Palm Coast the intergovernmental coordination chapter was the next chapter that we talked about and that improved the coordination and collaboration of all of our local agencies um we talked about and has policies uh covering the coordination and planning activities of Services resource management among all of the governmental entities including local and state it has long-term strategic planning uh objectives in our plan that we coordinate to address future development and infrastructure needs uh for our community the public schools facility was our next element that we had workshop and discuss that uh specifically is with Flagler schools and other local governments it ensures the consistency of our countywide interlocal agreement that we have with our public schools with Flagler schools it facilitates the coordination between City School the school district and our local government it ensures consistency between school planning and City development and it implements School concurrency requirements in accordance with state law the next chapter we covered was public Recreation and open space that was uh key and that really was great timing because as you know we coordinated with Flagler County to have a CommunityWide uh uh Recreation plan a lot of that input along with the other input that we did went into creating this plan it establish and maintains the recreation of Park level of service standards for both resource base and activity baits it creates a 5-year Capital Improvement plan to guide the expansion renovation and acquisition of Park and Recreation facilities incorporates ongoing assessments and public feedback into updates as we update the plans and in the master plans um it also um has policies and objectives that manage and Safeguard natural resources ensuring a balance between environmental preservation and development within the city park system the conservation and Coastal management and I'll just keep highlighting you know you can see all of the um uh the guiding principle um icons on the top of the page as well on all of these um the conservation Coastal management uh has good objectives and policies dealing with uh protection of wetlands optimal wetlands systems it safeguards natural species as well as threaten endangered species habitat protection it talks about uh objectives with water quality through monitoring and and how we regulate uh certain sites um and it also touches on Hazard M mitigation enforcing our great uh existing actually flood regulations and continuous participate in the FEMA programs and the first time of this year through through our input from our community we actually have um new goals and um objectives and policies dealing with cultural and historical resource preservation of of working with our agencies our local uh State and and dealing with cultur and historic preservation and you know the second half of that uh chapter also dealt with emergency preparation and um we worked with our chief uh Kyle barill and Flagger County to update our plan for emergency response and shelter space and that type of thing and then new to this year we also added the um uh Peril flood that was a requirement by the state and that really Ducktails and enhances our flood plane protection regulations um within our goals objectives and policies and then next we cover the infrastructure chapter um that really um had goals objectives and policies to develop and Implement Uh current and long-term strategies for all of our in infrastructure SE sectors as as you may recall including our water supply our waste water our storm water and our Solid Waste Management the plan calls that we review and we regular review and update our our water supply facility work plan and as you remember when we workshopped that St John's River Water Management District for partable water they just updated their water supply facility work plan so we will we are working with them now and we will actually have to come back and make some changes to this element once we update and be consistent with that plan uh we talk about enhancing Wastewater management uh by expanding reuse that was a big topic of discussion uh and Implement uh policies that uh Implement effective storm water management practices then we covered housing we we uh through our stakeholders and our our citizens we we came up remember with a new term of lifestage housing so the housing element encourages a variety of housing types throughout the city to accommodate all life stages and income levels um it utilized programs like the ship cdbg program to conserve and Implement existing housing stock eliminating subst standard conditions um we have a robust public engagement process involved for this as well and then we hit the uh one of the chapters was Transportation as as you know we got a lot of feedback from the residents on improving our transportation systems and worried about appropriately managing our transportation Network for for growth so and within our transp Transportation element we continue to have a level of service standard uh we develop and maintain our our level of service standard for all Road uh we have policies that enforce our concurrency regulations um we have a requirement to do uh by anual traffic counts and what's so important about that as we grow we can continue to monitor how the traffic is being distributed throughout the city and how it's growing so we can take proper steps to appropriately plan for those improvements uh we have bolstered our funding and implementation through coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation and other sources uh the TPO for example to try to Levy some of these funds to help us with our long-term uh Road improvements um and you know policies in our Transportation because it is really key on on having a great transportation management system is that we will regular review and update Transportation plans and adapt to the changing needs and conditions of our community and then we did the uh the future land use element um we talked about uh all all of our future land use designation that provide uh different land use uh designations and uh one of the key elements was preserving our our current character of our community um protecting open spaces and providing opportunities for mixed use areas uh the future land use implements a 10-year and a 20-year planning period and reg and will be regularly assessed to maintain alignment with our evolving Community needs the future land use um element also has growth management and infrastructure coordination remember when we talked about it there are some duplic dup duplications through other chapters because the state requires that we address things like water uh resources Wastewater resources level service so there was some duplication and that's good because that also has enforcing policies um we uh address Public Safety uh and Community engagement in the future land use element we uh have policies that we will maintain or improve our ISO ratings for fire protection flood plane management and building code Effectiveness and then we also introduced a uh a new future land use destination uh known as the master plan mixed use based on the community input and looking at our guiding principles City staff and planning taking those elements of those guiding principles established a uh a chapter within an element within the future L use element element that calls out specific requirements of this new land use that duct tails with the guiding principles um the master plan uh the N we call it the npm integrates a diverse land uses of of as you recall Greenway corridors um transportation network uh create employment sitters as a requirement um and recreational opportunities open space and providing for um life stage housing and then finally not finally but also new to the city of Palm Coast that we have never had and we listen to our resent we listen to city council and having a Economic Development separate chapter within our comprehensive plan is something new to to the city so we established that with goals objectives and policies that address uh sustainable having sustainable economic growth within our community um encouraging Innovation entrepreneurship and a diversity of local economic base uh we talk about uh work Workforce Development and education we even talk about Quality of Life Enhancement and collaborative economic strategies all within our new element of Economic Development and then finally we had the Capital Improvements plan that kind of ties everything up uh it it is an element to ensure that we effectively uh have Corrections and and improve our infastructure and make improvements to our level of service it helps us maintain our adopted level Service uh implements a user pay principle you know with our impact fees um and importantly it horon ises the capital Improvement element that city council adopts every year to make sure that is consistent with Capital Improvement plan uh for for our comprehensive plan to make sure those two are constantly talking uh it calls for an update of our CIP annually into align with the adopted budget to ensure compliance with State uh development regulations as well so that is a really brief summary of all of our chapters I will tell you that uh we workshopped had several workshops with our beautific and advisory uh committee and they really focused on conservation and Coastal element the Parks and Recreation element as well as the um uh the parks uh infrastructure as well so they uh recommended that city council transmit this to uh the state the Department of Commerce for their review and comment and of course we had many many workshops of all the draft elements with our planning and Land Development regulation board and they also recommend that city council transmit the 2050 comprehensive Plan update to the Department of Commerce for review and comment so that would be on our next steps right so where we are mayor and I think you um we are at what we call the the transmitt hearing so what that is is you know we went through a year process of getting Community engagement right we had it on social pinpoint uh all of our drafts we made several changes to our draft in fact in your element today we have a spreadsheet of potential changes that we put in your package do you have any comments on that that we're City staff tried to address that because like we told you we were going to take make comments up until the last stage you know this is a continuing process and that's what we promise that's what we are doing so the transmittal hearing is actually the time that the state because they haven't had any input yet so the transmittal hearing is the opportunity for the state agencies to review our comprehensive plan they'll definitely look at all of our chapters the uh Commerce um will will look look at it Department of Commerce uh St John's River Water Management District the Florida Department of Transportation probably fdp so all these agencies get a shot to take a look and it's their time to have a comment so we expect that that those comments once they look at that if they have any comments that will come back to us in about 30 days once you know if we transmit and then we have time to address their comments and so on October 8th we put in a pre-adoption workship as needed in case we can tidy up on any other comments that we we may receive from the community uh from the state to help address or alleviate any additional comments and then on October 15th is when we are planning on having the actual adoption here and that's when you actually adopt the comprehensive plan and we are here our city staff is here uh in the back and we're here for any questions yall R you mentioned that the term um um the the uh transmittal it was recommended so help me understand what that means recommended well the planning the planning Land Development regulation board has a very large role in helping us create the comprehensive plan and draft comprehensive plan so we had a transmittal public hearing for them and they're recommending to city council to transmit this plan that you you have in front of you to the state so they can comment on it that's our board that that's our board yes the and then the beautification advisory committee is also our board and they looked at those items like the conservation Coastal section because that's really where they fall and they also gave us feedback and comments and they are also recommending that we transmit this package as is to the state the recommendation is to city council to transmit it to the state for the comments from the various organizations that the recommendation for transmitt is four and two are for what purpose is this just additional no it's state mayor that's absolutely part of the comprehensive plan process that's what I wanted to hear they will review it yes got it good thank you and they don't review it ahead of time they review it at at what we call agencies are involved how many now you got the Florida Department of Transportation Department of Commerce all right so it's St John's Riv Water Management go goes out to the different agencies okay and those comments come back independently from each one yeah what they'll do the Department of Commerce is kind of like the Clearing House so they'll they'll send the comments out directly to them they'll compile the comments and then they will send that back to the city for us to to address them before we the reason I ask because as you know we we don't do this frequently we haven't done this for a quarter of a century so that's why I'm just trying to understand the process well good any other points to your presentation before we ask questions no we're here for questions so you want to start yes good there's no requirement that we vote on this on October 15th there's no drop dead date correct this could be voted on anytime uh it there it it can the October 15th date was our kind of our goal because it was a council priority goal to get this done it's a goal to get this done so my concern here as the mayor just said this hasn't been done in a quarter of a century so it's a big deal and I want to thank you guys for all the hard work that went into this and all the hearings and everything else and I really appreciate it and we were part of that process with you and it it's it's an overhaul it's a huge thing my my concern is we will have a new council person here on October 1st um who will be voting on this who whoever it is we select is not going to have a any inside knowledge on this it's going to be you know a bit of a catchup to say the least and we were concerned earlier and I think some of us wanted to put that election on a ballot but because of the time restraints and the and and the charter and everything we weren't able to give the public that choice but the bottom bottom line is we have four new people coming to council uh three of us are gone and um and three of us are gone one lost an election to return two of us lost an election to move on I'm really of the belief that we might be better off delaying this till the next council is seated I mean this is a quarter Century change and a new Council of four people there'll be just one remaining are going to inherit this but we do it on our way out and and my own feeling is the public has expressed they don't have confidence in three of us in any position and I have to you know I get it I hear them and so I think we should table this and put it in the hands of the new Council so that's where I stand on this councilwoman ponter so for something like this and and I I I I'll resp respond um to Vice mayor's concern but then I also have a different topic I want to discuss um in response to that normally if it were something that um were a little more condensed concise I might agree with you this has been a year-long process that every single one of us have sat through hours and hours and hours of workshops for we have delved into these materials or we should have delved into these materials in grave detail um we've worked with staff we've been through comments we met with planning the uh Planning and Development board um I don't think particularly being that the uh new council members that have the potential of taking these seats um have not sat on this Council before I do not think that they will be able to uh efficiently get up to speed after all the work that we have done I understand your concern with regards to you know us kind of doing this on the way out um when I say us not me obviously but I I just don't think that the new council is going to have the the the knowledge and the um just the yeah the expertise to come in and and really take this over is particularly with everything else they're going to have I mean um I I remember when I took the seat just two years ago I mean was baptism by fire and and that's okay but I think this is too important to then put on their plates right away so I disagree I think that we've put in the work the the current council with the staff has put in the work and that um we need to this needs to be voted on now um or at least in the next month or so pursuant to the schedule in front of us and I appreciate what you're saying and I understand what you're saying but I guess my problem with this is we talked about expertise and I saw Mr Kus agree with you apparently the public doesn't really think we have a lot of expertise and that's just a sad truth and whether we disagree with that or not I think it's important to hear their voice and I and it may take a new Council a while to catch up on something like this and go through this process I just at this point okay don't want to hang my name on this uh and and and have the public saying oh they Ram this down our throat too if there's something down the road they don't like and that is my concern I'd rather see a new Council deal with this from even if they have to start over again I I I I just think the public has sent such an overwhelming message to us can we just talk about I just want to talk about something very tangible and I don't mean that disrespectfully to what you said I understand what you were saying F but from a tangible standpoint think about the staff hours and resources and the money that it will cost our to do this process basically over again I'm not willing to put that burden on our taxpayers so I think that's something we have to think about as well you had a second point or do you want me to go to I think we should comment on uh Vice mayor's position and then you can come back well I'm not commenting on Vice mayor's position this is comments that you have on the presentation that was made but we can wait on yours and go through the first round I just didn't want to take away from anybody else so let's councilman clus did you want to comment on uh the presentation I thought the presentation was great but I also think that is a product of many many months and many many hours of tangible back and forth and working with staff and Council to coales the words to be the way that they are and I think that's uh showing with the quality of presentation that we have here today um and if we were commenting on the vice mayor's position I'm in alignment with Council one pontier that we have invested a lot into this process and that it would be a shame and also the experience that we have right now to say hey these new council members are going to be able to hit the ground running with this is extremely uh I want to say like unprofessional or unrealistic of us but we all know sitting up here that this is something that we have worked very diligently on and it would be uh basically you know irresponsible to just dump this onto the next people's hands um so I'm all for moving forward with this and I think uh if we have anything that we want to see changed up until this very moment uh they're still sitting here asking for us so we're able to do that and um you know I don't hinge my decision upon having the vice mayor's you know name hanging on this one just like all other decisions so I think in my part that I'm comfortable with this let me make a possible suggestion that might solve this problem I haven't commented this may solve the problem for you i't commented see if any of the people that are potential new elected counil people show up here between now and that 15th and give us their thoughts on this I I'd like to hear from them and if you're listening I hope you show up and let us know how you feel about us proceeding on this and maybe they'll all feel pretty good about it and that would be reassuring to me um put that aside for a minute so let me just make a comment before you go Ray so timelines where we are today where the next new Council an election that just transpired with what was it uh 29% turnout um this project and this piece of work has been in the works for more than 25 years so to arbitrarily confine it Define it or represent it within a few weeks a few months or whatever after all of this body of work has been done this has been in the making for 25 years that's what this is this is the culmination of 25 years whether it's this Council the next Council the council after that I don't know how many councils 25 years represents but start to think in a bigger picture what this really is is this is a blueprint for the future which many future councils will comment on they will adapt they will amend they will change it's built as a living document for change it's not the Bible the words the meaning the the the culture of the community will change over the next 25 years and this will be the starting point that's all this is so that's my comment um Ray I just you know I like to say we have a community based comprehensive plan okay so for 9 10 months it was the community's input that based and solely on these policies so you know a lot of the work that was done on this comprehensive plan is really based on the community so our next city council members that will be here will have a very important role of taking what our community-based comprehensive plan and our goals objectives and policies are and the next task is implementing that plan of what the community wants and then having that Land Development code is that very strategic very detailed next step on implementing this plan so the next city council members will have that opportunity to to do that I mean is it fair to say that encyclopedia is not the right word but if you had a um a selection of uh books on a topic um this is the the introductory chapter or the introduction to all that comes in the future because like I said it doesn't end it continues on councilwoman pontier you had another point that you wanted to get to I do thank you mayor um so first thank you to staff and to the consultant um and to all of the public that got engaged in this I know there there's been a lot of hours spent um in your office Ray with me particularly so I appreciate your time and I appreciate Jason's time as well thank you um I have one concern um prior to transmitt and that has to do with the maps um if you look at map cp-11 which is the existing land use and then you look at map CP -1.3 which is the future land use um what we're seeing is that on the west side of US1 which is what the westw expansion will be the current use is listed as agricultural I think right now we understand there's two dris there there's the nioga lakes drri and there's the oldberg township drri and the future land use map we have it listed as this new land use um category that we've created in the new comp plan it's the master planned mixed use land use and it is my opinion um very strong opinion that we are putting the cart before the horse by automatically changing what are currently two dris to this new land use category of ma of Master Plan mixed use and the reason I think that's important is dris come with certain um requirements certain restrictions certain land uses and the master plan mixed use has different uh restrictions requirements and land uses so traditionally when an applicant wants to change their land use um they have to go through the application process it has to go through two approvals of this Council by virtue of moving forward with the comp plan as is we are giving the landowner um the ability to skirt that process and I'm not comfortable with that I think that the land owner needs to come before this council with a proper application um to change their current two dris to the master plan mixed use and that should be wholly separate from this comp plan so what needs to happen in my opinion is that in the in the future land use map which is map C cp-1 point3 we either need to take what of the current dris and just make it white so it's not under any certain category or we need to create a maybe a a different designation that says you know right now it's drri mixed use this is a potential um use in the future based on what we know the applicant wants to do because we know the applicant wants to change it into the uh the master plan mixed use and that's fine but they have to go through the same process that every other developer land owner Etc has to go through and right now we're we are allowing them to skip that process so I cannot approve as great as the comp plan is and as confident as I am in it and as much as I want to transmit it to the state I think it is very wholly legally incorrect for us to do so with the maps as they currently are I fully agree with you on that and that was one of my other concerns too and I would like to see that changed as you suggested you say it's legally incorrect so let's stop there for a second because that's a hurdle for me so can you comment what is legally incorrect about it Council pontier I want I don't want to have like a legal back and forth but are you saying that the way you don't like it or you say as we have written in the comprehensive brand it is not legally correct or you just don't agree with it no I'm saying it's incorrect because right now because they haven't applied to change the dris to a different land use where normally we they have to go through that that that process through this Council to get two approvals for a change in the land use and they haven't done that so right now by virtue of US changing this we're allowing them to evade that process soal standpoint so so it's it's a it's a legal problem or it's not it's different than what has been done in the past or you saying it's illegal no I'm saying that per our policies and our code it's illegal I need yeah let me let me explain that we have a future L little bit unique for Palm Coast okay we have a future land use designation called drri it's not the drri okay Dr was a separate document development order you know that was approved and you know so we have a separate future land use designation of drri so changing that to this new proposed master plan mix sh the drri technically will still live that doesn't that does not make the drri go away but it sets a a new future land use map designation of Master Plan mix use if that's the if that's the case then right it needs to we need to change the future land use to this little crisscross Dr I signal that's on here I mean we so you know we have this this key down here right in the drri there's a drri residential area and a drri mixed use if that's the case then all of this should be drri mixed use it shouldn't say master plan mixed use well the drri is a future land use designation and the drri is a separate approved document so by by changing the master by changing the future land use designation you still have the drri and they still have the entitlements that that they are able to have then that's what the map should read that's my point that's what I'm sorry that's what the map should show then it should not have this master planned mixed use designation on it because that is not what it is right but the reason that staff you know we we've we've done this in the past when we have a Citywide or CommunityWide future land use map Amendment or or comp plan Amendment we would assign a certain future land use designation so what we did the background of this is that we really wanted to drive the guiding principles do something out west for when we do develop someday that it's appropriately planned um we we set guiding uh policies and goals within and objectives within that Master Plan shes that goal 1.7 that calls out what form they have to take if they're going to develop out there someday and it only has to be implemented be for a master plan development zoning so so you know one example in the comp plane you can remember it's a little bit of apples and oranges but we had a future land use designation down on Old Kings Road near malber or near um uh buo right where we had that future land use designation and in our complain I I can't recall what goal is but we set out specific po policies and objectives for that area they came in with a master plan development agreement and staff didn't think that they complied with that form that was agreed upon in in the future land use so it's in our in our mind our professional staff in our mind that us designating that now protects Us in the in the future with the city that we have these guidelines that would guide this form of development out west because because I you know it's a private land owner right now and who knows what can happen in a year from now we don't have this overlay you know are they going to sell the property or they going to cut it up in chunks then we may lose out I don't know but just from a Prof standpoint from St that gives us protection in our mind so just I'll give you just a second so just so in my world here just so I can understand your your your staff's suggestion is that we do all we can to drive the ship and set the course and take control of This Not That We Own the land but what can be done with the land and what you're telling me is this is the best way that that we can influence oversee plan the future use of all of this land it's for us to decide how the land will be used I understand we don't own it but we're not wanting the land owner to determine its use we want to plan it in advance of the land owner using the land yes we have the goals objectives on polish to guide the development in the future when they come in for a zoning right now you now you you have a issue so let's talk through yeah so um respectfully the landowner is driving this this right here of of what is already being stated this is the landowner driving it this isn't staff driving it and that's okay they're a partner of ours we want to work with them but let's not call it something it's not I mean this this is an idea of the landowner because this is what they do they do Master planning and that's great we want them as a partner we want to create something fantastic and new out west I get that but they need to go through the same process as everybody else to get there so I like I said I I think that something can be created maybe we create a footnote that says currently this is Dri but the intent is to have an applicant come forward and change it to a Master Plan mixed use if that's the intent if that's what we want there's a different way to convey that but to say that the future without coming before Council and making sure that it's okay that we go through the right process to get there and without giving the public the ability to talk about it because nobody knows what is going on in this I can tell you right now you want to talk about transparency this is not transparent and I have a really big issue with making every other landowner go through a process that we're not making this one go through that is not right we have got to be fair to everybody and this is not fair what we're doing so I understand that they would still have to go through the MPD process they would still have to get certain approvals but we are we are giving them an improper leg up what part of the help me with which part of the pro so I'm I'm I'm hearing which part of the process are they not having to go through the the the amendment from a drri to the m the master plan makes use and public comment no no so it just helped me with this so just go through scenario for me so the land owner whoever it is whatever wants to come forward and do something in within the boundaries of this of the map that's being talked about what is the process and procedure by which they would uh come forward the comp plan requires them to go through a master plan development resoning and that's a development uh agreement that would have to be negotiated upon between you know city council and and and that owner of that property and what they would do is they would show or try to illustrate with that Master Plan development agreement that they're being consistent with the comprehensive plan specifically the goal for the master plan mixed use designation so which so which additional part what other process over and above that are you looking for I'm looking for them to come forward specifically to change the dris over to the master plan mixed use what's different than what R just said because do you see the the developer do you have we heard from them on their intents of what they want to do I haven't and I'll tell you my biggest issue with this specifically but this is a comp plan we're talking about right I know I know it's the comp plan but we are already saying that this is master plan mixed use when it's not this is Dri okay these are two dris but how many dris are in that map I mean how many dris are throughout Palm Coast why why are you singling out that one drri when there are probably a half a dozen because we are by virtue of putting forward this map and saying that this is the future of the the future land use the city has prescribed yes yes we are saying that we have changed the drri over to master plan mixed use and we have not done that that is not if if that is what you want to do mayor then we need to delay this vote which I don't want to do I want to transmit the comp plan but without this without this being designated master plan mixed use already I don't want to delay the transmittal of the comp plan and I don't think that's appropriate I think we make this white um because it's undetermined or a footnote I don't know but it's not proper as is we are skipping an entire process for the public to provide input and I just want to say only with this Dr or the other dris as well I'm just trying to understand the process because there changed through this we have not changed any current dris to something else we've only done it with these two dris okay that's the problem and and and my one of my biggest issues is that there are elements that are missing from the master plan mixed use like the requirement for conservation that dris have dris require specifically conservation the master plan mixed use does not that is a big issue the master plan mixed use has these other little you can have you know different elements of Housing and communes and things like that I can't remember what they're called Villages where the dris don't have those abilities so we have to analyze that wholly separate than the rest of this comp plan and I I I just think we're skipping those step let me hear from staff staff right can you uh what hamlets yeah not communes please I was going to go there but that's fine hamlets comment back uh where do you where do you see this because you've worked very hard on this so yeah help us find a way a solution that satisfies everybody yeah and and and I understand council members concern yeah you know because typically when you do have a future land use map Amendment you go through a separate application and it's done through that um you know on a process like this uh it's rare um but we have in the past uh when we did our first comprehensive plan designating certain areas working with I and I want to say pal Coast Park drri was one of those areas 25 years ago did we use this process or some other yeah I mean we would we would it it's rare So it it's it's almost like a city initiated not not City initiated but part of our comp plan and our goals uh to set forth that so with this you know master plan mixed use element you know all we were doing as staff is getting that insurance is put on there but I understand you still have a lot of moving Parts you don't have a whole lot of details with the master plan development yet and you still have the two dris that are out there but I'm you know from our mind it kind of sets a policy it sets it sets that goal sets forth whoever is going to be there that that's what they need to do more teeth to this add some more teeth to this to get closer to what councilman pontier is suggesting if you have a little bit of time yeah I mean to have have a little bit more discussion with you know um what we can do to the map because I because I think council member made some suggestions you know to highlight that getting in to some of those details and and look in that look at that a little bit more further to see what we can do would be helpful I'm a little concerned about footnotes or stuff if they're legal or not if we add some foot notes I'm more I I can't see why we can't just change it to what council one pontier I'm not I I I certainly don't have the expertise to agree to that at this moment so I would like to get closer to what councilman pontier is looking for but I think staff should be given the opportunity to bring it back and see if be okay and when I brought this up yesterday what can we do what can we do from now or whatever I mean what can you all do let the or I mean if you tell me that's the end of the road the end of the tracks the end of the tracks is there something more that you can do you've got a planning consultant with you um I'd like to see you you know bridge this Gap and find that solution if it's as big and important as we all have agreed that it is then I don't think we have to you know jump to this decision at this minute before 2:30 it's like if you all had um that extra week would that make a difference councilman Kus I I'm tried not to ignore you from the comments I apologize totally fine yeah Contin you're speaking everything that I would have said has been covered so far okay so miss ponier just what would you like to see that change to so if you got what exactly what you want the designation how do you want that so it's my opinion that the future just the question is off base I me this is a comp plan this my city no I mean I'm just asking I'm just asking I don't want to give the wrong I'm not I I'm just asking the question no no no I know so I just because we don't we we truly don't know right we don't know we don't have a crystal ball so I would be most comfortable with it just remaining the the drri mixed use because that's what it currently is however it it maybe we create a third or not a third category but a different category in the legend where you know it's the brown in the back background which is the m the master plan mixed use but it's got these cross slays over it that and we describe it as current D drri with the um potential to become master plan mixed use something like that um just something that says hey look this is what it is currently this is what we we um the potential for it but they still need to go through the right process to get there could you work with staff on that just a little bit to give it one one shot St uh city manager just because before I overstep your my boundaries with you so what I'm hearing is that you want to have this come back to you as an ordinance first read at your next business meeting which would be September 3rd I think that's the most prudent thing yeah I do too I mean that's if everybody is sincere up here about wanting to actually get this transmitted because I think we all are so we buy uh another week you do what you can and then you come back and either it flies or it doesn't and this the September 3rd is a business meeting yes okay okay yeah I think that's great just that's a that's a is that an evening yes okay and just food food for thought and for discussion but the argument from and I the argument but the prerogative of our staff is basically that this is such a all-encompassing holistic approach that something like this even 25 years ago probably would have occurred in the fashion that you're proposing today well we would have um and we have in the past designated future land use designations on a folks's property uh during the comp plan process such as that we're doing now without the applicant coming in for an application okay yeah that's we've done that in the past yeah and I feel like the magnitude of what we're doing up here allows us to be that you know magnanimous in our decision- making here but I understand the Prudence of fellow council members but I just want to make sure I understood the totality of it okay all right very good so if there no more questions here uh the instructions are clear yes okay so then I would open up this item for public comment if there are any members of the public that would like to comment on this item at this time please come forward siia p in Palm Coast since 91 um uh this comment is going to be about the whole plan 2050 or will continue with other chapters now okay I'm I'm sorry okay okay uh first of all my comment is like we have to go with the what cons woman poti once uh because we need to be uh concerned and we need to be involved because if we open the door this developer okay so honestly speaking make that change I'm asking if this is all because you know we requested I spoke with Mr Tiner and we requested that any future uh the paragraph of any future uh cell tower should not be decide as says there by by uh the staff or administrators of the city but should come to consult and the people have a say where they're going to put a cell tower not 150 250 ft from our homes that's what I said I mean I don't know if you're going to continue with this 2050 or you are just approving today okay all right I thank you for your comment uh Mr Tiner if if you could address that I did that policy was changed there was a policy in our plan that's what I thought very good another speaker yes sir Mike Norris to Lima place um I think you guys should put this off to the new Council and this is a reason um I've watched this this whole thing play out so I was at the first meeting when um that PhD gave the briefing some people do have strategic planning in their backgrounds like me for example I can't speak for the other people but I think I've done a little bit of strategic planning uh the problem with this is you're going to run into legalities those land develop ERS are going to use your comprehensive plan and your Land Development code to hold you accountable for what they want to do and we are for me personally I know what's going on here and I'm going to submit to Miss Cook after this is done I'll email her like five clips from uh YouTube uh audio that was taken from the radio this has all been planned out everybody knows what's going on here that's why a lot of you are going to be off of this Council come November because of what you're doing we know it's all about the money and making it available for the developers to build what they want on the west side I I I think I counted approximately 40 people in this room you can't I I bet you dollars to Donuts that you can't find 40 people in this city that raised their hand and said we want residential housing on the west side with additional dwellings for a mother-in-law in in-law suites and stuff like that you can't do it because I know I know it's a load it is a load and you need to put this off to the next Council if I'm elected I'll take care of it and we can move forward not a campaign speech Miss I don't need a campaign mayor miss pontier you are correct you are correct and I'm glad we have you on the council because you are starting to recognize and a lot of people in this community are starting to recognize what's going on and it's all about the money and developing out west I I from not one second that I believe this comprehensive plan was in the best interest of the citizens of Palm Coast it's all about westward expansion that's why you got $80 million to go west or $105 million to go west with the road and we're not going to allow it so it once this election is over one way or the other we're going to amend or adjust or do whatever we have to do to get the comprehensive plan so you can push forward and approving it now and pushing it up to Tallahassee for review and coming back but I can guarantee you once the new council is seated we're going to fix it but thank you Teresa for your support on this thank you for your comment are there any other members members of the public that would like to comment at this time seeing no one come forward I'll close public comment any final comment from the de well he should have said Navy Donuts don't start uh if there's no further comment I just have a really quick all right go ahead I don't I don't want to um denigrate the work that staff has done and the input that you have gotten from the community um I understand the concerns about the growth out west I do um there will be an DC that will be amended by the future Council and I think that that will be a very important role for us um I disagree that this is not something that the residents have had input on and I don't want that to be minimized you all have done an excellent job in getting Community feedback and input you've also done an excellent job in incorporating a lot of concerns from the residents such as the cell tower um concern into the comp plan and you've taken all of that into consideration and made really um strong appropriate changes so I just wanted to leave us with that thank you for that with that then we'll move to thank you again we'll move to uh item h on the agenda which is resolutions and uh councelor I guess you have to read those in for me if you would resolution 2024 XX approving the acceptance of the US Department of Homeland Security assistance to Firefighters Grant all right gentlemen you're on this is a heavy lift here I think not heavy I should say weighty if Homeland Security good afternoon good afternoon mayor and councel um uh we're here today with uh I'm calber Hill fire chief Palm Coast fire department I'm here with Lieutenant Patrick Giuliano who has been coordinating our grant process for about four years I believe and um so we received a notification about uh 15 days ago that um we were uh we won this award um to pursue Pat's going to tell you a little bit about it um and as we go through this process proc we have a 30-day window from that receipt it's a highly competitive process organizations that win in these processes 10 to 15% of the time are doing really really great I want to say that you're in the 50 or 60% range uh lately so um Lieutenant Patrick Juliano just does an amazing job for us and uh working through the grant process and he's going to tell you a little bit about uh What uh We've awarded and then what we'll ask for you guys to do is to approve acceptance of this grant um that we'll execute in the next fiscal year all right so fee as assistance to Firefighters grant program provides funding to Public Safety organizations and firefighters uh against fire related hazards so there are three programs that they offer the assistance to Firefighters uh Grant which is called afg we've won that in 2006 12 19 uh 2021 and once again we've W they also offer the fire prevention and safety Grant which we've won in 2003 and then then there's also the Staffing for adequate fire and emergency response uh Grant known as the safer again they're highly competitive grants you get departments from all over the country applying for this and for us we applied for this back in March of 2024 and the the idea was to apply for paramedic training funding the funding is uh tuition to send a paramedic to school is about $ 6,366 that includes their tuitions their fees the uniforms the books and all of the software that goes uh with it our goal is to send nine firefighter EMTs to local uh paramedic training eies to become State Certified paramedics the firefighter uh I'm sorry the paramedic programs take about 12 to 16 months based on the available programs and there's two local uh Ed uh educational facilities that we use uh datona State College and First Coast Technical College so between those two schools it's a uh 12 the 16-month commitment from that employee so why this is important IT addresses a Statewide Trend that we've seen that 71% of new higher positions out there are vacant because they're paramedic positions um this supports our Department's mission of training our firefighters to become paramedics it enhances our ability uh with responses so currently we have 38 paramedics on our staff and and a range in the different ranks that's about 51% right now we have six in school one of them pending a state exam so with sending these nine additional uh firefighters we're going to increase our ALS coverage which is called Advanced life support from 24% over the next two years taking us from uh that 51 up to way over 74% and what's important about it is why uh having paramedics is when you have multiple paramedics on scene collaborating together whether it's a high-intensity call of a cardiac arrest or a significant crash or a a severe acute medical problem you have multiple hands multiple trained Personnel working on Airway management cardiac monitoring uh IV access medication administration and it allows uh for resiliency and handling unpredictable and dynamic situations so everybody working together allows that to happen um with this uh they awarded this uh we got it in the initial around this month in uh in August uh the total amount for the grant is 57,200 so $2,854 our cost share is 10% which is $528 55 so we're requesting Council to accept this Grant and we have until 7: a.m. on September 2nd to notify them if this is approved that's and that's my presentation he's pretty good I'm going to keep him uh so what we need from you is just that you would vote to accept the resolution and then this is part of the budget presentation um that you saw today um the funding associated with both the revenue we receive and our match expenditure so I'm sorry je so the numbers that we reviewed earlier today this was already a part of that yes sir okay I mean this is uh Vice May no it is good but but but keep please keep in mind this is five grand out of your 2 million bucks and and we don't want to touch fire department and we don't want to touch what I'm asking I'm just I'm just making a point that these all add up so yes everybody up here I shouldn't speak for everybody but I think everybody obviously understands the the not just the need but the the the blessing of being able to increase our our coverage by that percentage is huge for our community how could you possibly turn away from it but everything cost pennies yeah so thank you for your efforts a 9010 split is always a good day um appreciate the work as always working on grants Patrick um so I commend the work and yeah I'm I'm all on board yeah congratulations this is awesome excellent great work members of the public question comment good I have an Applause that's good I think everybody everybody sees the Merit in this so uh public comment would be unnecessary uh at this time so may I ask for motion motion to approve I'll second it okay so I have a motion from councilwoman pontier to approve and a second from vice mayor Dano any further discussion all in favor please signify by saying I I I are there any opposed the motion passes unanimously thank you thank you yes thank you guys I did I didn't ask the question when do we actually begin to y the benefit we would anticipate uh so these are existing employees today when are we going to Save a Life uh well we're doing that all the time no no more lives when do we get started yes sir January very good start that's all I wanted to hear thank you okay um okay we're now at number seven I believe so if you would resolution 2024 dxx approving Freedom at Sawmill phase 7 a final plat application number 5710 hi good afternoon mayor council members a stelle lens planner with the city this is a final plat uh for the freedom at Sawmill phase 7A and I can bring up the presentation and review it if you like let me ask the council members do you need a refresher do you want to take a look I've looked you you no we've all done our agenda homework so thank you for offering though therefore um is there any are there any questions of Staff then I would go ahead and offer this out to the public if anybody has a question about the agenda item at this time I sorry I do just a clarification the bond um in one of the slides it says it's only uh $2,826 I think that was a typo but for public transparency I want to make sure what is the bond requirement I I confirmed that myself when I saw that and that that is correct that is the only remain remaining infrastructure estimate correct it's the 282,000 it's 2,000 isn't oh so because they paid the rest is that all that's due or can you further explain that sure thank you Dennis leap site development manager yeah what it is is for the infrastructure not completed so all the infrastructure is basically completed in that project they just have that's the remaining amount of of work they need to do so it's really minor work they need they need to do cleanup work so that's why the bond is low okay thank you for that all that's left got it very good all right so um um is there any public comment on the item I think I asked already so if there is no public comment any further comment on the day I have a motion from the vice mayor to approve and a second from yes it's quasi judicial quasi judicial have any members of the city council had any out export communication no NOP no party uh no members of city council have had any expar communication so that brings us to we have a a motion and uh did I get a second I'll second I have a second from Council one pontier is the clear clear on the motion in the second yes thank you very good so then without further Ado all in favor please signify by saying I I are there any opposed the motion passes unanimously thank you and we now move to number eight counselor resolution 2024 dxx approving pont's Reserve final plat application number 5685 and this is also a final plot for ponds preserve and I also have a presentation if you wanted me to bring this one up or if you had any questions we use the same I'll ask the same question would anybody like a refresher to see the uh the graphics I don't need it but this was the public comment that was brought up earlier all the dump trucks so can we hear what is there a solution to this possibly I think we're at the Mr D Lorenzo has a very quick oh uh um there were X number of dump trucks in the project and my understanding is we're done or finished or we're at the end yeah um what I did is after I heard your comment at the meeting I called up our site inspector and asked him to contact the contractor I'm waiting to get word back and let him know there's three different routes he could take I'm trying to figure out when that actually work will be done my understanding is they we getting close to getting done but I don't have the exact date that they should have all the fill brought into the site okay if we can strongly encourage them to spread the wealth and 70 trucks up and down the same road all day that would be great I did that the only cave out there is if you're extending the length of the route you're adding more stress on the roads and and everything else 70 trucks up and down Pleasant can't good well I'm just I'm just saying you're adding more miles ideal right okay and I and I appreciate your point so I'm I'm good with that okay thank you so with that said I would ask for a motion I'll make that motion to approve quasi what's that quas this is uh also a quasi judicial um uh decision um none none oh I'm sorry I did get emails about the dump trucks but other than that will they affect your decision no no okay none so none that would affect anyone's decision so having gone through all of that I have a motion and a second a second there we go a second from councilman clus so all in favor please signify by saying I I I are there any opposed counselor do you have a question did we sorry did we go through public comment on this already I did okay I offer it no I'm pretty sure okay uh public comment I thought I had asked Celia Panos um the only question that I have as a resident on here in here cut Candi Stevens uh all the trucks uh loaded to the development did the city made um arrangements or or do something about what's going to be the status of the pavement of those roads if they are damaged by the overt tring loaded to the development because see what happened in the city we don't and we don't have any reserves to repay our road so when this St and wear takes place the the planning department uh this close how this is going to be repaired and where the money is going to come is enough impact fees paid to the repair of the roads if they're damaged by the tracks that's all I thank you I thank you for your comment are there any other members of the public that would like to comment at this time seeing no one come forward I will close public comment I believe we already do have a motion and a second does anybody need to be reminded of the motion then I would go ahead and um all in favor please signify by saying I I are there any opposed the motion passes unanimously thank you that moves us now to uh agenda letter I which is the consent agenda City Council Members any comments on any items on the consent for today um I just want to make one comment I don't have anything specifically that I want to p that I have questions about I just as a policy um do not think that contracts that we have not previously workshopped and that are over a million dollars should be on the consent so would you like to offer that up as a policy maybe going forward not today but uh and that's not a bad idea yeah I think that if we're if we're not going to Workshop a certain contract and it is over that dollar amount anything think a million is the right number I'm up for suggestion on the dollar amount but a million's a lot of money so can I ask staff to come back with a a policy decision on that so that we could adopt it and with consensus uh sure mayor before another million dollar contract comes forward how's that understood okay and you know whatever number it is I I I think the I think the concept is correct I think yeah if we could I I don't want to make it too low to where you know we're not putting anything on that's why I want to ask staff to take a look so if staff could kind of look at what would be a reasonable amount based on I think some of our you know if we're piggybacking contracts and I don't think we usually piggyback contracts that are super super high dollar um but I would I would leave staff um leave that up to you as to the discretion come back to us maybe with some figures as to the contract dollars that we're routinely looking at we'll but we'll go back through our procurement policy and see what we can suggest to improve there very nice okay and you'll you'll make sure that we follow up on that good thank you okay all right then with that um I would open up the consent agenda for public comments are there any members of the public that would like to comment on the consent agenda at this timeit again PCOS I totally agree with the Cil woman poner it's a very good idea for us thank you thank you okay if there are no other public comments I will go ahead and close public comment and I would ask for a motion regarding the consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda as read and as an asterisk I never thought we would see a liquid oxygen system on the consent agenda but stok to see it okay I'll second that all right so I have a motion from councilman Kus um with his uh his additional points and a second from vice mayor Dano any further discussion then all in favor please signify by saying I I I are there any opposed the motion passes unanimously thank you we now move to discussion by city council members for matters that were not on today's agenda anybody got anything nothing no just congratulations um to everybody uh from the election those who everybody who ran thank you for putting yourselves out there it's really hard it's uh definitely public service so I commend everybody who ran and um thank you for the public that came out and vote let's have more voters for the general uh councilman uh counselor city manager uh just as a matter of your packet there is the emergency and soul Source um for the month of July July is there any questions uh no I really don't and then anything super big coming up in the next uh before the next meeting event wise uh tomorrow is the Joint City County uh Workshop that's important good so folks should come out for that because it does involve the humane society which was a touch point today yes so if people want to come to the Public Public participation that's tomorrow at the general Services building yes very good thank you oh also we have the Outdoor Concert Series on Thursday soulfire is a really good band you should come out and watch them yeah all right we'll try to pray for good weather for that okay with that I would ask make a motion uh a motion to adjourn we have a motion is there a second second I have a second we
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