e e good afternoon I'd like to call to order uh the planning and development committee meeting of September 4th 20124 grinby is situated on treaty land this land is steeped in the rich history of the the First Nations such as the had wendon the honi and the Nish AB including the Mis sagas of the Credit First Nation there are many First Nations matey and Inu people from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today the regional Municipality of Niagara and the town of grinby stand with all indigenous people past and present in promoting the wise stewardship on the of the lands on which we live are there any disclosures of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest seeing none uh can I have a move in seconder for the approval move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy moved by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy resolved the September 4th 2024 Planning and Development Committee agenda be approved all in favor that's carried up next uh can I have a mover and second to receive the previous minutes mooved by member Potter second by member Drew resolve that the following minutes be received Planning Development Committee of August 7th 2024 grinby Heritage advisory committee August 13 2024 all in favor that's carried all right no delegations no consent reports uh the only discussion report outlines the plan subdivision at 165 Lake Street can have a mover and secondary to get it on the floor for discussion councilor Frank member PA water discussion Manny Manny Manny are you going to speak H all right welcome Manny okay hello everybody um today we have an application for a draft plan of subdivision for uh 165 Lake Street yeah myself Manny uh from the town and Ryan Ferrari from AJ Clarks and Associates on behalf of the owner and I'll be presenting our staff recommendation for the application uh next slide uh so right here we have the view of the site uh the 165 Lake Street address is taken from the lot that where the home is currently on the Eastern portion of the site um the P the portion on the west is currently uh or with no Municipal address uh the application is to combine the two lots and to split the site into two blocks uh one block is for the development of the site for what is currently planned uh as 31 homes uh semi and single detached and the other block is to be dedicated to the park or to the town as a Parkland next slide uh so this is the final part of the original application which included both the zoning bylaw Amendment if uh you recall as well as uh this uh draft plan of subdivision application uh originally um it was submitted as two applications at the same time to be reviewed at the same time but we felt that uh we needed to address the zoning bylaw Amendment component uh first and foremost because of provincial timelines um um and address the subdivision portion a little bit later especially with respect to uh the Parkland and the the space we uh we needed for the for an appropriate Parkland dedication um and we had a little more flexibility to do that uh next slide so as a refresher here's approved uh Zoning for the site which is rm1 zoning permitting uh also permitting single detached homes in addition to semis there's sight specific regulations for lot size Frontage setbacks lot coverage encroachments Building height um and those were all to support a compact um built form um importantly uh the hazard overlay along the shoreline wasn't removed and so the intent is for development to be clear of the stable uh as clear of the stable top of slope as possible uh next slide so here is a view of the revised uh draft plan of the site you can see if you can um there's that large portion for development or Dev development as block one and block two along the western uh edge of the site is uh the Parkland dedication um that's intended to be uh a trail linking uh Lake Street all the way down to the Eastern Terminus of Nell's Beach um right at the shoreline uh next slide and here is the current conceptual site plan uh uh for the site overall again you can see the the link on the side on the left and um the bill form that's proposed for the site uh next slide and here's a here's a bit of a closer view it's oriented uh counterclockwise so or clockwise so North is to the right um but this is a kind of a closer up view of the the trail which is 4 M up to that point where there is supposed to be a vehicular gate and then it expands to 5 m and then that extends all the way to what we envision as a uh a rest area and a and a viewing platform and then we envision um steps leading down to the shore uh next slide is a reminder of the op uh designation which is a low density residential and next slide and just reminder during during the zba stage uh the land use and the bill form was examined in in detail um and Parkland is a permitted use in a residential area and the ideal is for that Parkland to be uh to support the connectivity of the neighborhood to other neighborhood parks as well as uh to the lake uh next slide and this is the the guiding principle of the op is what well this this is the guiding principle of the op that that we are that we um worked around to request this Parkland um the general um overview of the parks or of parks in Open Spaces is speciically uh for us or for the town to provide Visual and physical access to the lake um and we do this through um creating parks and trails and linkages between different you know different Parks um as well as uh especially with respect to development that would be adjacent or right along the lake shore to request uh Parkland dedication and we shall require Parkland dedication for um those types of developments which is the current case uh next slide and here's a bit of here's an overview of the area um you can see the two major Parks the the offleash dog park as well as the adjacent park next to it and importantly the and Nels beach park on the top left and we can see that line along the lake which is the beach and um there is a public easa across that site on 155 Lake for that beach so we would be connecting Lake Street right to that public easement which is a continuation of that Park and theoretically is a continuation of those of a connection between the two parks and that public area right there all right so uh there was a whole list of Draft plan conditions but from a planning perspective our uh our view is that can that construction within block one including fencing and Gates is the responsibility of the owner and the developer we're taking the responsibility of of block two and and crucially um the trail and the rest in viewing area should always be able to be used by the public and uh there shouldn't be any encumbrances or or or blocks blockages along that that trail and that should always be uh open for the public to an extent which is like if it's a closed at nighttime or not um next next slide so these are uh the agencies U that provided conditions obviously the town um and which includes planning and public works and and Parks um and the region the npca uh Canada Post uh Grimsby power and uh Bell Canada these all have to be um approved through the at the final approval stage uh next slide um just a general overview that that or position that that enabling that us to have this application um within section 9.15 of the op which is for uh plan of subdiv ision um we we are able to have this plan uh or this application put forward next slide um so uh after this if it's approved uh we would the applicant will be required to uh go through a final approval application which is a staff application or staff is providing the final approval and then later on part LW control um as well as draft plan of condominium um would be uh again a public process through through Council again and then finally when it's time when all set it done to uh to build um we'll be going through a site plan approval and we'll be going through the minua the extra detail review of all the engineering and components and um that kind of thing next SL and yes um just a is recommending an approval of this draft plan of subdivision application thank you thank you questions or comments from uh Committee Member Drew uh thank you through the chair uh a question for staff uh um first comment that uh I believe it's commendable at the town and the developers have worked through a proposal here that that allows uh for Public Access through a trail and uh access to the beach and and Lakeshore and that that access is without interference between the public and the residents I think that's good for both both parties but um an overall question I realize it may not be designed as as yet but can you give U from a staff standpoint an overview of of the plan for Block two um particularly related to the platform viewing area um such things as accessibility um perhaps the height of the platform uh sight lines for that from that platform I realize not all this is work worked out yet but there obstructions that are going to cause uh sight line issues um just an overall um review of that platform if you would please through the through the chair thank you um so yes um there are going to be uh some of these details are going to have to be worked out at the detail design stage but the overall intent of that viewing platform is for it to be accessible completely accessible for all for people of all ages and abilities uh from Lake Street uh through the trail to that platform um and um the intent is for there to be a view of the lake as as best as possible there's no we don't really know what the extent of or the angle of that view uh can be just yet but um yeah the platform should be accessible as much as possible um beyond the platform it's might it's not something that probably isn't possible because of the the grade change to the Shoreline um so going to have to have steps there that kind of thing um but the Vie platform platform is uh to be used as for everybody in the community thank you member Potter thank you chair thank you Manny um yeah I was just trying to cast my mind back to the previous uh presentation um where the proposed I think it was down between the club and the the first house I think there was proposed entry to the lake area there but uh good to see I assume now it it is what I think one of the questions that we had last time or comments was is it gated or is it not gated and I'm guessing it's now gated but I'll come on to that maybe in a minute um questions for you on the pathway similar to member Drew um unless it's tough to read my eyes aren't that great and I'm getting a little bit geriatric so I think it's 4 M wide is 3 m maybe um caution there on uh cars going down there that you don't want to go down there cuz it looks like a driveway so I I don't know if there's B being proposed for the entrance way removable but it it just looks like a recipe for kids playing yeah these are through you chair thank you for the question these are the kinds of details that we'll address um but walkways typically have the Baller in to prevent cars um the uh the area will have to also be maintained uh by the town um we'll have to pick up garbage um and uh do other you know incend uh sunry uh uh maintenance uh on a regular basis so it's going to have to be accessible to maintenance Vehicles so we're we're addressing that also with the design uh there I believe access is being provided through the site uh with uh Gates four vehicles from the internal driveway to get to the back uh so that's it's it's a little bit wider so the conservation Authority will required a 5 m width to enable uh maintenance vehicles for the shoreline work to be able to access the Waterfront also so and to address some of your accessibility questions also it's uh it's our our hope is to also have it visually accessible so it's not a hidden place so um uh so the the platform or or the the viewing area can be uh seen from neighboring houses so it's not a hidden place for uh uh that could be subject to potential uh concerns of um of uh crime and uh things like that okay so just to follow up there water if you like uh maintenance access good is there any um I say kind about legal is the word but any accessibility requirements from Emergency Services like the uh Marine safety units or anything like that or is there another location within geographical distance because you're now entering the shoreline I didn't know if there was a need for launch boats or something like that from an emergency perspective if you're going down to the beach thank you through you chair um I I don't believe there's the ability to launch boats in the immediate vicinity I think the nearest launching facilities are at um um at uh uh foreign Marina at the end of Ontario Street I think smaller craft can be launched at um at the pump house parking lot uh or or 50 Point Conservation Area um I'm not sure where the Marine auxiliary unit is located now it used to be at uh but I think I think they're moving but um but other Emergency Services uh would be able to access the beach from Nellis Park and potentially from this end so it was important from our perspective to have access to the publicly owned Beach from both ends so cuz there are some um Shoreline structures along the way that might Pro cause uh accessibility problems for emergency services but this will give them opportunities at either end to get to uh get to the beach if necessary thank you I never being a xmarine engineer I never take it for granted that there's normal access the thing I see uh on the property side if you like uh there's just looking graphically those walls or something at the back of the property at the moment there's a pretty strong tree line down that side on the west side of the property um on the graphic I see nothing that would delineate the pathway from the large property to the West is there a plan for a fence trees or is that still under development that's still under development our our standard is uh just a chain link fence 5 6 feet high I'm not sure exactly the the detail but um yeah we' want to provide some screening uh there is a lot of vegetation you're right along that side so uh through the development approval process we'll want uh uh tree preservation plan to be submitted with the application uh to identify which trees are going to be retained uh and which other vegetative materials are are going to be retained and and what protection measures are going to be implemented in order to make sure that that they're saved and and remain healthy and I assume consultation with the property that's on that west side yeah if necessary we'll yeah definitely we'll we'll need to consult with uh that property owner um um I'm not sure that's something that uh um uh Sarah Sweeney would have to address uh but I can't directly answer that question and what the normal practices are for uh for thank you CH all right any further questions no you're good all right seeing none moved by U councelor Frank second councelor brzy okay thank you chair through you uh I might play a little bit of Devil's Advocate here so I'm kind of just looking at I know there's the pre-existing easement with the neighboring property but I'm just question the shoreline path to the Nels Park is that something we really need a water a waterfront path to get to I mean it's it's quite an easy walk along Lake Street I'm just wondering if there might be quite a costly connection is my fear the the town owns the Waterfront behind the subdivisions west of the site and has an e easement Public Access easement over the neighboring property immediately AB budding this site um the long-term plan was to provide a connection at this end so that's why we acquired all the waterfront Land from the uh from the base of the tow and basically the beach um as far east as we could go um and I believe there was a little bit of beach still left on this site uh that that may be lost following the construction of the shoreline work but it was important for us to provide access at this end of the beach that the town owns uh so that people can access the beach from the East side and from the west side and uh also if there's uh uh um emergency service access needed the beach can be accessed from both ends whichever is more convenient so we felt it was important to provide access at this end and it was always planned that way that's why we obtained that easement chair I I could see it being useful for things like the the the triathlons that run out of this park although I'm just worried about how expensive that's going to be um but then we any other options for Parkland considered um I know there's the the shoreline retaining wall at at the Nels park has been eroded for some time I mean maybe just even kind of repairing that might might even be a big win is repairing the Nells Beach uh Park Shoreline also a part of this the NS sorry through you chair it's not it's my understanding that um the Nells Beach Shoreline uh and erosion issues along Nells Park um aren't part of this proposal it it may be something that the town may want to consider at some future date I'm not aware of any any plans uh through our parks department to to address that issue at this time um I know the the uh the shoreline has moved South into the park over the years um it's erosion from what I understand from the shoreline Engineers that tell me that beach the creation of beaches some sometimes is a function of erosion also that's where some of the material comes from um and the sand does drift water levels go up and down uh beaches are shallower and deeper depending on the circumstances at the time or that year um so um whether but the the erosion of of the park and it's a similar situation west of West of uh Elizabeth Street at the end of Elizabeth Street pump house at the small Morocco park I think not Morocco Park there's another park right beside the old uh settling tanks there's a lot of erosion happening there and we've had to move the fence back further and farther as time went on but uh it's it's a comprehensive issue that the town will have to address at some point in the future yeah even even the from what I understand even the ramp down at Nels beach park is there's there's quite a bit of a drop at the bottom of the paved um ramp um so that may need to be repaired at some time but yeah access is a little more difficult there now than it used to be for sure all right thank you Walter and thank you Manny uh seeing no further questions moved by um councelor Frank second by councelor brzy resolv that report PA 24-25 165 Lake Street plan of subdivision dated September 4th 2024 be received and one that Planning and Development Committee recommends Council approve the draft plan of subdivision subject to the conditions outlined in appendix B of this report all in favor that's carried uh is there any other business pertaining to the committee seeing none uh the next planning development committee meeting is scheduled for September 19th 2024 at 5:00 p.m. uh good evening everyone uh meeting is adjourned good night
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