all right coun silit since 3 o'clock we are live streaming thank you Mr Deputy clerk good afternoon everybody and welcome back this is the September 5th Heritage Richmond Hill committee meeting this afternoon meeting is an electronic meeting held pursuant to section 238 3.3 of the municipal act 2001 please note we have received regrets from committee members Timothy Chang and Nancy Spinx for today's meeting the public had the opportunity to submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to the clerk's office all written correspondents received by 12:00 p.m. noon yesterday would have been included on the agenda matone were received the public also had the opportunity to apply to appear as an electronic delegation either by video conference or by telephone by 12:00 p.m. noon yesterday but there were also none received with that said I reached out yesterday afternoon to Dr Ian Shelton and Dr tuba of the the DDO Defenders to let them know that a staff report and presentation regarding the DDO building repairs was on today's agenda and Dr indicated that she would like to address committee to provide her comments if the committee is in agreement whoever moves the motion to adopt the agenda today could then also add Dr as a delegation and then the committee could vote on that as a whole Ryan has that uh prepared so uh here we go as chair of the committee I will now call the meeting to order and ask for that motion to adopt the agenda with the added delegation who wishes to do that um okay I'll go with Agnes thank you and move by so the adoption of the agenda reads like this that the agenda be adopted as distributed by the clerk with the following addition a deleg ation by Dr tuac DDO Defenders regarding the Heritage permit for David dunp Observatory building repairs City file d12-1: members thank you that is unanimous okay okay perfect I'll go to now item number three is disclosures of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof do any committee members have such indicating no thank you we'll go to agenda item number four which is the adoption of previous minutes which I expect all members of committee to have read item 4.1 is minutes Heritage Richmond Hill meeting hrh number 05-22 held June the 6 2024 a that the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting hrh 05-22 2024 be adopted do I have a mover for that thank you Diane so moved any discussion all those in favor thank you passes unanimously and then we go to item 4.2 extracts from council meeting C1 16-24 held June 19th 2024 a that the extracts from council meeting c16 20-24 held June 19th 2024 regarding the following staff reports be received and I'm going to list them as submitted as per our agenda without having to read out all 12 okay do I have a mover for that please thank you Barbara demambro any discussion here seeing none all those in favor thank you that passes unanimously okay so with that we are going to go directly to our delegation um Dr tuac Who's going to address us with regard to um the two items on the agenda regarding the um uh agos Sal panels replacement and interior painting to the David dunp Observatory um uh Dr you have five minutes you have the floor thank you Madame chair committee members and this staff uh thank you for this opportunity to address the Heritage Richmond Hill committee regarding the proposed restoration work to the interior of the AR D 74in telescope Dome ddod has read through staff report srpbs 24087 and would like to ask few questions first the proposed plan is to replace only a small subset of the Dom's agasa panels do we Now understand why some panels are in much worse shape compared to the others especially failing the P failing panels lower down in the dome and if so what measures are proposed to avoid having these specific panels fail again thank you Dr cocka can we um I think the be the best thing is unless your unless your delegation is purely questions uh we could complete your delegation and then we could um we could receive it and then go back to uh go back to you and bring staff in okay let me finish I have two more questions okay thank you second we understand that of the reasons for choosing high density fiber board instead of homoo was that homot was more porous might having more porous material actually be beneficial if there is moisture getting into the space between the Dom's outer or inner walls the panel adjacent to where water is entering the Dome May soak up the water and hold on to it until it evaporates preventing the water from traveling down to the base of the Dome where it can accumulate and cause accelerated corrosion there so second one is finished the third one what measures are proposed to protect the Hillar spectrograph neonian secondary mirror and the contents of the Optics cabinet on the observing floor of the Dome during the restoration project as well what measures are being proposed to ensure a set panel and other debris do not fall and damage the top of the 74 telescope while work is being conducted we understand it's been covered just to make sure that that plastic tarp is good enough to hold any damage to the top of the telescope because the secondary mirror is there DDD will like to be kept informed about the planning and progress being made with this and any other restoration work involving the rhdd some of our members have personal knowledge of the daily operations and some of the maintenance and repairs done at the observatory while it was in use by the University of Toronto these D members are available to provide input regarding these matters so thank you for helping to keep the D in good health and repair thank you Dr Co I appreciate that so we'll we'll hold your three questions in advance and I will bring let's bring the matter forward Ryan do you want me to bring the delegation forward first or do you want me to just go straight to the agenda item um thank you through the chair I would just go right right to the item and then um and then the presentation sorry the presentation yeah and we have a discussion at that point in time and staff certainly are here we're aware of the the questions thank you probably address okay that's fine so we'll move to our scheduled business then thank you Dr just hang on um our scheduled business is item 6.1 srpbs . 24.87 Heritage permit for David Dunlap Observatory building repairs City 5 D12 07 228 we have a presentation by Alexander mandator manager design and construction and Chris Hall and Petra frangy Partners plus VG architect please note that this is a 20 minute presentation gentlemen you have the floor um I think you may be muted Alex did you want me to just uh start or do you have any introductions thank you for that sorry just a little bit of technical issues there on my end um so thank you for the the committee for receiving us today to uh obviously speak to the uh propos work for the uh David the lump Observatory building uh as mentioned uh uh the facilities uh man or the facilities management team is the division responsible for delivering this project and with us today are the uh individuals from plus VG uh to speak to the the project um and the presentation so with that I will turn it over to uh to Chris Hall to provide this uh presentation so Chris you have the uh the floor as well thanks very M much Alex and uh thanks to the committee for uh for hearing us today um if you can go to the next slide um so just in terms of an agenda of what we're going to speak to today is uh I'll do a brief introduction of our firm and our experience and history with uh the DDO site um we'll speak about um our project mandate in 2023 which was effectively a condition assessment of the agaso panel Liners in the in the observatory and um our mandate for this year which is implementation of those recommendations next slide so our firm has been um in business for 52 years so um not only do we specialize in historic buildings and structors were a historic firm as well second generation of ownership and leadership in the in the firm um we've worked on a number of um significant sites in Toronto and uh Southern Ontario in terms of adaptive reuse restoration conservation um of historic structure we were retained by the city of Richmond Hill in 2017 to conduct a condition assessment of not only the observatory but also theun building and the Radio Shack that was on the site at the time after um that assessment was completed that led to a um implementation of the restoration recommendations that came out of that report and that work was initiated in 2019 uh with a major envelope restoration program for both The Observatory and the administration building that um was completed uh during 2020 uh during the pandemic it was interesting construction procedures to implement that work but uh it was successfully completed and and was acknowledged by um The Heritage Community in the province of Ontario next slide so I'm going to hand it over to pet to speak more specifically about project mandate one but in Broad terms we were hired to review the condition of the agult biner panels installed in the on the interior face of the Dome and and the failing paint of exposed metal surfaces that were um can raising concerns amongst the operation team at uh at the observatory so we carried out field review and provided recommendations we had subc Consultants Ed bouet was our metal conservator and intuitive providing um materials consultation for uh different options for the agult liner panels next slide getro if you want to yeah thank you Chris I'm I'm I'm keeping the video feed off because I'm having a little bit of problem connecting so probably going to help the band with so to summarize the 2023 BCA and Report uh the scope work included uh um carrying out visual uh onsite review documenting the existing condition through photographs and um through that identifi the deficiencies um we carried out an analysis of other Observatory structures in Canada and the US and um this was at the end to provide recommendation for the repairs the replacement um um uh and the any type of improvement work um everything was Consolidated into a report on findings uh we identified the issues and uh we provided an estimate uh an order of magnitud cost estimate for the um for the work required next next slide please um so we focused on determining um the condition of theago panels theago panels are is is an archaic type of material um that was originally installed to line the interior face of the uh dome's envelope and is an organic type of material it's comprised of paper cellulose and um um and paraffin wax which is the binding The Binding component of the panel um mainly the um this material and please next next next slide so the condition of this material at this point is varies and um in worst cases in the worst cases we found that the material had detached from the substrates the material is fastened by a screws along the edges that are overlapped and um uh you can see at the top photographs on the left the the worst conditions were were basically identified at the apex of the of the of the Dome near the um the hatch opening and um so we assume that um the reason why the the the the deterioration is is is is overly noticeable there is because of the um um infiltration of water that can happen uh during um you know normal viewing days when when the when the um when the hatch is open uh and also by the natural condensation uh that occurs inside the Dome um U particularly evident over um um you know fall Seasons or spring uh where you have a differential in temperature that that is Extreme um and so that generates condensation uh also um uh the warping of the panel U it's it's it's due by the fact that the panel gets saturated with water and um during the drying they they twist and warp and so they're no longer adhere to the substrate um in regards to the paint finish both panels and metal surfaces um um shows Advanced state of deterioration so the painting is peeling off and there are actually active um um there is active rusting in the wor condition uh next slide please so here you can see um some some shots from the the um the underside of the upper deck of the top deck what we call the top deck you can see the underside of the metal structures where the peeling paint is occurring and um a close up to the right of the same condition um on the paint surface and the warping and bulging of the deformed agaso panels next slide please this is another view of the interior of the Dome is the reverse shot and uh you can see um it's just a general view of the of the Interior um that is showing the large gerder trusses that are framing the dome's hatch opening um where there is again failing paint and Detachment from the substrate next slide please so in terms of recommendation uh um once we established that the that the agaz of panels exhibits Advance the deration um the recommendation was to remove these panels um and to inspect the substrates for um additional signs of FL failure in other words the panels are um mostly screw to um a substrate that is comprised of wood uh blocking um and um and approximately 10% of the panel with estimated that will require removal and as said before these are mostly located to the apex of the Dome um and uh we were recommending to um refinish any um uh metal service surface that um shows Advanced failure um and this this is to avoid uh further deterioration or or or rusting um and then and Ono and like establish a a preventative maintenance uh budget that can be carried out on a regular basis next slide please so to um evaluate the options for the replacement we've done some research about um uh panels that are um similar in nature um that are available today um there is one company uh still um supplying a type of material that resemble the original hamod panel it's called homo panel is a fiber board type of material and um this is it comes in thicknesses that are not exactly matching the thickness of the existing um um um Hamot um uh panels we we'll talk about later uh why this difference in thickness uh could be um critical to determine the uh the correct replacement material and um the second material that we had identified um uh it's a high density type of fiberboard panel is still U an organic type of material and um but it comes with a thickness that is compatible with the the existing um agaso panels the third uh options that we had um listed as a possibility was to remove the existing um agaso panel all together and apply acoustic paint over the exposed surface of the um uh metal supporting structures and to the backside of the outer Dome um uh copper panels and um so uh so these were the recommendation was the the recommended material to um to to do mockups again three distinct mockups which were done um just this summer as part of the uh design and implementation phase next slide please so I'm going to pass this back to Chris that is going to um go through in detail the mandate that we carried out this summer thanks P so following on from the report um we were retained this past summer to um proceed with the Mandate of the recommendations in the report which included um designing um tender documents obviously for pricing and getting this work carried out but also the installation of the three mockups that were referenced in um in the recommendations of in the report next slide so the mockup were um were priced um and a contractor was hired to complete these mockups you can see in the top image the three mockups are up on the upper deck near the Apex um to the left is the fiberx panels the center is the acoustic paint on the removed on the existing exposed structure and then on the right is homoo panels um what we noticed from reviewing them in detail was that the homoo panel has a has a significant texture to it that was quite different from the original agatho liner panels and is um twice as thick so there was some visible Shadow lines next slide you can see from this image um the difference between when you lap over a half inch panel versus the quarter inch panel you get a a significant Shadow line that would really change the appearance of of the liners in the space um the F the fiber of the homoo panels F loose and harder to work with than the fiberx as well so when um cutting you don't get as clean an edge and it's uh more difficult to install especially with the the thicker material that we're working with now it's made in uh made today that we can't get the quarter inch thickness anymore in the homoo um so they appeared more porous and um would likely absorb more moisture than the fiberx panels as well so quicker to deteriorate next slide so in in conjunction with um the mockups we reviewed refinishing of those panels you can see in this image the um the full panel on that image is a replacement panel and you can see how well it matches to the the adjacent agoso panels um so fairly um pleased with the results for the fibrex and we definitely recommended to proceed with that um we also specified specific paint finishes for the metal surfaces next Slide the supplementry scope that was added to this was the observation of a crack in the terazzo floooring on the main floor of the uh of the Dome it's basically differential movement over time between the grade beam that supports the Dome structure and a slab on grade effectively that is the uh the floor of the Dome so we've developed a specification for how to deal with that crack and and basically create a a movement joint in in the tazzo at that at that point and that's included in the cont document next and to um to the questions that were raised earlier I think um there was some detailed discussions with the um with staff and The Operators of the telescope to um determine the best way to protect the telescope and that is all specified in the contract documents as well including placing the telescope in a vertical position before construction begins um protecting all other um equipment in the room um qualified City staff are the only that can operate the Dome the shutters or reposition the telescope basically a framed enclosure will be built around the base of the telescope up to approximately 16 ft high that will protect the um the lower mirrors and um base of the telescope and then a a tarp and ceiling of the with canvas of the of the rest of the um telescope as it's in a vertical position the secondary mirror will be indiv ually tarped with canvas and sealed and the remaining sections of the telescope is covered by canvas tarp enclosure sealed and secured with ties next slide and then the next few slides are are really the construction documents so a site plan was included next slide sections were cut through the Dome with um hatching denoting this the panels that needed to be replaced and a and a hatch on the metal surfaces that were to be replaced next Slide the notes down the right hand side of the page uh explain the procedures that are required but um you can see from from these sections the extent of removals and replacement panels proposed as part of this scope next slide this is a view looking up at the Dome and you can see that the deterioration to one side of the Apex um of the of the Dome that is got significant replacement but um that's the extent of replacement panels that we observed and required replacement next slide uh this is just a view of the underside of the um the upper deck structure that needs to be repainted so clearly D um outlining the the extent of scope for for the contractors to properly price the work think we just made it in time under the 20 minutes thank you Chris appreciate it no problem and to all at plus VG um architect thank you very much for your dedication um and participation in this particular um in this particular action uh we deeply appreciate all the work that you have done and will continue to do um so with that um let me just see here so schedule business 6.1 okay so we'll go to 6.1a and I'll need a mover for this that this at bring it onto the floor so we can have a discussion a that staff report srpbs 24087 regarding Heritage permit for David dunp Observatory building repairs be received with thanks and B that the Heritage permit application to repair the interior of the David dunov Observatory building as described in the staff report SRP BS 2487 be approved so if I could have a member of committee bring that to the floor please so we can open discussion Natasha thank you very much so move by Natasha okay um if I may just have a moment uh Mr Deputy clerk with regards to Dr cock's three questions how would you like me to best handle handle this would we would you like to go to Dr cock's questions first and have a members a member members of Staff respond or do you want to uh have discussion first from the floor um to the chair certainly it can go either way I mean I think if you want to you know present the three questions perhaps staff can can answer and then um go through the rest of committee if they have any questions excellent okay thank you uh committee that's what I'm going to do so Dr um if you could put yourself back on view thank you very much okay so um Dr if I could ask you let's take your questions one by one okay and through me as a delegate you can't address staff but I can so through me if you can just um let's go through your questions one by one and we'll have um our staff deal with them so your question number one was we uh the proposed plan is to replace only a small subset of the Dom's aasa panels do we Now understand why some panels are in much worse shape compared to others especially failing panels lower down in the D and if so what measures are proposed to avoid having these specific panels fail again thank you Dr Co um I'm going to go to our senior Heritage planner uh Kunal todri uh Kunal are you able to um answer this or do you want to go back to the presenters yes so uh Madam chair so I believe because the question is technical in nature it may be best if we defer the question to the Consultants directly thank you very much uh Chris would you like to take this most definitely thank you uh Madam chair um in terms of the the reason for failure I I think uh Petro highlighted in our um report why we believe the failure was occurring it was um the agoso material while um providing a clean surface and Visually clean surface um it is a a sacrificial material if you like um it's been in place for effectively a hundred years um and couldn't be expected to last um forever um especially and its makeup um the Mandate we had was to look at worst case conditions and and uh a selective replacement rather than a wholesale replacement of the panels due to funding restrictions at the time um the panels that we we did remove for the mockup we were able to observe the typical condition of the substrate and for the most part the substrate the wood um blocking the Petro referenced was in good condition but we have an allowance in the contract to replace any any rotting or or uh inadequate substrate materials um so we would expect the the new panels the replacement panels to stay in place for a predictable amount of time um but as as we said in our report that ongoing preventive maintenance should be put in place to to ensure we're dealing with any any failures as they arise over over the life of the building um that that was the the conclusion we came to um with the senior staff and um that that's um the direction we we took okay thank you Chris Dr do you have any follow-up to question number one not at this moment thank you okay uh Mr Deputy clerk sorry to the chair sorry for me delegations aren't aren't allowed to uh ask question certainly after they they've spoken it's certainly not to to staff but I think what could be done is St are aware of the three questions that Dr foxy had perhaps if you through through you you can just ask them to address the the other two questions that Dr cocky had if that makes sense to you absolutely thank you okay so Dr let's go to your question number two okay true Madam chair second question we understand that of the reasons for choosing high density fiber board instead of homos was that homos was more porous might having more porous material actually be beneficial if there is moisture getting into the space between Doms other and inner walls the panel adjacent to where water is entering the Dom May soap up the water hold on to it until it evaporates preventing the water from traveling down to the B base of the do where it can accumulate and cause accelerated corrosion there that's a worry thank you Dr cooch uh Canal again this is a technical question do you wish to have um the Consultants respond yes please Madam chair if that's okay thank you uh Chris go ahead thank you madam chair um I I think the presentation spoke to some of the reasons for the for the choice um the most significant two were the visual difference of the kind of contemporary equivalent to the aaso panel which is the homot both um in its surface finish but also its thickness the the the homot is not manufactured in quarter inch thickness so it does create a a significant visual difference from the from the original panels and also the when you get up close to the panel you really see the dimpling in the in the surface that is quite different from the original panels so in our opinion the the fiberx um or the smoother surface panel with the the equivalent thickness to the original panels was most similar visually and from a performance perspective there there's negligible difference the the fibrex is a bit more um rigid it's a it's a little more reliable in terms of being able to cut it but it's still a breathable material and it it it performs very similarly and given the extent of Replacements we're only talking about as Petro said 10% of the panels the overall impact on the the steel liner structure is is negligible between between the use of the fibrex and the uh the homoo panels thank you Chris um okay uh Dr thank you uh let's go your question number three was regarding uh the protection of the spectrograph the second mirror and the Optics cabinet so go ahead okay true Madame chair third question is what measures are proposed to protect the hilar spectraph neonian miror cont Dr Co sorry Mr Deputy clerk sorry uh to the chair sorry um perhaps I wasn't it's clear so uh the procedure bot doesn't allow delegations certainly after a motion has been um has been moved so sorry my point is that staff are aware of the third question certainly all three questions that Dr cooch has has asked so I think if you just provide she doesn't need to Reas the question I think is is my point simply address um the um the questions from her delegation okay got it thank you understood thank you very much um okay Dr Co one moment I'm going to go back to Canal uh once again Canal do you want to go back to Chris for for this or are we able to take this question yeah so Madam chair as far as the third question goes I think for the benefit of the consultant I'd just like to repeat what the question was if that's helpful I believe it was about um what measures are being taken to protect some of the Interior components in the DDO and that's just that's the question in the nutshell so once again because it is technical in nature I'd like to turn it to the Consultants of spon if that's okay okay thank you very much Chris thank you madam chair um in our presentation we did speak to um to the measures being taken in terms of the the telescope and the original equipment in the observatory we consulted um in a detailed manner um I know petro and um City staff consulted with the operator of the telescope and discussed the best strategies for protection of the telescope during this work um and there will be an enclosure built around the of the telescope the telescope will be um maintained in a vertical position to minimize its um obstruction to the work that's happening um and canvas TPS was considered the most appropriate um protection for the equipment and and the and the telescope from our consultation with the telescope operator and um we basically built those recommendations into the construction documents and um we expect the contractor to follow those procedures okay thank you very much uh Chris Dr Co thank you um if I could uh Kunal if I could just go to you um so um we the question here obviously is that everything is going to be protected appropriately and I can imagine that it is going to be um with regards to secondary um objects such as a spectrograph such as the secondary mirror um are are we confident that the manner in which is proposed to protect uh these items is satisfactory so Madam chair I believe that um the the dets that have been provided so far for Heritage planning staff are satisfactory if there are further details that need to be provided we'll Havey to consider them but um as far asage planning staff I think our purview is more about the replacement of the panel panels which have a level of um they're very time sensitive because um they're in a state of disrepair um as far as the details of the protection of the Interior goes um that's something we typically do not comment on and we on the reports provided by the consultant and at this point we are satisfied okay thank you that's all I needed to know thank you very much Canal I appreciate that okay so um that basically deals with with the with the first part of this so we have a motion on the floor uh by Committee Member Natasha k h Natasha as the Mover do you have anything you wish to uh add she's there Natasha are you there Natasha nope no response okay well let's I'm gonna open this to the floor so if you could just raise your hand if you wish to speak um and then I will come to you one by one uh committee members does anybody wish to um speak Barbara thank you uh Vice chair demand go ahead I just have two simple questions when does the work start and how long would it take to be completed and are the Consultants satisfied that the when they do the pieces at a time they will last a long time because the first ones lasted almost 100 years so that's all thank you madam chair thank you Barb um uh uh gal do you want to help us with that uh Madam chair again once again I think thank you for the question but again I believe it's a little technical in a nature so if it's okay with you like to cons thank you uh Chris are you able to do that or do we go to someone else on your team um it may be more appropriate for for City staff to speak to the schedule I mean I'm aware of it but I I think it's tied to awarding the contract and that type of which I'm not a privy to um but in terms of the um longevity of the panels the panels that we are replacing we would expect to stay in place for um the foreseeable future um fact that there are panels in this Dome that are at that 100-year kind of threshold we would expect to see continuous failure over time at this point in in the existing panel so I think it's not a it's not a case that the new panels will will be needing to be replaced but other panels around them likely will be in the not too distant future okay thank you uh Barb uh anything further no okay good thank you does anyone else on committee have any further questions for round one seeing none that's good any okay Barb do you want do you have anything further to add on around two no you're good okay okay so that's that's great um I just have a couple of um couple of questions uh just just to add just or comments first of all again thank you to um uh to the presenters in The Architects plus VG um for for all your work here and your work with the with our staff and our staff as well um I um I am really looking forward to this restoration work um I believe believe that it's well overdue so I'm so pleased we did get the Grant and uh we can we can get this done and just for an FYI um for everyone on on committee the reason we deal with the SAT Heritage Richmond Hill is because uh the great Dome is one of four identified Heritage buildings on the property which sit on the identified cultural heritage landscape so whenever something has to be um uh restored or renovated or or or done to the property uh which in which the cultural heritage landscape um encases it must come through our committee first and then it will also it will also go to um to the David danip observatory park steering committee and then finally go to council for final approvals so that I just want to make sure that everybody is aware of that is that's why we're we're doing this and um uh when my my question is um and I think that this will it's technical so it probably go straight to Chris when we say that the um that the telescope is going to be placed in the vertical position does that mean that um I'm just thinking of it inside my head uh by placing it in the vertical position it puts it in the safest possible position uh to avoid um any any perceived damage that could occur if something falls from the roof straight to me Madam chair yes sorry Chris okay um well not necessarily I I suppose there there are a couple of options in terms of access to the upper upper Dome um we have left that to the contractors bidding on the project um whether they choose to erect cing or maybe lifts that they bring into the so um it will vary depending on the strategy used by the by the contractor and we will have those conversations before any work starts as to where to to locate the telescope we've had conversations with the telescope operator um if the telescope needs to be moved at any time or even the Dome needs to be rotated and that may be a possibility as well we'll coordinate that work between the contractor and and City staff to ensure that the telescope's in the least um vulnerable position as the work is progressing and it may require that the telescope be moved one or two times during during the activities okay thank you and when you're repairing the floor on the lower level um are you going to be doing the work uh together or are consecutively or are you going to do it separately like complete the complete the the the Dome and then go to the floor or are you going to do them at the same time they are tendered as one project so it will be the same general contractor responsible for completing both the liner panel replacement the painting and the terazzo repair okay um thank you very much um I appreciate your responses if I may um uh to Canal I may ask a question here um I and I'm just saying this because I needed in the public record I would imagine that the contractors that are being referred to have been um chosen by the city and that they are fully aware of um the value and the depth um of um recognition that this particular um uh Dome Observatory Dome holds and that it's a national site and that whatever however they repair and whatever work that they do here is going to be done with the utmost of care to ensure um uh to ensure that there there is nothing that can go wrong conceivably that could in any way um damage or negatively affect uh what is inside the Dome uh or on the floor Madam chair thank you for the question I think that's a very fair question uh unfortunately Heritage planning staff isn't directly involved in the hiring of the contractors um I believe a terms of reference was put out but if it's okay I I believe Alex could probably answer this question a little bit better okay because I believe it goes it's vetted through um their Department okay excellent thank you um Alex uh thank you so through through you madam chair uh through this tendering process to the contractors uh they were ensure that they were Heritage certified contractors who will be performing the work so we have obviously vetted the fact that they have performed Heritage work um in other ways and at other uh locations so we're we're doing our due diligence to ensure that the contractors are appropriate in being able to complete the the the scope of work that's been uh defined within this tender document so from City staff's perspective we have uh the right contractors in place to are bidding on this work and have the confidence that they will be doing it in accordance uh to maintain obviously the um all the aspects Heritage features of this facility okay that's excellent um thank you one one further question to you Alex uh do do you know um do we have any timeline construct here or or are we not there yet uh we do have a a schedule a I should say a preliminary schedule in place so uh through obviously this committee's approval and eventually um having uh council's approval of of this uh strategy this repair strategy for the uh for the observatory Dome our intent is to complete this work um by the end of the year so we do have a plan in place following approval uh of this uh Heritage permit to again award the work to uh one of the contractors who are again in the process of bidding on this uh with the hope to obviously expedite the work to complete it by the end of the year this is also requirement obviously to meet the grant funding deadlines yeah uh so that that's the preliminary schedule now uh when we do have a a final vendor in place we will have a more concrete schedule that we can share uh obviously with the user groups and Recreation staff to let them know of the uh the final uh timeline in order to complete this work thanks very much I appreciate that Alex okay that's all those are all my questions Natasha I can see you now as the Mover of the motion do you have any questions uh no I don't I'm so sorry no that's okay thank you very much okay so I believe that we've come to the end of this and we have uh motion A and B 6.1 A and B on the floor moved by Natasha KH and um all those in favor members of Committee just raise your hands or not any opposed seeing none that carries unanimously thank you very much and thank you very much to the um to The Architects and the presenters uh your work is greatly appreciated um and that brings us to the end basically of our agenda for today and the only item left is for an adjournment do I have a member of committee to move adjournment oh that councelor Davidson thank you very much all those in favor thank you any opposed seeing none that carries unanimously I call this meeting to an end thank you very much everybody greatly appreciate
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