Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee Advances Inclusivity Efforts with New Plans and Policies - 06 September

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-09-07, City: Toronto, View Transcript

High-Level Summary

The Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee held a meeting chaired by Councillor Jamal Meyers to discuss various topics related to inclusivity and accessibility in the city. Key participants included Michael Cou from Transportation Services, Karen Mills and Nick Rossy from the Accessibility Unit, and various councillors who contributed to the discussions. Key topics included updates on accessible parking bylaws, the Disability Inclusion Action Plan, and the social procurement program aimed at supporting businesses owned by people with disabilities.

Important Topics Discussed

  1. Accessible Parking Review Update (DI 8.2)

    • Summary: Michael Cou presented updates on proposed changes to accessible parking bylaws to exclude oversized vehicles like motor homes and commercial trucks from accessible parking privileges.
    • Direct Quote: "Our to limit the size of the vehicles so that only passenger and select commercial vehicles can legally display an accessible permit."
    • Impact: Enhanced enforcement and better management of parking spaces for local residents.
  2. Disability Inclusion Action Plan Update (DI 8.3)

    • Summary: Karen Mills and Nick Rossy provided updates on the upcoming 2025 to 2029 Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
    • Direct Quote: "The new plan will be entitled the disability inclusion action plan and it will replace the current plan concluding at the end of this year."
    • Impact: Aimed to improve inclusivity and equity for people with disabilities in Toronto over the next five years.
  3. Recognition of International Week of Deaf People

    • Summary: Councillor Jamal Meyers emphasized the city's commitment to inclusivity by recognizing the International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages.
    • Direct Quote: "Sign languages are not just a means of communication but a vital expression of identity and belonging."
    • Impact: Promotion of inclusivity and greater interaction with the deaf community.
  4. Social Procurement Program and Disability-Owned Businesses

    • Summary: The committee discussed the inclusion of businesses owned by people with disabilities in the social procurement program and proposed developing certification and procurement policies for them.
    • Direct Quote: "The chief procurement officer to include businesses owned by people with disabilities specifically in the mandate of the social procurement program."
    • Impact: Greater economic opportunities and inclusion for disability-owned businesses.
  5. Barrier Identification in Social Procurement

    • Summary: and other councillors discussed the complex nature of procurement processes and the challenges faced by small businesses in accessing these opportunities.
    • Direct Quote: "Opportunities for the city to better support Indigenous, Black, and diverse suppliers, particularly small business include more training in different formats."
    • Impact: Potential simplification of procurement processes and increased training to support small and diverse businesses.

Opportunities for Public Input

Motions and Outcomes

  1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

    • Title: Confirmation of the Minutes of the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting held on June 24th, 2024
    • Outcome: Approved (Moved by Councillor, carried unanimously)
  2. Chair's Report

    • Title: Chair's Report on International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages
    • Outcome: Received for information (Moved by Councillor Jamal Meyers)
  3. Accessible Parking Review Update

    • Title: DI 8.2 Accessible Parking Review Update
    • Outcome: Received for information (Moved by Councillor, carried unanimously)
    • Follow-Up: A staff report will be presented to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in October 2024.
  4. Motion to Include Disability-Owned Businesses in Social Procurement Program

    • Title: Inclusion of Disability-Owned Businesses in Social Procurement Program
    • Outcome: Approved (Moved by unidentified council member)
    • Follow-Up: Chief procurement officer to include businesses owned by people with disabilities and report on the feasibility of collecting disaggregated business ownership data.

Councillors Present

Verified Councillors: - Councillor Jamal Meyers

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