e e for e e check one two e check check e good morning councelor Burnside are you present good morning uh this is the uh North York Community Council chamber councelor Burnside if you're present can you please turn on your camera thank you and good morning e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning everybody my name is James Pastak the chair of newth York Community Council we have Corum calling the meeting 16 to order welcome everybody I don't think we need crowd control today and I thank you very much for coming on your vacations although we may be meeting in different PL locations today North Community Council would like to acknowledge that the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Miss Saga of the credit the Ashton Robbie Chipawa hosi and wend peoples is now home to many diverse Nations and 's people and also acknowledge the treaty the Toronto is covered by treaty 13 with the Miss Saga of the credit today's meeting is being held by video conferences being live streamed online at youtube.com/ Toronto City Council live if you're registered to speak in today's meeting please listen for me to call your name I will call speakers in the order they appear on the list the list of speakers can be viewed online by visiting North York Community Council page at toronto.ca counil and clicking the speakers box for today's meeting members of members the clerk has provided all agenda materials at toronto.ca counil and on CMP the clerk's meeting portal Clerk's it staff are available to members if you need help with your devices I also want to remind you to refuse to to please submit and approve all your motions by email staff are available at nycc toronto.ca to help with the Motions are there any Declarations of Interest under the municipal conflict of interest act if you do have an interest please raise your hand and unmute your mic and indicate the the item number and the nature of the interest I do not uh I do not see any members this is a special meeting of community council and under Council procedures no no business is permitted to be introduced at this meeting the purpose of the special meeting is consider urgent planning or Heritage matters that cannot wait until October meeting of city council for a decision to be made uh there are two items on the agenda okay so uh we can run through the agenda um 16.1 6125 Young Street um I don't have any deputat on this item are there questions for staff councel Chang thank you uh through through the chair I just would like to understand the Parkland dedication for this uh site and the opportunity that present connect to another Dedication that is happening north of this property through you the chair um right now uh there is uh a potential if the applicants is able to do so uh to secure an offsite dedication through this development um the offsite dedication uh would be based on the value of the cash and lo um which would go towards securing that offsite dedication if the applicant agrees to do [Music] so and is there uh dedication from another uh another project that is just North of the potential that they uh might be available for this site through the chair yes counselor um through the development to the north 6167 Young Street I believe an onsite Parkland dedication was secured uh based on um the potential of uh land to be conveyed through this uh uh offsite uh dedication through 6125 Young Street there is potential to expand that and then would that not then create a connection towards Center Park yes it would right thank you those are all my questions thank you councelor Chang any other questions for staff no I I just like some clarity um on why we're here um the My introductory remarks which were prepared by I guess clerks and and legal um saying that the files before us could not wait until October uh could you explain why that is the case uh these files have been hanging around for a long time and why they had to be done today through the chair um the the files were deemed Urgent by the clerk because they are both files that if approved will result in a settlement on a different file uh the city has put forward Opa 615 it's a secondary plan for the Steels young area and that hearing is scheduled to commence in October accordingly in order to get these files off the books and allow the settlement to go through or it's a partial settlement uh it was deemed that these files were urgent and that approval of them was in the city's interest as it would allow us to move forward on the settlement on the other file on the OPA 615 file so as you know we don't normally do statutory hearings during the summertime because well people are away uh they're on vacation they're at Cottages they're camping uh they're doing whatever now could holding this meeting today and maybe even preventing people from deputing could that trigger another appeal uh through the chair this this meeting has been on the agenda for over a year uh notice has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the planning act as it is with every meeting and of course we understand that people can be in way in August but there's no indication that anyone wrote with with a concern people could have submitted letters there's no sense that that there is someone who feels their rights were not um we were not permitted to come forward and and in any event the clerk has done their due diligence and provided notice as required so it it is true it's been sitting there but it's really not a regularly scheduled meeting it's a holder uh if one is necessary and in the recent council meeting we withdrew uh all the all the holders for August of 2025 uh because that is a recess period and we normally don't have statutory meetings during a recess period or um during summer holidays I don't think that's really a question I think it's more of a uh a statement anyway we're here anyway [Music] um and we'll deal with these matters okay any other questions for staff speakers on the item I have a motion so uh this is a motion that staff continue to work with the applicant towards securing the Parkland dedication it would provide an important connection to Center Park in an area that is currently looking like many many large tall towers without any uh sufficient Park land or walking path so this is a great opportunity for this future uh Village that we're building concrete Village okay thank you uh councelor Chang any questions for the Mover no okay um Council Chang did you you were those the conclusion of your remarks yes oh yeah yes yeah brief I know people have fishing to do off the docks okay no all right so um okay so Council Chang has moved your motion and um the staff report so uh all those in favor of the motion opposed that is carried the item is amended all those in favor opposed uh that is carried next item is 16.2 6355 Young Street official plan Amendment zoning bylaw Amendment decision report approval uh we do have a speaker on the item is Lori Payne here hi Miss Payne are you with the applicant okay oh over over here great thanks for joining us your five minutes uh good morning members of North York Community Council I recognize it's August and a special meeting so I'm primarily here to answer any questions you may have I'll just make a couple of remarks um my name as was mentioned is Lori Payne I'm the COO for ogc who is the applicant for 6355 Young Street um first of all I want to say that we support staff's recommendations as set out in NY1 16.2 The Proposal before you delivers on a number of City and public policy objectives in particular our development supports the major public investment in the North in the young North subway line extension up to Steals and Beyond um it also supports the objectives of the Young Street North secondary plan which has been a massive effort on the part of city planning to put a planning framework in place in advance of the subway extension um we did have the opportunity to have a discussion with uh councelor Chang and in advance of this meeting and she identified a particular concern that's come up in this neighborhood and perhaps uh more broadly in North York around the level of visitor parking supplied in in current developments our proposal does meet with City bylaw requirements in terms of visitor parking and has the support of Transportation staff however in the interest of working together and we've had a good relationship working with the community the staff and counselor we'd like to offer an additional three parking spaces reduce our resident parking and increase our visitor parking to help um come together so with your approval today we will be able to withdraw our appeal of the north uh the Young Street North secondary plan and as I said we've worked collaboratively and constructively with City staff councelor Chang and counselor Chang over the last year to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution that we believe supports a vibrant future for the young Steels Corridor we would like to thank staff Council Chang and the community for the time and energy they have invested in this community and we look forward to being part of its future thank you great thank you very much um are there any questions for the depues council changen thank you thank you Lori for your deputation I just was wondering how many uh units of housing is there in this El there are 613 units 63 so what percentage is the parking of the 600 units uh in the current application there are eight visitor parking spaces which represents um you know relatively small percentage of the total number of units and and we'll be increasing Again by another three spaces that does comply with the city's bylaw that that requires two spaces plus um 0.2 of the overall unit count are you aware that counselor uh Carol and myself have raised concerns about the city's current policy in the suburb areas due to the lack of existing parking infrastructure I am aware and again that's part of the reason why we've offered to increase uh the amount of parking available I will point out that this site is immediately adjacent to the new steel subway station that uh is underway or getting underway um and we've been working with the north y North young secondary plan to encourage other modes of transportation we're looking at car we have car share in The Proposal we have um abundant bike parking and we're really located right on Young Street so is there parking infrastructure because we know that people cannot pick where their relatives live or their friends so while an owner can say I am choosing not to be car dependent I'm not going to buy a parking spot but when we choose our friends or are are you suggesting that people who buy in your property should only have friends and relatives who live on transit I am suggesting that when we take policy action to reduce parking Supply then people alter their behaviors to respond to that reduced Supply and that's how we encourage people to shift to other modes of transportation but might be much harder if your relatives don't live close to Major Transit right you certainly need to plan for that um and as I said there are going to be visitor spaces on the site 10 for 600 units so 1,200 people potentially more up to 3,000 people to share 10 visitor parking spots um and that you know includes the use that might used by PSW by contractors by at any given time multiple people might need multip mle visitor parking spots so just do you think it's reasonable to to only pick your friends and relatives who can use major transit to visit you I think as I say as a planner and a good planning reflects uh reducing parking as much as possible and I will say that we are in compliance with the city's zoning bylaw with respect to visitor parking we are currently revisiting because we don't think it's reasonable and sustainable for this community okay that's all my questions thank you thank you thank you uh councelor Chang I I'm going to follow up on on those questions a little bit um you're you're mentioning you're following the bylaw are there any restrictions to adding more visitor parking the bylaw sets a minimum but I don't recall the bylaw saying you can't add more um we can add more yeah under the B okay yes uh now underground parking what what is the plan there I'm just kind of hunting for it um so we will have a total of 105 spaces including the visitor of underground uh parking uh on five levels so we're uh providing a significant amount of parking and again we're in compliance with the bylaw so how many total spaces is that that 100 105 total including the visitor and then so it'll be uh 93 resident visitor and then one car share space so's 93 parking spots for owners or correct and it's 400 613 units 613 units so you are aware of what happens when when people don't take a spot and need parking they park on the local streets and and then they ask for permit parking which we don't normally Grant in in North York are you aware of that cascading effect I am and I'm aware that there is enforcement of those policies as well okay all right we'll leave it at that thank you thank you any other questions for the deputat or we can move to questions for staff questions for staff councel Chang thank you I'm just wondering what is the longterm plan for the Young Street North secondary plan in terms of parking infrastructure will there be street parking on the interior streets uh at the Young and Shephard area I'm sorry young and steels uh through the chair I mean the secondary plan itself doesn't regulate on street parking so that would be outside of the official plan policies that would be uh something that the tra traffic enforcement and then transportation services would regulate through on street parking the secondary plan itself doesn't talk about parking when Street WS for for the secondary plan are we what are we thinking like in terms of how wide that street is the use of bikes that we're hoping everyone will uptake what what are we trying to accommodate in the street widths that have been mapped out in the secondary plan uh through the chair it depends on which site or sorry which road um some of their streets the secondary plan talks about uh cycling Network and building out that cycling Network um it's not proposed for every street depending it partially is dependent on the width of that street um and there are certain streets within the secondary plan area that have minimum Dimensions wids within uh the official plan so has an analysis even been done about the feasibility of including street parking in that area as part of the secondary plan process the city also undertook a transportation master plan uh which looked at all the traffic impacts on uh the proposed intensification levels uh and looked at those traffic impacts and whether or not uh improvements were needed and recommended a number of improvements that would be secur that are secured through the secondary plan at a secondary plan level and then will be implemented uh as development comes forward on a site by site basis where appropriate so whose responsibility in you know analyzing these Transportation studies is the need for parking like who who would have analyzed the secondary plan and said oh we might you know downtown or for example at Young and St Clair they have a parcade because they recognize that that area has a lot of commercial interest and they built a parade there which really serves the local restaurant but we're trying to build a whole new community with lots of density and has there been any analysis done of increasing the number of people we always say we want complete communities where people can live work and play and so we're trying to you know Foster robust hopefully re non-residential uses which does require a level of parking capacity so is that studied at all in the secondary plan process especially given the current legislation that has very minimal requirements with regard to visitor parking so counselor uh you had a number of questions in there the first one was kind of who looked at it uh the city did uh hire a outside consultant to undertake the transportation master plan which was then reviewed internally by a number of Divisions including uh transportation planning as part of uh City Planning but also transportation services as part of the Young Street Transportation master plan they did look at parking um I'm not sure to the to the level that you're asking or suggesting but it was something that was analyzed as part of that work and was there a resulting suggestion uh given that currently developers are bringing very few visitor parking spots to the table is there some kind other infrastructure we're going to develop to ensure that we don't end up in this difficulty where people are parking illegally everywhere and we don't have the enforcement capacity to be everywhere all the time uh there no new infrastructure counsel I don't think we recommended any parking lots um and then again as far as Park on street parking goes that's entirely within the reg the our abilities to regulate and permit uh wherever we see fit as a city not as a division but it doesn't make sense to me that we are trying to secure certain Street widths we ask for certain setbacks from our developers but we don't have a plan of whether or not we're going to do on street parking can that's your last question yeah wouldn't that be a consideration in mapping of the width of the streets through the chair um I think just kind of going back to what my colleague was saying I mean mapping out the street with uh in large part was intended to see if we could you know increase uh pedestrian movement cycling movement um and and I would concur with one of the earlier comments that a large part of our objective for the city is we're trying to to change the behavior of people driving so the the movement to create even more parking um is something that I think uh Council may want to revisit as you had said with the visitor parking but I think on a broader scale if Council believes that you know in these uh in North York and the other districts that more parking is needed whether not it's supplied by uh applicants or is it supplied more uh globally Believe by our parking enforcement our parking authority like those are discussions I think that certainly could happen I mean we do have uh a parking authority that has sites and can explore sites with our create colleagues to uh create more parking and that can happen you know on its own independent of applications but there are also opportunities for Partnerships that could happen you know when a development site comes forward and um you know the parking authority could perhaps work jointly uh on sites to get additional parking um in buildings that the parking authority will run itself so those are kind of questions and discussions that could happen um if that is something that um needs to be pursued further thank you thank you thank you councelor Chang uh councelor Cole did you have questions for staff yes uh in in this project there's 613 residential units how many of the units are affordable uh through the counsel as of right now no affordable units are [Music] proposed none affordable so could we have uh uh as part of the settlement here could we have uh basically proposed u a certain percentage of affordable units in here through the chair counc Cole the province has really limited the city's ability to require any applicant to do affordable housing that is a very consistent in in many different ways and uh we are left with very few options so the short answer is it's very difficult for us to negotiate it and it was not done on this project so there's been no discussions about possibly getting the developer to include maybe 10 affordable units I mean we've done that in other projects where we've negotiated with the applicant to uh uh at least include a minimum number of affordable units so through the chair I would say that staff did have some preliminary discussions uh with the applicant about providing some affordable units and it was something that I think the applicant was willing to take a closer look at U given the time frame that we had to deal with right now I think the the response was you know we can we can continue to explore it as this application moves forward um and certainly there was an expectation that um The Counselor May raised the issue about affordable housing as well so we certainly put it on the table for uh the applicant to be thinking about so can we should we move a motion there for today to include some affordable units that as part of the ongoing discussions that um hopefully councelor Chang could agree to do through the chair I think um if we don't have the time today to do it perhaps what could happen is before this item reaches Council we could work together on the language okay so uh hopefully we can uh uh take this offline to U basically look at that uh very very critical need of affordability in the Young Street uh upper Young Street Corridor there uh in the secondary plan for young I think it's called the Young steel secondary plan is it young North young North do the uh does the secondary plan ever uh sort of uh outline the need to incorporate affordable housing in a secondary plan uh through the chair counselor it doesn't specifically talk about affordable housing it talks about trying to achieve a mixture of unit types uh to provide a full range of housing but not specifically affordable units why wouldn't we uh explore the possibility of including affordability in a plan uh why don't we normally do this uh most secondary plans don't do this can we or why don't we um counselor the secondary plan does not but the the secondary plans are intended to work in conjunction and as part of the city's overall official plan and the official plan as a whole does contain policies around affordable housing so are there any affordable housing U principles out of the official plan that uh might um reinforce the need to uh uh include affordability in the future applications here including this one so counselor this it affordable housing something that staff tried to achieve uh and as earlier stated we have had conversations with the the applicant the the fact with the community benefits and the way it's worded is the applicant has to be open to supplying those units it's not something that we can force upon the applicant uh so we are having those discussions but we can't require them to provide it and then that's the provinces refusal basically to support the city's request for inclusionary zoning right that that was turned down by the province that we can't basically include affordability in all these new developments are taking place so through the chair um counselor what I would say is um The Province hasn't refused the inclusion area zoning what it's tied to is their approval of our major transit station area policies and that document has still has not been approved by the province so when that gets approved then it will kick in the inclusionary zoning around Transit stations so the province has still refused to how many years have we had that on The Minister's desk that he's refusing to sign about intensification basic mtsa PM m whatever it is around stations how long has it been on The Minister's desk C coun Cole I mean really um I don't think we should drag staff into Political debates um I don't think it's I don't think it's healthy if you want to make those comments in your remarks uh it's in order but of order six minutes you know what I think I started his clock late but you have a point councelor Cole I think you're out of time but if you want to add those remarks about what's sitting on The Minister's desk and and the stacks of paper and I don't know I think they're in order I'm talking about building affordable housing I understand fully we have a motion ready to go people on the streets yes no I I have questions for staff so I'm gonna I'm going to follow up where you left off because I think it's an important Point okay thank you thank thank you councel Cole so following up uh with with councel call I know staff is very aware that we just adopted the downo secondary plan and in that plan uh we had a number of Provisions for affordable housing yet staff seem to be saying we can't ask for affordable housing under a secondary plan or even under the current planning regime and I don't I don't quite get that because if you don't ask you don't get and we might not be able to tighten the screws but if people land owners want their approvals quickly um um then a little bit of flexibility usually goes a long way can they comment on why um the young North secondary plan didn't have any provisions for H affordable housing yet uh the D up update Downs you does particularly in William Baker and in Allen East through the chair um probably a combination of several reasons counselor first would be there was already an existing Downsview secondary plan that was in place that had affordable housing policies um that were uh in large part kind of carried over into the new secondary plan the second reason I would say is um you know Downsview is very unique we've got two specific land owners in that area uh one is largely the federal government and the other one is um North Crest so in cooperation with them to build out that entire secondary plan area um they obviously were willing to provide uh affordable housing um but I would stress that because it's too large land owners and uh there was a lot of cooperation moving forward with the the long-term development of that Community um that's that's how we achieve those policies a little bit different here in terms of young North because um it although it's a large area it's obviously many different land owners and I would also say say that um you know our planning regime has changed quite significantly as well right with the um Community benefits charge um requiring that we can only ask for the 4% so um it could be done if there's cooperation uh certainly but uh our frame legislative framework right now is the 4% that we have to work with the the community benefits charge uh the for % is that a go into a Citywide pool or is that a split between local and Citywide or is that all local through the chair it's uh it is a Citywide pool okay so out of out of sort of uh process we really don't ask uh Property Owners anymore to to add 5% afford 10% affordable and so I think through the chair uh we certainly can ask and there have been examples across the city where um applicants have been willing to provide more and that's something that we may write into uh the official plan amendment that we're approving there are examples of that across the city even outside of downs view okay all right thank you um any other questions for staff and we we do have a an affordable housing motion uh ready but let's go to speakers speakers on the item councelor Cole I know that you um had some uh passionate remarks about the process so councelor Cole um councelor Chang okay yeah okay coun co go ahead thank you Mr chair yes I think uh uh you know councelor Changs uh this attempts to get even some um visitor parking uh in some way shows how absurd this whole process is becoming and that we're trying to get three extra visitor parking spots uh to deal with the reality of people living in the corridor here and um and never mind trying to basically uh ensure that this is a complete Community sustainable community and um and um uh so we're approving here again it looks like you know 613 uh residential units uh probably a thousand people plus and again the question is U uh can working people people Working Families uh live uh in uh young north um I mean it looks like if this trend continues U uh they can't uh because these are uh going to be very expensive uh small units and um there's no place for working people and so therefore uh I think we've got to U uh look at not only this development but everything that's happening there on Young Street where um you know councelor Chang has been desperately trying to get community infrastructure uh for all these residents to basically meet get Services uh have uh social uh interactions um Health uh supports these are very important parts of building a community so we just can't build you know 50 story buildings uh and and then in context this is not just not one building I know councelor Chang I mean I don't know how many she has uh every council meeting North York here we have approvals for three or four of these and uh we can't uh have sort of a comprehensive approach where we can look at at least the uh as in Downsview which is a bit easier because there's different ownership here is totally private ownership but we somehow have to get uh some forces at play here to uh include uh real infrastructure on young streets going forward given the number of people and this is a only chance to do it if we don't do it um you know this is you know concrete City forever I mean I thought you named the Center Park maybe name it concrete Park I mean this is what is happening to our city and I know um uh it's not fashionable to talk about affordable housing uh because there's housing housing housing but you can't say the word affordable anymore uh because the province has not deemed it essential and that's why they're sitting on all these U mtsa which are around trans stations and they haven't signed off on them they're all over the city where they our U planning department is saying yes this is a designated uh major transit station study area yet they're all sitting on The Minister's desk for about two years and he's refusing to sign off on it and yet we are approving all this density around subway stations and the minister has not signed off on the density yet we approve these things because there is this plan uh that one day will be accepted by The Province so it's just Madness that's taking place in terms of planning here and I don't blame our staff who has caught you know with uh you know 10 different pieces of legislation which uh is impossible to keep up with and imagine the public trying to keep up with these things you know ask the person on the street what an mtsa is ask does the public know that we can't basically we're not allowed to build affordable housing our plan can't basically dictate affordable housing minimums even we have to beg the developers and we get five 10 units which is ludicrous and you know then the the developers also have a problem with the rising cost of materials labor land Etc so anyways whatever we can do to support councelor Chang and her effort to essentially humanize Young Street uh to make it somewhat acceptable for working people to live on Young Street thank you very much thank you uh councelor Cole um councelor Chang thank you chair uh I have a motion and uh I really want to thank deputy mayor uh koh's many comments they are important comments because they're about the livability of a city so I am asking uh our city uh executive D development review and to work with the general manager of Transportation Services to work towards increasing the visitor parking from 8 to 15 to 20 I think adding three spots is really nominal and not going to even 20 is not going to uh is not going to make a huge dent but I think that given the the density of this building 50 plus stories that we should be working towards a more reasonable number which is not capped by city um City Rules as was highlighted by our chair so I'm hoping that our uh developer her friends will help me work towards a more livable community and I think that having more visitor parking uh will help and so it just means decreasing the number of owner parking so owners can choose whether they want a parking spot or they want to have a Transit oriented lifestyle but owners cannot choose where their relatives live where their friends live and how their friends might visit them so this um is just seeking to make a small advancement to improve the sustainability uh and impact on the surrounding Community the second part of the motion is to work with the applicant on affordable housing and uh count Deputy Mayor Cole is right we should be building more affordable housing and when we look across our huge City with our growing Skyline and to know how little affordable housing there is and how we really stopped building it for the last 20 years it seems to me that our city has been built with greed as our Compass so we are making money for people who uh you know have the resources to invest in real estate but the commoditization of real real estate and the lack of policies that ensure that we have the full range of housing available means that we're living in a city that is becoming livable and really if we look at the issues like homelessness encampments that are growing across our city this is the result of the lack of affordable housing so if people want to live in a livable City if our developer friends want to build a complete City that where the quality of life is mained for everyone then all have to work together and building affordable housing is a way to pitch in towards building a better City together so I both of these motions uh are tied to working with the developer in advance of our special city council meeting on September 5th and I hope that our applicant will work with our city divisions to advance both of these important pieces that will help improve our thank you thank you uh councel ch um councel bernside did you want to speak before I do no I'm okay I won't be speak all right thank you thank you Council so no thank you councelor Cole and councelor Chang you've made some very valid points and I think uh um land owners and developers have to understand what's good for business and it's not just putting up a tower but what surrounds it visitor extended or expanded visitor parking is good for business Parkland on-site Parkland dedication is good for business affordable housing within a unit is good for business those affordable housing units often turn into buyers uh down the road and of course we have affordable ownership program as well as long as it's well funded developers have to realize that they cannot work in the short term they have to work in the long term to understand that their long-term reputation on building complete communities is what people look at when they buy when they invest and when they get approvals at uh at Community Council and at Council so I realize there's sacrifice uh maybe a little bit of sacrifice in the in the long term on on the bottom line to do these things but in the long run their reputation and their ability to continue building across the city uh is enhanced one of the reasons we have a housing crisis and affordability crisis in the city is between 2018 and 2022 when uh the Downtown Development was on fire and we were building 50 60 story Towers in many of the areas down and around Skydome and uh and the CN tower um we were just negotiating cash based section 37 agreements with almost no affordable housing coming in on those applications and we missed an opportunity to develop thousands of affordable housing units uh within those and when I say affordable I don't mean social housing I mean below market so that we can keep the next generation of of professionals uh and workers in our city and people are leaving the city young people three of my four kids have left the city um and they left for different reasons other than affordability but they're not coming back because of affordability uh issues so I think um I don't know what the likelihood of negotiating these complicated Arrangements between now and September 5th uh are uh but we certainly must uh must try and I urge the uh developer to um to be the good corporate citizen that uh that it can be and to make way for affordable housing options uh on on a contract basis we usually set terms for those we defer DCS we defer property taxes and we give an opportunity for those who can't afford to actually get get housing and it takes pressure uh off our housing weight list off our social housing uh and uh in in in some cases it gives dignified living uh to to seniors as well so with that um I I will support both the Motions on the visitor parking you're going to have a lot of lonely people in that building with seven parking spots for visitors they're going to be cramming the streets which which uh cannot cannot handle that kind of volume of dozens of cars um uh on the streets uh trying to visit uh friends and family uh in in your building uh so so this is an ISS these are all issues when people think about buying um and we don't have easy answers for them thank you very much okay so we have the motion if we can put the motion on the screen there we go the first part is about a visitor parking and the other one is about affordable housing all those in favor opposed uh that is carried the item is amended all those in favor opposed that is carried well uh that concludes our two items for today and I understand we do not uh move bills uh for for today's meeting so in that I um I conclude today's proceeding I thank you very much uh City staff uh clerk staff um our technical crew at the back here members of the public and of course counselors for calling in on their vacation so all the best for the rest of the summer and uh and enjoy the rest of the day thank you very much thanks everyone happy fishing for
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