the owners and tenants thank you thank you Ryan uh are there questions from the committee okay seeing none are there questions from the public okay seeing none um I need a mover and a seconder for this recommendation to council uh Peter and Jen and I'll call the vote now and all those in favor raise your hands and that is carried thank you here we go [Music] motions there are oh sorry working groups um I don't think we have any reports on that permit approval status update uh I believe the permit report was included oh sorry sorry to go oh I believe I had a question about that one or a note anyway the permit report was uh included in um the agenda yeah sorry madam chair I just wanted to point out for the permit reporting out uh the property noted as 323 King trees is actually at 232 King trees just a quick typo on thanks okay noted do we need to do anything okay great that's great uh so that report is in the agenda package there are no motions there are no notices of motion no other business uh no extra correspondence correct and the date of the next meeting is is uh scheduled for Wednesday September 18th at 9:30 a.m. and I need to have um we're going to adjourn now if there's no other business and I need a moover and a seconder an and Jen thank you and thank you to everyone oh I need to call a vote sorry all those in favor of adjourning okay thank you thanks to everybody have a great day
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