e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I will if I can have members of council to please take your seats members of council councelor Chang please I would call this meeting to to order the clerk has advised that we do have quum members of council please rise if you're able for the national anthem [Music] Oh Canada our home and native land true patri love and all of us come in count on Pro p [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Canada [Music] g n [Music] please remain standing and join me in observing a moment of silence in memory of Derek Brown Stevie Cameron Gail Christie Carol K Lena hawy IE lski Michael Marx Jeff Odo and Hudson Sullivan thank you I would just like to take a moment a few moments um today we come together to honor or remember Gail Christie a pioneering leader and one of the first female mayors of the city of York Gail broke through gender barriers during a trans transformative error in Canadian Society her past was challenging Often marred by judgments based on appearance rather than the substance of her policies but she remained undeterred Gail was widely recognized as a strong and graceful woman who devoted her life to advocating for the everyday person she was always ready to lend a hand to those in need and her compassion was boundless deeply committed to her community Gail inspired everyone she encountered to make a positive impact on those around them her Legacy endures in the life she touched in the city she cherished though we will miss her greatly her memory will forever remain with us and I also want to acknowledge Dee that's in the audience Gail Christie was her first boss she worked for Gail Christie many many years ago welcome Dee and uh as I mentioned Gail Christie was the first female mayor of the city of York I was the second and the last mayor of the city of York so my condolence goes out to her family and thank you Dei for being here I would like to take a moment on behalf of council to acknowledge the indigenous peoples of all the lands that we are on today we do this to reaffirm our commitment and responsibility in improving relationships between nations and to deepening our own understanding of indigenous peoples and their cultures it is a moment to reflect on the importance of this land which we each call home we acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the missas of the credit the Alish the chipa the had nooni and the wend as people and is now home to many diverse First Nations Inuit and matey peoples we also acknowledge that Toronto's covered by treaty 13 with the Miss sagas of the credit and the Williams treaties signed with multiple Miss sagas and chipal bands for the benefit of those who are connected to the internet the city clerk has posted all of the agenda materials for today's meeting at toronto.ca counil this meeting is being held as a hybrid meeting and is main stream live on YouTube I'd like to welcome the public who are with us here today and who are watching the meeting online members we do have a presentation this morning to recognize Matthew Peg Fire Chief and general manager Toronto fire services on his retirement from the city of Toronto I would like to call upon mayor Chow to give the presentation good morning Chief Matthew pig is retiring oh from public service after 11 years in the Toronto fire Services eight of which he serve as the fire chief and general manager he said he's grateful to retire healthy with lots of energy and you will see that in a moment Chief Peg's firefighting career span 32 years starting in Georgina Ontario before taking on progressively challenging Ros in Ajax Bramton and Toronto fire Services then of course becoming Toronto's fire chief he started as a volunteer firefighters and worked his way up the ranks becoming a deputy fire chief in 2001 in his spare time I don't know where he can find it but he's also a licensed mechanic and experienced pilot he sometimes described himself as a farm kid from Keswick you're far away from that but who is in all of everything his amazing team at Toronto fire service do in the streets of Toronto every day now his dedication to firefighting in Canada is extraordinary Chief Peg was the president of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs for several years and has been awarded the executive fire chief officer professional designation by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs under his leadership Toronto fire service achieve accredited agency status from the commission on fire accreditation International in 2019 and a second time in 2024 at demonstrating the commitment to continuous quality improvement and delivery of worldclass fire protection services that meets the needs of torontonians I want you to know the city of Toronto is the largest city with an accredited fire service in North America we all live through and benefit from Chief P's leadership as The covid-19 Incident Commander for the city of Toronto over two years during those chaotic difficult times he led us through the pandemic and the development in continue operation of one of the most complex Incident Management System in North American history this include leading the longest ever continuous deployment of Toronto's Emergency Operations Center as well as the development and operation of Toronto's covid-19 immunization task force and we all know how successful that was he also LED major emergency responses like the 650 Parliament street crisis some of us remember that very well and the 2017 batminton and Racket Club fire which was the largest single deployment of resources in the Toronto fire Services history now he can't do it alone how does he manage he approached the labor relations in a way that have just transformative together with President James Reed and his colleague at the Toronto professional firefighters Association they've built a productive and collaborative working relationship which is probably why the association the President James Reed Vice President John mlen and Michael Smith are all here supporting or celebrating um helping celebrate Chief Peg's uh retirement I rather not say it's a celebration we'll miss you but it's we're celebrating your career also that's a transformative approach and I witnessed it because uh at uh some of the celebration or some of the show activities I saw how loved Chief Peg is with all the firefighters in a big Banquet Hall it was incredible I also saw Chief pegs when he arrived in a scene of a fire and I witnessed it during the uh Island Clubhouse being burned down the the the sense of safety security he brought to the local residents and the restaurant folks that were mourning the loss but also ah the Chiefs here the firefighters are here we're in good hands and is extraordinary I want to say though that um other than uh work ethics Chief Peg won a lot of awards Let me list them he's a recipient of the heroism heroism and community service medal the Ontario fire service long service medal and the Canadian fire service ex um service medal and the Ontario medal for firefighter bravery what makes a hero what makes uh an extraordinary leader I think it's courage bravery of course strength demonstrating incredible work ethic a commitment to serve above self and we witness that but also tremendous amount of empathy because I also saw that in two of the graduation that I attended Chief Peg talked about the importance of family support he also talked about not just physical strength he also talked about the importance of mental health that we need to take a holistic approach in supporting each other and that's the strength and that what's make a hero and a leader and he also acknowledged the impact and the sacrifices of families of first responder today Chief p is joined by his wife Kathleen cson his uh brother John Peg who is also the Ontario Fire Marshal and John's wife Amanda Peg they're all here the Toronto fire service staff the deputy Fire Chiefs Paul fist Geral Jim Jessup and Kevin helmington his assistant Heather Smith program executive director Simon Wells Melissa janiro Etc I can't and of course other staff Police Service medical office of Health Toronto Paramedic Services you are very well loved um and together with my colleagues in city council it is my pleasure to present chief pegged with this commerative scroll and thank you for your many decades of service join me in thanking Chief Peg I'm still a farm kid from Keswick okay I'm off script already I've been in this chamber a lot I've spent a lot of hours in here and it never quite felt like this so uh thank you so much mayor Chow Madam speaker city councilors city manager John senior leadership team uh colleagues friends ladies and gentlemen uh the mayor called it out I'm joined today literally by the finest command team in the at least the Canadian fire service and Beyond and uh my colleagues from both paramedics and police and my family are here so to each of you thank you uh thank you ma'am so very much for this recognition to put it as succinctly as possible serving as a member of the Toronto fire services for the past 11 years and as the Toronto fire chief for the past 8 and a half years has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime there has never been a day when I have not felt a deep sense of Pride to wear this uniform and to serve each of you as fire chief as I will until the end of the day on Friday October 4th many people don't realize that the City's Fire Protection Service levels are not set by The Province they're not set by the fire chief they're not set by the city manager rather they're set by counsel in Toronto our mayor and Council have made the decision to establish and maintain Fire Protection Service levels that are the Envy of cities around the world our residents receive quite literally worldclass emergency call processing dispatch performance as well as emergency response time performance that is also world class and lives are being saved as a result Council has approved proactive public education and fire prevention service levels here that continue to result in fewer fatalities and fewer critical injuries in our city the city of Toronto continues to be the largest city in North America with an internationally accredited fire service I am deeply appreciative of the support of both of both Council and the city's senior leadership team as this simply isn't possible otherwise as Council your commitment to public fire safety in Toronto continues to save lives and I sincerely thank you for not only supporting the numerous recommendations I've made as your fire chief but for your steadfast support year after year words cannot properly explain the Deep sense of Pride I feel to both lead and serve alongside our incredible Toronto fire Services team to each member of this incredible team I thank you for your unwavering commitment to courage to compassion and to service you are truly worldclass all too often across North America and Beyond fire service Union and management teams work in silos and are often at odds with one another but not in Toronto I'm so very proud of the open honest direct and collaborative relationship that we have built and maintained together as fire chief I've had the privilege of working directly with four different presidents of the Toronto professional firefighters Association and I don't believe there's a better model of open and transparent Labor Relations collaboration anywhere in our service we share information openly we solve problems together we set strategy and make decisions together and when disagreement is necessary we disagree respectfully and productively to President James Reid former President Kennedy ramano McCarthy and to the entire Toronto professional firefighters Association team many of whom are here today and that means a lot to me so thank you very much thank you for your leadership your support your dedication and most importantly for your friendship since 2016 our Toronto fire Services team has achieved nearly 40% self-reported diversity in recruitment setting a course for the future that is increasingly diverse inclusive welcoming and one where Toronto fire Services increasingly reflects the communities we serve each day we now have dedicated staff teams including an amazing positive space committee and an extraordinary Toronto fire Services black staff Network to name but a few who work with our command team each day to inform a better and more inclusive future since Council approved the addition of a full-time Toronto fire services staff psychologist two years ago the number of wsib claims being filed for occupational stress injury and post-traumatic stress injury by Toronto firefighters have been reduced by more than 60% these amazing things only happen when the Association the office of the fire chief and the Toronto fire Services command team work together in collaboration in Toronto we do and people are better off as a result in my role as fire chief one thing has remained constant I've never known what any given day will bring nor how any day will play out in March of 2020 I was asked to serve as the city's covid-19 Incident Commander working alongside mayor and councel the City Senior and corporate leadership teams and our incredible medical officer of Health Dr Eileen Dilla who is here today as well affectionately known by me as doc she's uh she's doc over the course of my 25-month assignment in that role I had the privilege of seeing the entire Toronto Public Service team Step Up respond and make above and beyond seem normal that's what I've come to respect about the public service there is a common sense of purpose in meaning that emerges when people need us the most my city of Toronto colleagues showed the world what dedication and caring look like under pressure I would be remiss if I did not extend a special thank you to Dr Dilla aka the doc for me Dr Dilla started out as the medical officer of Health whom I didn't know very well but ended up as my implicitly trusted and respected colleague and friend you represent the very best that all the public service is Doc I don't get emotional here perhaps Above All Else successfully meeting the demands of the Toronto fire chief role requires the support understanding and Grace frankly of your spouse and family I'm joined here today by my wife Catherine who is the reason that I have been able to meet the demands of the Toronto fire chief role for the past 8 and 1/2 years the number of times I have left home in the middle of the night sometimes for hours sometimes for days make that somehow seem normal NeverEnding evening and weekend public events late nights early mornings constantly ringing phones and text messages interrupted meals and social events and a life simply defined as unpredictable is what Catherine has injured yet the support understanding and Grace that I've received from Catherine throughout my tenure as fire chief has been both unwavering and Limitless all that Katherine endured because of my duties as fire chief and even more so as The covid-19 Incident Commander has simply been unfair and more than she ever voluntarily signed up for admittedly I will never stop wishing I could somehow change that but that isn't that isn't a reality for the Toronto Fire Chief and I owe Katherine a debt of gratitude that is beyond what I can even explain let alone attempt to repay thank you will never be enough but at least for now thank you I'm also very honored to have my brother John Peg who you know serves as Ontario's farm marshall which as an aside makes for some very interesting discussions at Christmas dinner from time to time he at times has been misguided and thinks that he's my boss and I just flatly vehemently reject that uh John is here today his wife Amanda is here in Chambers as well it means a lot to me that you both have taken the time out of very busy schedules to be here and I thank you for that likewise I have many friends colleagues and teammates here this morning and I'm touched by that also thank you so very much mayor chow and members of council it has been nothing less than an honor and privilege to have served the last 11 years of my fire service career here in Toronto in the last eight and a little bit as your fire chief thank you for your unwavering trust and confidence and for providing me the opportunity to be the face and voice of calm against a backdrop of fear and anxiety as emergencies happen in our city wearing this uniform and representing the more than 3,300 members of Toronto fire Services each day has been and will forever be the honor of a lifetime so in closing m simply say this thank you Toronto from the very bottom of my heart [Applause] counselor bravoo thank you on a point of privilege um as a economic and Community Development committee chair I feel it's incumbent on me to just add my thanks um and our congratulations and our recognition for chief Matthew Peg thank you for leading uh Toronto fire service of course when the public and counselors interact with First Responders were're in a time of Crisis uh it's life-altering life-threatening and uh I want to thank you for leading with heart with care compassion courage and commitment as we heard our mayor described um Frontline uh servants uh who are facing constant pressure for leading around naming uh the mental health pressures and I Just Want to Thank You from my ward from the residence of Toronto uh your crucial piece of keeping us safe and we always know it thanks thank you today's special meeting of council is for the following purposes to consider report from the north York Community Council from its meeting on August 20th 2024 to consider urgent Heritage and planning matters to consider new business from the city officials that in the opinion of the mayor and the clerk met the definition of urgent as defined in section 27.1 of the council procedures and to introduce urgent bills and confirming bills for this special meeting members of council this is a special uh council meeting under council's procedures know new business items such as motions without notice may be introduced this rule cannot be waved I will now call upon councelor Chang to introduce the North York Community Council report you may speak up uh on the report for five minutes councelor Chang thank you madam speaker both items that were discussed at the North York council meeting uh on in August are being held and uh we will have further discussion on the two items but I want to thank my fellow members who met in the middle of summer and I was told that the planner guy Matthews will give hugs to all the counselors for the summer that they had to sacrifice for the meeting thank you thank youd oh councelor CH sorry read read the the motion that's on the screen sure that the the report from meeting 16 of the northr community council listed on the agenda of council be presented for consideration thank you thank you may I have a motion to induce to introduce the new business from City officials uh councelor Thompson would you like to move that one please sure just waiting for it to come on the screen I don't have my computer up okay that uh new business from City officials listed on the agenda of council be presented for consideration thank you thank you all those in favor of the motion show of hands opposed if any carried are there any Declarations of interest at this time please indicate the item number and the nature of the interest and remember that you must also follow written de Declaration of your interest with the city clerk I will now call for petitions are there any petitions at this time members I will now review the order paper the city clerk has posted today's order paper online with agenda item RM 20 21.6 review of the order paper we have one deferred item today DM 21.1 deferred from the July 24th and 25th meeting of city council we have 10 items before us today two from the North York Community Council and eight items of new business business submitted by City officials the city clerk has noted the items that members wish to hold and I will now go through the items to take additional member HS all held items will be considered in agenda order okay are there any items under new business okay coun Morley thank you Madame speaker I'd like to hold item cc 21.4 4 95 dund Street West thank you thank you any no others okay all those all those in favor of adopting the balance of the order paper as amended and all items not held please raise your hands all in favor opposed if any carries thank you members I want to remind you that regardless of whether you are attending today's meeting by video conference or in person you will continue to submit and approve your motions in advance the clerk staff are available uh to assist you with motions if you do not have your motion ready I will not recognize you I'm also reminding members that you must State your motion first before you speak to it we will now proceed to the consideration of our first item which is d M 21.1 and also I just want to mention the city of clerk has advised me that additional materials are now available for members review in the clerk's meeting portal DM 21.1 2500 Dawn Mills Road official plan Amendment and Zoning bylaw Amendment Ontario land tribunal hearing request for uh directions counselor Carol has advanced circulated a motion with a confidential attachment cc21 3 7086 Linn Williams Street zoning bylaw Amendment application Ontario land tribunal hearing request for directions Deputy Mayor Malik has advanced circulated a motion with a confidential attachment so we will now go to DM 21.1 are there any questions okay counselor Carol did you want to speak uh yes thank you madam speaker uh just briefly the the motion that I made this is a a confidential uh uh set of settlement directions and so the motion to is confidential um and it what I Advan circulated because I'm hoping not to have to go into camera on this meeting I'm hoping people have had a chance to look at it but if I can just uh uh Briefly summarize uh basically uh I deferred this item last month only because uh a key compon component of what was the context plan for this area this particular quadrant at Don nson Shepard um was was uh somehow overlooked in being included in the the terms of the settlement that are confidential and so I had to uh jump in and really represent the community to make sure that that got Incorporated in um uh so there's a it's a it's a it's a very legally language motion but suffice it to say this really serves the community's uh uh vision for for this context plan area uh and this development's contribution to it and it was very complex to do and so the only other thing I want to say Madam speaker is that with a very short short turnaround and in the middle of summer I owe a great Deb of gratitude for the cooperation and collaboration between um our North Ork planners um uh Parks forestry and recre ation the uh the uh uh lawyer for our uh Community planning area and also the applicant because they really all got together to solve the complexity to make this possible and with that I'm hoping that uh without going into camera we can uh adopt the uh the motion I've added in the staff uh directions now thank you okay so we do have the the amendment on the screen all in favor show off pant oppos if any carried item is amended all in favor Carri thank you our next item is NY1 16.1 which is 6125 Young Street um official plan Amendment and zonian bylaw Amendment councelor Chang y item down do we have questions to staff are there any questions to St still motions being worked on can we bump this down to the last part because they're still working on the Motions were you still working on motion yeah but uh the members of council have any questions to staff on this item um and what about your next night item NY1 16.2 6355 Young Street pardon staff are also working on motions we met with uh the developers this morning this is a very difficult so you want to hold it down yes please thank you all right okay our next one is CC 21.2 80 we're going to be 80 886 L Lynn William Street Deputy Mayor Malik you have the item down do we have any questions to stamp on that item any questions okay Deputy Mayor would you like to speak um yes on this item uh I'm happy for this to proceed and for us to vote on it thank you I I'm I'm sorry I I'm sorry yes I'm happy to to for this to proceed there's nothing more for me to say on on the item sorry you just want to move the item yes just move the item thank you so on the item on a recorded vote no okay all favor show hands opposed if any cared okay before we continue um the city of clerk has also advised me that additional materials are now available for members review in the clerk's meeting portal CC 21.4 4195 dund Street West and 556 558 560 62 64 Prince Edward Drive North official plan Amendment and Zoning bylaw am Amendment applications Ontario land tribunal hearing request for directions councelor Morley has advanced circulated a motion with a confidential attachment okay so we'll go to our next item which is no it's I think the next one she want uh uh item CC 21 uh 3 70 to 86 Lynn William Street zium byw Amendment application Deputy Mayor Malik do we have any questions to staff on the item okay Deputy Mayor would you like to speak yes thank you very much um as was mentioned by the speaker I've Advanced circulated um an amendment to the confidential recommendations um and hopefully uh members of council have been able to look at it this morning and um and I'm happy to uh move the item uh move the amendments to the item is it this one that you want a recorded vote i' like I'd like a recorded vote on the amendment and on the item as a whole please okay recorded vote on the amendment by Deputy Mayor Malik recorded [Music] [Music] cancor perks your vote please [Music] councelor call please [Music] Fletcher how do you vote please councelor prut how do you vote please in favor and councelor Myers how do you vote in favor in favor thank you councilor Burnside please how do you in favor thank you speaker the item the amendment I should say is adopted unanimously 23 in favor okay item is amended recorded oh okay okay item is amended recorded vote [Music] councelor Burnside how do you vote please councelor Myers how do you vote please in favor councelor peruta how do you vote please in favor councelor Myers in favor thank you councelor Fletcher the items amended carries the vot is 21-2 okay thank you our next item is CC 21.4 4195 dund Street West and 556 5860 62 and 64 Prince Edward Drive councelor Morley you held the item down do we have any questions to staff councelor moley uh thank you madam speaker I was able to get my questions answered offline with staff so no need for questions I do have a motion uh that was Advance circulated I hope my colleagues had a chance to take a look uh portions of it are confidential um so if you haven't had a chance please take a look um but this has been a long process and we're looking forward to providing Direction with staff to get to the conclusion of it okay so there's my motion on the screen uh includes uh to adopt the conf instructions to staff okay thank you yeah thank you okay the amendment is on the screen oh sorry councelor holiday did you want to speak councelor holiday uh only very quickly because this uh this um application borders War Two uh I would only just say and acknowledge the hard work by City Planning the applicant and the office of the counselor uh and I would just like to ask for a recorded vote uh once the item is amended thank you all right so on the amendment on in favor opposed carried item is amended recorded vote [Music] counselor saxs [Music] please councelor Bravo please please councelor Bravo your vote [Music] please Council pra how do you vote in favor councelor Meyers please favor councelor Burnside please and councelor Fletcher the item is minuted carries the vote is 22 to1 okay thank you our next item is CC 21.5 155 St Dennis Drive councelor sax held the down do we have any questions to staff any questions to staff okay councelor scks you held the item down yes thank you i' I've been working with staff intensively over the last few days my questions have been answered I'm prepared to release my hold okay so councelor Soxs C councel Burnside did you want to speak on this item to okay okay so Council sax has release the item all in [Music] favor oh sorry oh Council Burnside do you have a motion okay move the suppl sorry pardon you're moving the supplementary report okay it's on it's on the screen the amendment on in favor show pant post if any carried item is amended on in favor carried all right so councelor Chang we're back to your two items those are the last last two items so are you ready did you have any questions I'm sorry I'm going to need okay just one SE just reviewing the motion is for e okay councelor CH since you're not ready for item one let's go to item two councelor Chang sure 6355 Young Street I have a motion okay the motion's on the screen this is to uh work with the the the land owner to make their best effort for a Parkland dedication okay as well as for affordable housing all right okay is that it yes okay on the amendment on in favor show pans opposed if any carried item is amended all in favor carried seriously for all right so we're ready NY1 16.1 councelor Chen thank you for everyone's patience uh this is a motion also to make our best effort to secure offland Parkland dedication off-site Parkland dedication thank you on the amendment on in favor show pants posted if any carried item is amended on favor carried that completes our agenda this is fast maybe we could do this every month no so may I have a motion regarding absentees um mayor ch that the city council excuse the absence of councelor James pnik from September 5th 2024 special meeting of the city council thank you all in favor carried members before I ask for motion to enact the general bills may I have a motion regarding the consideration of submissions on zoning bylaw and official plan amendments moved by councelor Moyes Moyes would you like to do that oh Council perks did you want to do it okay counc perks you do it okay speaker I moved that the committee and Council considered submissions in making a decision on zoning bylaw and official plan amendments all in favor oppose if any carried may I have a motion to introduce the general bills councelor mckelvie uh thank you mad speaker that leave be granted to introduce bills 865 to 871 shall Le be granted to introduce these bills all in favor show of pant carried shall these bills be declared as bylaws and pass subject to section atory bills uh who wants to do that councelor Fletcher do you want to do that you don't want to do it councelor saaks would you like to do that uh that leave be granted to introduce bills to confirm to the point of the introduction of this motion the extensive proceedings of city council meeting 21 on September 5th 2024 shall Le be granted to introduce these bills all in favor oppos if any carried shall these bills be declared as bylaws and pass subject to section 26.9 of the city of Toronto act 2006 all in favor carried this meeting is now adjourned thank you members of council for
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