e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e members of uh Council ladies and uh gentlemen we were having a few little technical glitches there but I think it's all sorted out now and everybody's all connected so we will get underway on this uh September the 9th 2020 4 council meeting councelor Chandler will not be with us this evening here in the council chambers but he has joined us uh via Zoom he's a little under the uh the weather so councelor Chandler can you hear us uh yes I can thank you your worship thank you very much so we will get under way in just a short while U councelor KY will be running the biggest majority of this meeting tonight and I'll vate vacate the chair and hand it over to him and it'll take a couple of minutes for the the turnaround so with that uh we're going to get underway and I would ask you please to stand and join me with me in a moment of Silent reflection our national anthem and I will read the traditional land acknowledgement e h we acknowledge that the land We Gather on is part of the treaty lands and territory of the Mrs sagas of the Credit First Nation we recognize the traditional territory of the hiron wad and the hod sha people we also acknowledge the first nation matei and Inu people who live on these lands today we commit to working towards reconciliation thank you Madame uh clerk are there any agenda announcements Endor amendments uh yes a couple of announcements for this evening's agenda uh the delegation listed in section 6.1 of the agenda has been withdrawn later on in tonight's agenda we have five statutory public meetings scheduled the first public meeting is with regard to a temporary use zoning bylaw Amendment application by the Muslim Association of Milton applicable to lands known municipally as 1 1801 Thompson Road South the second public meeting is with regard to a proposed plan of subdivision and Zoning by Amendment applications by the hton Catholic District School Board applicable to lands legally describes described as part of Lot 8 concession for North South Trafalgar the third public meeting is with regard to zoning B Amendment application that proposes to rezone the front portion of the subject lands from the current future development Zone to a site specific business park zone applicable to lands known municipally as 8283 a squeezing line the fourth public meeting is with regard to a housekeeping Amendment pertaining to unobstructed pedestrian access to an additional dwelling unit the fifth public meeting is with regard to an application to permit the extension of a temporary use bylaw by culton Place Plaza Inc tenant triome Hills Corporation for lands located at 295 Alliance Road Unit 10 during the course of the live meeting members of the public in attendance will be given the opportunity to speak to these applications members of the public who wish to speak at these public meetings can speak in person here in council chambers or remotely and they can connect via phone by dialing a dedicated phone number 1866 511 0021 and they'll be given instructions on how to participate and I thank you very much is there any Disclosure by any member of council this evening I'm not seeing any just before uh I adjourn this portion of the uh council meeting uh the acting CEO commissioner Jill Hogan is assisting the the chair and as well myself this evening so uh Andrew S our CEO is away on holidays so welcome to our acting CEO gel here this evening so uh that counselor uh Ki if you would assume these chair for the balance of this meeting and members of council this portion of the meeting is adjourned give us about two minutes and we'll turn things around thank you all right good evening everybody thank you to everyone joining us in person and virtually I'm councelor Adil K I'll be chairing the rest of the meeting we'll get right into it I have a motion moved by councelor Al seconded by councelor Alie that consent items 5.1 to 5.7 be approved any questions in regards to that no all those in favor that's carried okay we're going to our public meetings we have five public meetings this evening beginning with the first one item 7.1 for the first public meeting I will now call on the town clerk to review the procedure for this meeting this is a public meeting with regard to temporary use zoning bylaw Amendment application by the Muslim Association of Milton applicable to land municipally known as 1 1801 Thompson Road South Council will consider related bylaws at a future meeting if you wish to be notified of the decision uh you must sign the attendance sheet which is located at the back of council chambers or make a written request to the town clerk at 1 15 Mary Street Milton or email town clerk milton. CA following a presentation from the applicant there will be an opportunity for public comments from in-person and remote participants uh during this presentation a phone number and email address will be scrolling across the live stream video for members of the public who wish to speak on this item via Zoom for anyone wanting to connect remotely you'll be given step-by-step instructions on how to enter as a reminder the phone number is 1866 511 0021 thank you madam Clerk and we will now ask the applicant to provide a brief presentation regarding this welcome sir please state your name and you may begin when you're ready thank you Mr chairman uh good evening uh your worship Mr chairman members of council David Nelson Ruth Victor and Associates we are the planning Consultants on this uh application first slide and aerial context photo to uh show you where the lands lie uh to the east which is in the upper right hand portion of the slide we have a green space at a tributary of the 16m creek the uh lands and brown are Farmland they're currently cropped in soybeans uh the sub property is in red and it is an existing dwelling uh on that particular location at 1801 Thompson Road South on the opposite side of Thompson Road we have a private recreational club uh is run by the Croatian folks the second slide uh is the schedule of B from the official plan it shows the the designated land use in this case the land use is HSP which is the sustainable Halton plan and uh you can see the sub glance in the Red Square down near the bottom of the slide okay we got that one twisted around uh this is the U draft um brania Road secondary plan the lands are designated urban area and they're within the second phase of the britanna road secondary plan and they're in neighborhood number four here we have the proposed site plan uh which shows the existing building it shows the existing septic system at the rear of the building that septic system will will be reused until full Municipal services are available on the property there is a well uh in the front portion of the property it's in the uh little Hammerhead uh down towards the bottom end of the screen U and uh we have um done hydrogeological reports that indicate both of those facilities will work for this proposed use this is the schedule a from our proposed zoning bylaw it is future development Zone and we would be looking to have temperature use through the passage of this particular byw as noted the property is currently zoned future development FD and the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to allow temporary use of the ex existing dwelling or a place of worship rather there are no changes proposed to the building the changes do occur on site as you saw from the site plan there's a a goodly amount of parking proposed for the property next steps site fine approval obviously after the passage of the bylaw a change of use permits and the existing septic system well will be used until the uh region provides for uh full Urban Services as you may know the region is currently undergoing a integrated master plan uh which looks at providing services to the U sustainable Holden area thank you for attending any questions thank you sir yep we're going to move into questions from members of council if there are any councelor tesser Duron thanks very much just wondering if there's a sense of what capacity would be how many people would be permitted in this um building yes certainly the capacity is largely uh determined by the size of the building and and the number of square feet or square meters within the building but we're anticipating 100 people T anything further okay anybody else from Council okay Madam clerk are there any delegations for this particular item and if there's anyone in the room that would like to delegate this is the opportunity to do so if you would like anybody in the room okay I do not see anybody in the room or on Zoom or in the queue uh we will now move on to the motion here I have a motion moved by councelor Ali and seconded by councelor chaler that report DS at 0 6124 be received for information any questions about that okay all those in favor that is carried okay we'll move on to our second public meeting item 7.2 on the agenda for the second public meeting I'll call on Madame clerk to review the procedure for this meeting this public meeting is with regard to proposed plan of subdivision and Zoning by Amendment applications by the hton Catholic District School Board applicable to lands Des legally described as part of Lot 8 concession 4 North South Trafalger Council will consider related bylaws at a future meeting if you wish to be notified of the decision you must either sign the attendance sheet located at the back table and council chambers or make a written request the town clerk at 150 Mary Street Milton or email town clerk milton. CA following a presentation from the applicant there will be an opportunity for public comments from inperson and remote participants uh during the presentation a phone number and email address will be streaming will be scrolling across a live stream video for anyone wanting to connect and speak as a reminder the phone number is 1866 511 0021 thank you madam clerk we will now ask the applicant to provide a brief presentation welcome sir please state your name and uh you may begin when you're ready uh hello my name is Jeff Kenny of strategy for development Consultants out of Oakville onario 2620 Bristol Circle uh l68 in Oakville l66 z7 uh oh and I click this let's just see forward text is a little bit different than uh I prepared but uh what are the applications that we are seeking uh we're seeking to create the School site itself and a series of blocks for servicing and natural heritage the zoning bylaw amendment is also needed in order to implement the uh plan of subdivision we're proposing to create a site specific IIA or minor institutional Zone around a concept site plan layout this is the plan of subdivision and block one on the right hand side is the subject School site the entirety of the lands application details uh this is the draft plan details again the plan that we just saw the object is to create a School site uh to create servicing blocks in order to carry out the urbanization of the Omas siphon this work is mandated by the approved omma subwatershed impact study hcdsb is going to complete this work under a pre- servicing agreement following draft plan approval assuming we get there which we hope to currently the siphon has been brought to the hcdsb land by Madam uh from their tour plan to the East and is ready to accept the urbanization work the objective is also to create natural heritage buffer blocks this will contain a pathway as well and the actual protective block for the natural heritage this is the proposed zoning bylaw uh the subject site is shown again on the right and will provide details on the proposed split zoning some details of the bylaw Amendment so the School site is proposed to be split zoned keeping the southerly portion in the future development designation for the purpose of a future sale of these lands hopefully parking is to be provided at the bylaw prescribed rate which is two per classroom no reduction or site specific is being sought site specific criteria for Frontage is also requested in order to support future easements for access over servicing blocks that will ultimately be conveyed to the town site specific Provisions are requested for loading spaces to be reduced the school really only needs one as well as uh the location of the loading spaces site specific language is included in order to facilitate early construction of the building under conditional permit as well as uh to facilitate infrastructure implementation so I'm going to show a series of plans this uh demonstrates St CER which just opened and support has been very much appreciated and we see the school on the right the portion of the school that is proposed to be owned as IIA is shown at the North and the southerly portion is the portion that will be subject to Future development applications for sale this is a basic colored plan and here we have the subject site in the location of Louis St lant and we understand that there was uh some questions regarding schools on Louie so just wanted to provide this context you can see the high school Under con construction and the mamy lands to the east under construction as well as fieldgate and their plan for the plaza to the West this is fieldgate plan and you can see the High School site on the right of the screen here we have a community context uh future context plan that shows how the southerly lands which are uh not proposed to be residential by the board how they might develop along with the road pattern and various connectivity pieces such as the trail on the East side this is the concept plan I want to reiterate this is a concept uh by sundal the land owners to the South and it demonstrates how we will connect roads Etc this is the approved mamy plan to the East and again demonstrating roadway connectivity some closing matters uh the board and its Consultants are currently working with SCS Consulting Engineers for the land owners to the South and David Schaefer Consulting Engineers for the land owners oh excuse me to the east in order to resolve engineering concerns comments have now been exchanged twice and matters to be addressed have been narrowed we understand that sundal has stated their primary concern in a submission to council and we can advise that we are close to the resolution of their concern upon receipt of town comments the board will apply for site alteration to commence filling of the site site alteration approval is to be sought in two phases as a result of the amas siphon and the water course that currently runs through the site further detail can be provided at this request and thank you for your attention appreciate it thank you for the presentation sir if you want to stay there there might be questions uh West okay we'll start with councelor chaler virtually uh thanks Mr chairman uh my my one question I suppose of the consultant is is he aware of uh funding for this school at this point from the province of Ontario is or is it still pending so is my understanding that uh the project is funded that's why we have proceeded that's my understanding from the board uh Mr chairman my my other two questions are for staff uh the first question is relates to uh how this came about under normal circumstances my assumption would be that the subdivision is in place the school comes later and this is one of those rare situations where uh there's a requirement for the school because of adjacent an adjacent subdivision and so it's it's coming before uh subdivision is actually in place is that correct so the board actually is preparing a subdivision application uh because we do have to dedicate servicing blocks uh to the uh to the town um just as a reminder the board uh you know did uh seek lands that were uh not so close to other schools some time ago up further south and unfortunately without revisiting um we're not successful so there is a plan of subdivision that's uh been requested here and uh a zoning bylaw Amendment as well a site plan application will be necessary and will follow okay so but the the primary uh organization seeking the subdivision is Madame Holmes correct uh no no it is the hton Catholic District School Board okay uh and sorry I believe commissioner Hogan would like to add to that yeah no okay so my second question Mr chairman relates to uh how it's being funded so uh under normal circumstances uh uh funding for for capital of this nature infrastructure is is provided by the development community Through uh the region of Halton either directly or or in consultation with in cooperation with so how is the the infrastructure being F funded for uh this project that is going through all these buffer areas so I do believe that there is a member of the board watching virtually Mr Bronco Vivic and he might be the best uh to answer that particular question yes sir I can confirm that nobody else is online in regards to that oh okay um as I understand it uh the project is being funded through the province of Ontario and the Ministry of Education okay that's unusual but uh thanks thanks for that I appreciate it um I'll like very likely follow up with with staff on this it's I mean I don't have an issue with it Mr chairman but uh obviously uh it's unusual and so I'm I'm kind of curious as to as to how it's being financed most of the time uh you know everything else is in place by the time the board uh seeks approval for uh a school I mean there have been other occasions in Milton's history where that has not been the case and EC Drury sorry not EC Drury but Bishop reading was an example of that but it is rare thanks and just as a quick reminder again we did uh recently have approval of a simple plan of subdivision for the high school that's recently been constructed so it has happened before but yes I agree it is unusual thank you sir councelor chalar is that all uh yes Mr chairman thank you hey thank you we'll move on to councelor best yes uh thank you chair and uh councilor CH has already asked my first question regarding funding congratulations this is actually a record uh usually it's like five to six years before we see funding first question regarding the estimated enrollment do you have any projections of how many uh students will be enrolled in the school uh there's approximately uh pupil places around 700 and with Portables what could the school be uh that would include Portables as far as I'm concerned well I have to excuse my ignorance but based on what we've seen in the last 20 years here no school is at the capacity it's usually over the capacity from day one are there any plans for expansion of this facility not right now no okay and also what grades are we looking at this is a uh kindergarten to uh grade six I do believe okay would it have uh JK and daycare it will have a child care I'm not uh aware of any uh junior kindergarten okay and if you could put page eight back up please just to uh have a concern that uh staff are aware of did you want me to go to that oh yeah just keep going I should be there okay yeah this is the one if you look you've got the site here we just had St katerina's open we don't know the full projection there we also have CK high school we also have the French uh Catholic uh high school or school elementary school so we have four schools within one kilometer I don't know of any other municipality that has this many students in such a small area and I know you is your H traffic studies taking in account that you're going to have all four of these schools uh people uh students being dropped off and picked up at the same time because that's a major concern I'm already receiving from residents so our traffic study is presently under review it is quite a robust uh traffic study I believe that it is hosted on Milton applications online now that we are uh deemed complete and proceeding through the process uh again any concerns that we come across from the community or uh from technical staff will be addressed so our traffic study is under review it does consider the other schools and has uh real-time traffic counts as well and what is the estimated time of construction of the school we are hoping we were hoping to do s all alation permitting uh this fall but it looks like we will be initiating a filling of the site early next year in the spring and it will take approximately 12 to 14 months to construct you're a better Optimist than I am based on what we're seeing construction these days but that's all my questions cherl have some questions for staff after thanks counc best councelor Ali thank you so much for your uh great presentation I just want to start by thanking the C school board for always cooperating very well with the town staff and ourselves whenever we have issues related to um traffic um rental space cathic School Board always stands with us and has been a really good collaborator with the town of Milton so I want to start with that secondly what I wanted to say to you um and this is not related to directly with this application but is the whole um issue of busing where which currently um we are receiving a lot of emails and calls from parents whose children are going to St C's um from the west side of the Town um or any side of the town as it is a high school children can attend from anywhere in milon um buzzing seems to be a major issue we are very thankful and grateful that the Halton Catholic District School Board U makes schools before subdivisions are done because I think that is very good and smart and that's what encourages family to move into uh town of Milton and that's what we pride into um having a town that welcomes young families um having said that when you build a school and then you don't provide busing it creates a huge problem for not only um your staff but also our staff and and council members so just wondering if this is something you can take back um to the board um let them know this is an issue we are facing currently in a big way and hopefully with this school you would would have resolved the inner um I would say glitches that are leading to the shortage of busing thank you we we will certainly take the concerns back thank you thank you counc Char Lee anything further no all right councel Marshall thank you so much for your presentation um just asking that as this travels down the road um you give a lot of consideration to how the kiss and ride and the bus layby implemented um there's been a lot of concern about how these have been developed in some other schools in the area uh and we want to make sure that we're not repeating the same mistakes uh so that these schools can be functional for families as well as teachers as well as um you know the people who are supporting the schools certainly thank you thank you are there any other questions for members of council seeing none seeing none virtually either thank you and we'll now move on to the delegation portion if there's anybody in the body of the chambers that would like to come up and speak to this matter this is the opportunity to do so okay seeing nobody Madam clerk is there anybody virtually all right we have one virtual delegation from Fred Hannah we will now ask Madame clerk to connect Mr Hannah through all right good evening Mr Hannah um you please state your name address and uh as a reminder you have five minutes to address this particular item good evening Fred Hannah one01 Megan way Milton um I have two kids one them attend s the other one ATT 10 can you actually hear me you're a little bit muffled but uh yes we can hear you if you wanted to maybe get closer to the microphone there hello can you hear me that's much better go ahead um I have concern of the location of to school as counselor best put it this is a disaster having four schools side by side uh have two kids one go to ca the other one goes San ceri uh saner is not fully operational and the traffic at the roundabout in the morning is insane um um the the commercial part at the end of C uh s lauron is not operational yet so there is not enough traffic truck traffic coming down uh there is no lighting the U going into s CER to drop off for the kids for the kiss and ride is designed backward and I see that the same design is being applied to the elementary school the car goes in the school is on one side you drop the kids on the other side and they have to cross in front of the cars so I am not totally convinced that putting all those schools 2,000 kids from TK 2,000 kids from s ceri another 700 in that elementary school you have almost 4,000 kids crossing s lauron in both directions almost at the same time is a recipe for disaster and have putting our kid in harway and I would like to see a plan from the city and from the board on how the traffic how the kids are going to cross s laon going back and forth in a safe manner and I don't see that on the in The Proposal thank you all right thank you Mr Hannah is there any me members of council have questions for the delegate all right thank you for joining us thank you all right we will now move on to the motion for this item I have a motion moved by councelor malbu and seconded by councelor Ali that report ds0 6324 be received for information any final questions councelor best yes a question to planning staff mentions were made by the uh delegation regarding Sund homes when can we expect that application to come because I agree with councelor chaler to have one application without knowing what the final results are the other it's going to a very disjointed plan and my main concern here is having the walkways inadequate traffic pattern because I don't want to be in the same situation as Irma Coulson school where people are actually parking on res Central Street and basically coming in a walkway right beside the school we have the same problems from other schools as well that because of traffic jams on Louis St laon we could have inadequate access and the whole idea of having schools in the middle of a neighborhood makes more sense than having on the extreme North because everything north of Louis St lauron should be handled by existing schools thank you for the question councelor best uh Sundial is targeting December for their approval report coming forward and how long do you expect this application to take in terms of the technical report that would be the technical report we've already had the public meeting okay I mean in terms of this the one we're dealing with right now my apologies um I would say probably uh early 2025 okay just as long as everyone's informed of what's going on here because it's it is a concern already with the three schools in that area just want to make sure that we we know and basically work can work something out with everybody involved thanks councelor B anybody else no okay just um as the final thoughts before we call the vote here just want to put a heavy emphasis on the importance of road safety pedestrian safety roundabout safety uh as Council best mentioned regarding the heavy pedestrian traffic this is a road that I'm very familiar with drive on it all the time and um cars stopping in the middle of the road all of that is a big concern um so looking forward to the technical report that addresses those elements as well and with that the motion's been read all those in favor and that's carried okay we're moving along to public meeting number three which is 7.3 on the agenda and for the third public meeting I'll call on Madame clerk to review the procedure for the public meeting this public meeting is with regard to zoning BYO Amendment application that proposes to rezone the front portion of subject lands from the current future development Zone to a site specific business park zone applicable to lands known municipally as 8283 a squeezing line Council will consider related bylaws at a future meeting if you wish to be notified of the decision please sign the attendance sheet located at the back of council chambers for this application or make a written requ request to the town clerk at 150 Mary Street or email town clerk milton. CA following a presentation from the applicant there will be an opportunity for public comments from inperson and remote participants as a reminder again that number is 1866 511 0021 for anyone wanting to connect remotely via phone and they'll be given instructions on how to participate thank you madam Clerk and uh we'll now ask the applicant to come forward for a brief presentation welcome ma' please state your name and you may begin when you're ready good evening my name is Stephanie Fleming I'm a lawyer appearing today on behalf of the owner uh 22243 Ontario Inc um and um just to start off these lands are north of the James snow Parkway north and on the east side of a squeezing line um in the lawn in total has an area of about 4.85 hectares and at the moment there is a single detached dwelling and an accessory structure on the land in terms of the context of the area there's a single detached dwelling immediately to the north Hydro One Corridor lands to the South an industrial development to the west and agricultural operations to the east uh the lands are bisected by the mainwood tributary and a wetland is at the rear of the property uh this Wetland it will be governed by the conservation Halton um this proposal is to develop the front portion of the subject lands with a light industrial building it would have an approximate gross floor area of 7,548 square meters um surface parking is proposed on this site and there will be a loading area at the rear of the building uh currently the lands are zoned future development and this proposal will rezone the lands to a site specific Business Park um Zone um in terms of um at the moment the next proposal for the next steps here would be that um the technical reports and preparing a site plan for the um for the proposal uh so in going back to the lot The Proposal is only to rezone the front portion of the lands because there are no developments proposed over the tributary and the rear of the lands will be left till a later date in terms of that that is my presentation tonight I thank you all for your for your attention thank you m'am for that we have a question from councelor best yes I thinkk your presentation you mentioned that your the rear portion of the land could be a future development at a later date does the owner have any future plans of what could be used there because you're involving a creek crossing as well as some other concerns in the conservation Authority yes um at this time I'm not aware of any plans for the rear of the property okay that's all thank you thank you are there any further questions for members of council okay seeing none we'll now go to the body of the chambers here is there anybody from the public that would like to address this uh particular item seeing nobody and Madame clerk advises nobody's on Zoom we'll go to the motion here I have a motion moved by councelor Ali seconded by councelor malbu that report DS 06024 be received for information any questions all those in favor it's carried public meeting number four item 7.4 on the agenda and for this meeting I'll also call on Madame clerk to refie the procedures for the meeting this public meeting is with regard to a housekeeping Amendment pertaining to un unobstructed pedestrian access to additional dwelling units Council will consider related bylaws at a future meeting um if you wish be notified of decision please either sign the attendance sheet here at the back table and council chambers or make a request to town clerk at 150 Mary Street or email town clerk milton. CA following a presentation from the commissioner of development services there'll be an opportunity for public comments from inperson and remote meeting participants as a reminder the phone number for any anyone wanting to participate remotely is 1866 511 0021 and they'll be given instructions on how to participate thank you madam clerk we will now go to Commissioner of development services Jill Hogan for a brief presentation of this report thank you Mr chair report ds0 6224 addresses a housekeeping Amendment related to additional dwelling units the report rep represents both a combined public meeting and Technical recommendation for council's consideration this evening Council recently adopted an official plan and Zoning bylaw Amendment just in June of 2024 and this these amendments expanded permissions for accessory dwelling units in Milton's urban areas now these amendments require an unobstructed pedestrian access with minimum widths and vertical clearances requirements from the street line to the P principal entrance of an accessory dwelling unit through the recent review of several building permit applications some applicants have indicated ated that the principal entr entrance to the existing house for example the front door will also serve as the principal entrance to the additional dwelling unit even though there exists or the applicant plans to add a side entrance to the house that would be that would provide more direct access to the additional unit this appears to be a workaround to providing the necessary unobstructed pedestrian access through a side entrance the revised regulation clarifies the requirement that an uninstructed pedestrian access be provided and maintained from the street line the intent of this provision is to allow emergency services to access an accessory dwelling unit in an efficient direct and timely manner in the event of fire or emergency I'm happy to answer any questions thank you thank you commissioner any questions for members of council okay I do not see any and we'll move on to the Chamber of body of the chamber here anybody in the public wishing to address this matter okay Madam clerk advises that there's nobody on Zoom either for this we will go to the motion now moved by councelor chaler seconded by councelor Ali that report ds0 6224 regarding a housekeeping Amendment pertaining to unobstructed pedestrian access to an additional dwelling unit to zoning bylaw 016 2014 be approved and that Council enacts the draft housekeeping Amendment attached as appendix X to report ds0 6224 to zoning bylaw 01624 as amended any questions all those in favor it's carried okay public meeting number five which is item Point item 7.5 on the agenda and for this public meeting we'll call on Madame clerk to review the procedure this public meeting is with regard to an application to permit the extension of a temporary use bylaw by Carlton Plaza Carlton Place Plaza Inc tenant Tricom Hills Corporation for lands located at 29 95 Alliance Road Unit 10 Council will consider related bylaws uh later in this evening's agenda if you wish to be notified of the decision you must assign the attendance sheet located at the back table and council chambers make a request the town clerk at 150 Mary Street Milton or email town clerk milton. CA following a presentation from the applicant there will be an opportunity for public comments from inperson and remote meeting participants as a reminder for anyone wanting to connect remotely the number is 18665 11 100021 if they wish to uh connect via phone only thank you madam clerk we will now ask the applicant to approach the stand and provide a brief presentation good evening please state your name and you may begin when you're ready thank you very much my name is David Phillips I'm the president and co-founder of dryc Hills hello Mr Mayor Town counselors Town staff and anyone from the public listening in today thank you for this opportunity to advocate for my company Drome Hills it's hard to believe that it's been 3 years since the town approved my application for a three-year temporary bylaw allowing me to work with cannabis at my vertical Farm located at 295 Alliance Road Unit 10 at the time of the approval I was growing micro greens largely for research and to grow technology and vertical farming with the temporary bylaw approval I was able to bring in my existing personal medical cannabis grow license and begin a new chapter for my company the goal was not to grow medical cannabis but to acquire a full health Canada Nursery license so that I could sell my research and enter the legal cannabis industry this is a very difficult license to earn with many steps involved it took me close to a year to rra the money that I used for the temporary bylaw application so that I could hire a health Canada compliance expert and make any upgrades to the facility mainly in regards to security and finishing and coding products upon submission of the nursery license application including a detailed video evidence of the finished facility we did receive the full health Canada Nursery license on May 19th 2023 I think it's important to mention that a nursery license is very different than a production or processing license the nursery license allows us to create genetics and Supply cannabis plants to production license holders these production license holders would then use the plants purchased from us to grow the Cannabis flower which is what the end user purchases at dispensaries or a processing license holder would use to make candies and drinks and hash Etc think of it like a tomato plant my company develops new types of tomato genetics and then sells the plants with no tomatoes on it the producer would then change the lighting requirements for these plants to then produce the tomatoes Tricom Hills has since earned a solid reputation within the industry we have run at full capacity with no issues from the community or my neighbors in general we have extended the lease with the building owner and he has given his full approval for this temporary bylaw extension our facility is spotless the health Canada standards and the air quality is immaculate with more air filtration than required um we're in good standing with health Canada as well as the CRA our taxes are up to date and we' have already passed audits from both Health Canada and the CRA as we are in good standing and have not received any complaints I recognize that this would have been a good opportunity to adjust a bylaw so that the entire building could have permanently been granted permission to grow cannabis but this industry has been a financial struggle for all license holders in fact the success of many cannabis companies are measured in losses not gains just within the last few weeks the big public companies published their quarterly losses in the millions and their stock still went up strategically I would love to obtain permanent approval to continue my work with cannabis but financially extending the temporary use bylaw is the most financially responsible Approach at this time we have yet to earn a profit and the temporary use bylaw extension seems to be the easiest path forward triol Hills was created to help a struggling industry but by providing winning marketable genetics and acting as a service provider to license holders we have recently earned an award from Canada's largest cannabis testing facility and have now been engaged engaged with some of the biggest names in the industry I believe we are well on our way to turning the page and becoming a profitable company I am proud to call Milton home to try com Hills and I truly look forward to continuing to grow in the community in fact since the original temporary bylaw was approved by you I have become a two-time champion at the Milton basketball league looking to add a third title starting tomorrow I do really love it here and I hope that we'll when we meet again in three years we'll be discussing expansion plans and permanent approval for multiple units at 295 Alliance Road I have put everything I have into this local Milton company and I think I'm building something we can all be proud of for three years I have extended invitations to offer tours to the town staff as I'm very proud of what I've built thank you for your consideration this means the world to me and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have thank you sir I saw that there's a PowerPoint presentation there is I totally forgot about it no worries that's okay that's okay you feel free to go through any one of these slides and site plan that's where we're located uh 295 that's the front and back of the building it hasn't changed since the last time you approved us um again this is you know we've worked with the ly one of the largest companies in the world actually um to help make our our business compliant with Health Canada um here's a side by side comparison of the micro greens that we were growing when you approved us originally and on the right you'll see nothing's changed as far as the technology just the plants that we've we've swapped out um there's a scale size you can see actually my daughter working in the bottom corner there um you can actually see what how how big a vertical Farm can actually be and there's our mother room so these are our big moms um this just for your interest I guess we we cut clones from these plants and you can see on the picture on the right healthy Roots starting from a cut from a cut um excuse me uh cutting that's all we got for you today I appreciate your time thank you excellent thank you sir is there any questions for members of council regarding this presentation I do not see any and I've been advised that there's no delegations virtually is there anybody in the chamber that would like to delegate this matter I do not see anybody and we'll go into the motion here as written it's moved by councelor malbu and seconded by councelor Ali any questions about it NOP uh we'll go for the vote all those in favor okay and it's carried thank you sir okay we'll move on to item 8.1 the 2025 budget call report I will now call on the Chief Financial Officer Glen cow to provide a presentation to council right good evening chair and members of council uh happy to provide a brief presentation tonight on the report that's in front of us in terms of the 2025 budget um we'll jump right into it if that's all right starting with just a quick overview of from a process perspective where we've been where we're at and what's going to come in the in the months ahead so uh the budget formally launched in July with the public consultation and staff have been working throughout July and August to prepare information that will eventually lead into the budget after tonight's budget called uh discussion we will then work on preparing the actual budget documents and a final proposed budget for November in advance of a workshop that Council will first have November 25th and then we'll ultimately have budget discussion on December 2nd this year just reminder that this year will continue with the strong May legislation and the changes that we introduced into the process last year in relation to that U most notably that uh the budget will be tabled by the head of Council in November and then we'll go through a process of amendments with a simple majority vote of council followed by um if elected to a potential veto and a potential vote following any veto as part of the process so the budget won't be necessarily culminate in a final uh approved budget vote rather we will go through and exhaust the um uh the change mechanisms Amendment mechanisms to the budget at which point we'll will finally have a final budget in front of us from a public engagement perspective we did start the let's talk melon process already in July and shared in the report tonight in appendix B are the um feedback that we've received to date from the public through that process uh you'll notice themes such as fire pickle ball Transit being you know prevalent in the in the feedback that we've seen to date and we'll continue to collect that feedback and share it with Council leading up to the December 2nd discussion as well we also include within the report uh output from the citizen engagement survey that we undertake every few years that ones through a more scientific process but we have seen in in the years past when we've undertaken it uh consistency between some of the the budget questions that we have in terms of where the public would like to see us from a a positioning standpoint on things like sustainability infrastructure and on the value for the services that uh that they're receiving and in addition to that there'll continue to be opportunities for delegation right up to the December second discussion as well for the public this is the first budget that we're going to approve since the approval of the multi-year strategy which occurred last June so just as a reminder the direction upon which the budget call report uh was based uh stemmed from that it was a parameter looking at a range of 4 and a half to 7% on the total tax rate that's inclusive of the town the region and the uh school boards as well and really trying to maintain that range so long as uh until the town has worked through removing the unsustainable funding sources namely the stabilization Reserve from our budget from making progress on things like infrastructure deficits and uh other development charge and and tax rate off deficits that we have as well and then finally closing the uh the differential with our comparator groups in terms of tax rates um which will definitely uh go a long way to helping solve those first two problems so um this year's budget call has incorporated language from that multi-year strategy it's also in included a scorecard as an appendix there's no progress yet since this will be the first budget that we'll be approving since the the passing of that strategy but we we know it's going to be a multi-year approach it's going to take us time to work through some of those so this will give us a good measuring stick to the progress we're making in the years to come there's a number things included in the report tonight uh too much information to try to squeeze into the presentation here but it really serves as almost a mini budget book in the form of a staff report and that it touches on a number of the Strategic areas that you would find in the overview section of our budget book itself um you know everything from um broader broader Trends growth patterns to some of the very specific uh items that'll affect 2025 in our capital and in our operating forecast in terms of some of those forecasts pressures um you know certainly inflation will continue and just a reminder one of the larger sources of of inflation for us is on the infrastructure and the way we approach that it there's a bit of a lag from the time you see the inflation in the market to when we reflect it in the budget and we do it this way so that we're not necessarily uh reflecting estimated changes in that because it's such a a large impact on our budget we we like to ensure that we're using actual data from stat scan at the time that we build it into the budget so we will still see some continued pressure there as we catch up to where the non-residential construction index has been uh but we're also looking at inflation across the board and and our other areas as well uh we have included in the forecast and the numbers we're going to look at in a moment phasing out of that $1.6 million we've included 1.5 million a year towards infrastructure and reducing that deficit at that pace it'll take you know approximately 27 years based on our latest Asset Management plan but given the investment that we're making in infrastructure as we continue to grow from a cash flow perspective we think that's in a appropriate way to to start to tackle that uh that challenge um as well you'll see things like life cycle contributions for new assets and growth in our services with a particular focus on Transit fire and technology in line with some of the things we we heard from Council through the strategic planning process so in terms of what the numbers look like uh this is a summary of a table that's in the report and much more detail but you can get a sense of some of the areas that we'll be talking about when we bring a budget back um you know included within the inflationary numbers there are things like the phasing out of the stabilization and infrastructure which is why you see it over the 7% level from growth related perspective that's looking at the timing of infrastructure that we're going to assume from uh the uh development community and and what they're building within subdivisions that also considers our our Capital program and the operating impacts that will follow from the Investments we make in in service expansion we have built in what the estimated assessment growth is here and you can see we're currently suggesting it's a two .3% we'll start to narrow that number down as the fall goes on and we get our through our final supplementary billing runs with impac uh to to Really narrow that number down so the pressures and again this isn't the recommended budget but the pressures right now from what we saw in last year's forecast and what we've updated are in the order of 133% when you look at the Blended if you take this 133% and the budget directions that were passed at the regional level it suggests a total pressure of around 7.3% when we start in the next slide talking about recommendations you'll notice it's higher than what we're recommending so we know there's work to do uh in the fall to go back with the program areas and look for opportunities um we use tactics like trying to find other Revenue sources finding efficiencies looking at the timing of new investments in infrastructure to try to come up with a number that uh is in line with what council will will see as appropriate in the fall um so those are the kind of steps that we'll follow tonight's discussion order of magnitude it's it's possibly in the order of around $3 million that we'll we'll need to find from the forecast that you saw on the last slide to where we think we may need to be to to hit that six and a half percent um the six and a half does align with the multi-year strategy and when we presented that report it was noted that uh the first couple years would be more challenging because of some of the immediate pressures and we may need to be on the higher end uh so we're certainly seeing that in in the recommendation and the numbers that we're looking at now um because we're talking about the Blended total in terms of where approximate number may be it will depend on where the region the police board the school board and with their own budgets essentially if uh if there's pressure there if they come in with higher numbers than what's in their uh budget call as an example it would mean that at the local level we'll try to find ways to further reduce ours if we want to maintain that six and a half percent ultimately which will be a decision for Council in December um and then as noted you know to get to where we're suggesting from where we are there there is work still to be done for staff for Council as we work our way through the process uh the last slide is is just showing the benchmarking from where we currently stand we're about 18% uh lower than our comparable municipalities when we look at the total residential tax rate again this is the Blended one with all three levels of government included if you look at the local level alone it's in the order of around 25% compared to these same municipalities um and and that's we we use this slide specifically because it was considered in that multi-year strategy as you know one of the benchmarks that we'll be monitoring in the years to come as we address some of our our current uh Financial challenges so with that I thank you for your time happy to answer any questions you may have thank you sir we before we go into the question I'm just going to quickly read the motion here it's moved by councelor best and seconded by councelor Ali that the mayor be requested to consider the following when preparing the 2025 proposed budget for Council consideration that 2025 capital and operating budgets and forecasts be prepared in alignment with the town Council approved strategic plans and long-term studies for example the Strategic plan official plan Asset Management plan fysical impact studies Master plans um and that the 2025 proposed operating budget be presented with an estimated total residential property tax increase of approximately 6.5% inclusive inclusive of projected tax rate changes for the local Regional and education portions of that Levy uh and lastly that staff be directed to prepare a capital and operating budget reference document for the mayor and Council to consider including options to reduce the tax levy impact for the year 2025 as well as opportunities for additional Investments we'll move on to questions from Council counselor Cher go ahead uh thanks Mr chairman uh Glenn uh as usual and excellent uh report and I I agree with you I think it is a pre-budget document for sure uh I I don't have an issue Mr chairman with the uh what is recommended it's within what council had approved back in uh in late spring early summer with respect to multi-year planning um but I do have some questions so what kind of participation did we have this year in terms of the public offering their thoughts you know how many participants actually took time to go online or uh reach out to town staff with respect to their opinions about the budget uh through to the chair so the the feedback that we've received to date that's a included in the report is towards uh until the end of August uh you will see and I don't have the exact count on on the number of different comments or responses that were there but it certainly is several Pages worth that are included uh within the appendix now I would anticipate a similar level of volume as as we approach the final budget decision as well um we did also forward to council from the the Student Union for conastoga letter recently in terms of some of their input so we do expect we may see some similar um other opportunities for engagement or input as the as the process moves forward um as well as potential delegations in December okay uh it might be helpful if if it's if it's highlighted on on one of the charts as to what the the number is the actual number of respondents pretty important uh the 1.5 million that we're that you're anticipating we going to uh contribute towards the capital reserves uh that's up about a half a million dollars isn't it from last year so the 1.5 is the um additional new investment that would be made towards infrastructure specifically we haven't made any incremental investment in the last few years just as one of our our budget measures to find that right balance um it used to be a million dollars was the target part of the strategy of deferring those payments for a few years when uh we were trying to balance was to reintroduce it at a slightly higher level to eventually catch up on on that I would like to highlight that it doesn't mean that there's no investment in infrastructure this is uh just the incremental related specifically to the deficit from our existing funding base just as a reminder we do inflate it each year with consideration for the non-residential construction index we also introduce new life cycle contributions for new assets to make sure that we don't make the deficit any worse um so this is just one component of our overall strategy but it is something that we'd be reintroducing this year the uh thank you for that uh yes and so basically we are we are increasing in in an attempt to to catch up uh so the region uh now has one less Department uh I'm assuming that that uh in their budget deliberations their budget is going to be a little bit smaller perhaps not noted this year perhaps next year uh and that would have an impact as well on our budget ultimately uh have you received any indication from the region in terms of of what they're looking at in terms of a a 2025 budget I know that their direction to various agencies boards and commissions that that uh look to the region for funding is about 4 and a half% for 2025 correct so their their budget report uh budget directions report had preceded in in July um and you're right after after assessment growth was netted out it was around a 4% net impact to their portion of the the Blended tax rate um there was an update I believe to Regional Council on their streamlining initiatives in September which did speak to a general order of magnitude um at this time I I can't speak specifically to how that'll translate to the the total tax rate we'll we'll let their budget process play out before we have a little more detail but certainly by the time we're here in December to talk about the final number we'll give you the the latest in terms of where the region and the police board are coming in relative to that guidance yes um so my my next question uh Glenn is you and I had a a discussion that was um supported by council at the last budget about um you know a fund for for operating a fund for Capital uh ultimately we were in agreement as a council and as staff on on an operating fund but we have to find the money to create that fund and that would ideally offset the current budget by about a million dollars a year uh Capital uh we're still having those discussions uh and when I when I see this report you know I I still believe that we need to find uh another way to uh to look at how we deal with this this uh capital reserve deficit that we have in a way that is uh outside of these annual budget deliberations because still is at risk of being set aside in member if if the numbers aren't looking right they're looking too high uh and to your point we really need to get away from that because uh we're losing uh time and the opportunity to to catch up we're now at 27 years uh to catch up and it could be much longer by the time this ends and so I I reiterate that we really do need to continue to look at a way uh to to deal with this uh Milton has always been a very Innovative municipality uh in many many ways uh and I think that we need to show the rest of the province and perhaps the rest of the country uh about how you can actually sustainably fund a growing Community um you know on your own because quite frankly we really can't look at the other levels of government as as long-term supporters particularly from an operating standpoint uh my last comment is to the regional counselors and you know they can they can respond how they they wish but we really got surprised by the police budget last year and I hope that we don't get surprised this year um Milton was not a a major beneficiary of that increase last year we didn't see more officers on the street uh we aren't seeing a long-term investment by hrps in Milton uh and if if they really need this money I think that we've every right to ask for uh more consideration in terms of investment in our community so so hopefully this year uh it's a little flatter than it was last year because uh we felt the pinch thanks for the presentation thanks Mr chairman thank you councelor move on to councelor best yeah sorry about the interruption there just two questions uh Glenn thank you for your presentation all your staff's work on it uh one thing that I've noticed the last few months that we've had a flurry of announ funding announcements both the federal and provincial are we maximizing whatever applications we get and hopefully actually receive the money uh so we are uh there's one report on the agenda tonight which will touch on the transit funding application we have three others in the work as we continue to review the opportunities for there's a a corter infrastructure uh enabling program a water enabling which does allow for storm water which is the local connection uh as well as a recreation program as well that were just recently announced in the last couple of weeks so in October council is going to see more on on those programs as a followup to that are these mostly capital or are the operating fundings they are entirely Capital we haven't seen anything um on the operating side yet that's part of the problem and I could spend another you know half an hour on a speech on this stuff but secondly as councelor cheler mentioned regarding the economic projections we've seen some uh uh either some bad news or good news dep uh depending on where your projections of Economics uh are staff taking into consideration that we could be heading for another recession we we do consider those kind of pressures when we're putting together especially things like the growth forecast and and how it could affect the timing of that generally you know we we do Build It Up based on very detailed information of the things we're seeing moving through the planning application approvals now but we usually do that with a slightly conservative lens based on um you know knowing things may change uh in the timing certainly can change as we go oh thank you and good luck thank you councelor best councelor Ali thank you I just wanted to make a comment uh for everybody's information I know that the police budget was increased last year um I agree that it shouldn't be this High the police budget as someone who sits on the police board I can tell you has not been presented to us yet so I don't I can't speak to that for this year but I can let you know that because of the increased budget for last year um we got 49 new officers 28 new Patrol con which includes 28 new Patrol constables seven officers for organized crime nine homicide investigators and five additional officers so um the theory that we increased taxes but nothing came out of it uh it's completely wrong thank you councelor Ali are there any comments from off as we go into the vote mayor CR yeah thank you Mr chairman again I don't have any uh questions of uh Glenn but Glenn and I met what about a week ago now to review what was going to be uh proposed and presented uh this evening uh there and of course as the uh clerk can attest to when I signed a document about the strong mayor's power almost two years ago now I put in there that I reserved the right to change my mind at any time but uh I made it knowing to Glenn that I have no intentions of uh doing that uh and he knows exactly where I'm coming from as I would suspect the biggest majority of council would know where I'm coming from as well and I'm well aware and I supported that range to get on with it what was it 44 five to 7 whatever it was uh there which would seem reasonable but that's Blended and I'm well aware of that and I S corrected Glenn on one of those slides it was what 13 almost 14% now I'm talking about our our increase I I'm not talking about Blended I'm talking about our portion of it correct me if I'm wrong am I right on that it did come up in the screen there it did the the current pressures are in the order of 13.8% so I'm rounding it off at 14% okay fair enough our portion of it and I'm well aware I don't have to be reminded that the rate of inflation right now is what 2 3% and we're talking about a 14% increase uh I intend to be responsible when we get to uh to deal with this and I'm just hoping that the biggest majority Council will be responsible as well because at least in my opinion a 14% tax increase uh is you not not good it's just acceptable as far as I'm concerned and of course majority Council will determine that in what November December whenever we finally uh deal with that and I don't need to be reminded and Glenn and I talked about that what roughly a year ago inflation was what 7 or 8% and I'm well aware of that but nowhere 14% either and right now it's at roughly 3% so I make the uh the point and I'm not about like a lot of other politicians uh whether it be locally regionally provincially federally all we know how to do is put up taxes I'm not one of them is sooner or later you got to bite the bullet and live within our uh means so I think I made my point and and of course when this uh when the final chapter is uh read it'll it'll be interesting where we come down with this I'm not about growing bureaucracy thank you thank you mayor CR any other comments from Council or questions for staff councelor chaloner uh thanks Mr chairman just u i I appreciate the comments that councelor Ali made as a member of the police board and I'm aware that more officers were were hired in 2024 the comment that I've received is that uh none of those offers were officers were assigned to Milt so you know if she wants to check into that and see if that's not the case either but that is my understanding that we did not receive additional Personnel in our community but she is absolutely correct more officers were hired thanks councelor chaler councelor best just on that uh point I was assured by the superintendent that there was eight officers coming to the uh 12 division and covering hton Hills and Milton two specifically for traffic thanks councelor B councelor chalar any response to that or further comment uh glad to hear it um I have not heard that and I I had I raised the question with uh the Detachment uh after the budget was passed so glad that glad that that has evolved thanks councelor chaler councelor best any response to that no further responses any further question councelor IAS so uh thank you Mr chair uh I know last year's um rate was just under 10% and today we're looking we're touching 14% last year I did think it was quite High I think 14% is higher than high so hopefully when the budget time does come we're able to sort of maneuver through the budget to sort of bring that slightly down just because just looking at inflationary looking at mortgages looking at rents looking at groceries looking at all the things that come with expenses it is quite high and I think a high tax rate uh for the coming year for residents is just in my opinion not advised thank you commissioner yeah and we certainly appreciate the comments and and before I make the next comment I'll just qualify with I I fully appreciate we're talking high high numbers regardless of what the the slight comment I'm going to make is um the 14% is the pressures right now to get to around a six and a half Blended as recommended again it'll be subject to police and region and others but we suspect it'll be somewhere in the order of the 10 to 11% range again I'm not dis or disqualifying that as is not a too high number but just to give Council a sense of you know what it'll take to go from that pressure to where we'll need to be that'll be around $3 million and you know it could be further if that's council's will as well which is certainly what the budget discussion will focus on thank you sir anybody else for questions or comments okay just before we call the vote on this the motion's already been read I just want to emphasize the importance of Thinking Beyond the number as well you know it's important to protect what's going to be presented in this budget we I saw it in everybody's eyes the excitement when we did our strategic planning with that sticky note exercise where we you know envisioned where we want our community to go um we are great community and 2051 is a vision that we all want to achieve and how fast we achieve it depends on whether we protect what's going to be built into this budget and future budgets um because that's about building a community that everyone can be proud to live in raise a family live work learn play you know those are all the things that we envision this community to be so I look forward to this budget as it comes forward and I think it's going to be very important to protect what's in the budget and also remember the exercises the workshops that we've participated in with the Consultants with staff and we've identified collectively that uh we're a community that's growing and a community that uh needs investments in a plethora of different areas um to get to where we want to go we're going to call the vote now all those in favor and it's carried moving on to items for consideration item 9.1 is going to be the Canada public transit fund I have a motion moved by councelor chaler and second couns Al as it's written in the report um call on the Chief Financial Officer for introductory comments on this thank you and this is a great Segway from councelor bess's point about the the funding programs that have become available um so this one does have two streams that are currently open for application so the immediate step we've already taken is submitting the to become uh um eligible for the Baseline funding stream which hopefully will become an annual funding stream for the transit uh Capital program and then also there is the Metro stream which is going to take a little more coordination effort and a little more uncertainty but hopefully for one time initiatives whether it's something large like in agerton gohost station or whether it's something in the future like the Presto program or a transfer hub for the me we'll try to find Opportunities where we can through that program thank you sir we'll move on questions from councelor Council rest no questions just a comment that I encourage staff to keep uh working on these programs because who knows I understand there might be an election or two next year so let's take advantage of them and again this goes back to not only my criticism but others that uh we shouldn't have to be going cap in hand to Federal and provincial you know politicians to get these money we need this worked out and as aso's stated policy is we need an economic social Prosperity review so that our income grows with the economy not having to keep changing Mill rates all the time thank you counselor councelor Marshall uh just looking to get some clarification with respect to the one-time initiative comment with uh the Metro uh region agreements is that a one-time Initiative for example um a new GO station and then a one-time Initiative for some crossborder Transportation or is it just just one item and then done we'll be looking for more clarity on that as well just as the program develops and evolves uh the what makes this one unique and possibly a little more CH challenging to navigate is the requirement that they be submitted for the meture reason as a whole with the collaboration so there'll be a lot of stakeholders at that table including other levels of government and agencies so we've got to get a better sense for what opportunities there may be in discussions with those partners thank you thank you councelor anybody else from the council wishing to ask a question or comment for staff seeing none virtually and in person we'll now go on to the vote for this matter all those in favor it's going to be carried moving on to item 9.2 the capital variance report for June 2024 I have a motion moved by councelor chaler and seconded by councelor best as written in the report uh just going to call on the CFO to provide introductory comments Glen Cowen so this we think is a good news report and that it reflects both uh Savings in projects that were're closing or are able to amend as well it reflects the benefit of some of the funding programs that Council had addressed earlier in the year such as the housing accelerator fund and the build faster fund with the result of all that being an opportunity to return some funding to our Capital reserves where we can then reinvest it when we get into the 2025 budget program process so um again a good news story and and you know progress being made on a number of projects thank you sir we're going on to now questions from counselor councelor chaler uh thanks Mr chairman uh just want to thank Glenn and his team for this uh this report first of all it's excellent and this is really important how you manage uh these dollars they're big and uh the team is doing an excellent job and I am very supportive of the idea of the development charges uh study being moved up um but I have a question with respect to that and uh the treasurer may know but uh perhaps the mayor and and councelor best know as well in terms of is there any discussion taking place right now between the province and municipalities about uh rewriting some aspects of the development charges act uh to to help municipalities fund growth and and councelor best was kind of referring to that with his last question around operating uh I recognize that this is a this really goes to Capital but uh is there a discussion that that that is taking place should take place as we roll into uh this review councelor best yes thank you councelor Cher yes it is an ongoing discussion Mr kandra has done a lot of work and he's told us publicly that uh he may not be able to uh make us whole but he's going to come as close as possible and this is on the list of other Financial including having the reassessment actually uh finalized because I know all the treasures of Ontario are waiting for it thanks councelor CFO and and just on a related note to that we're still seeing the implementation of some of the the changes that were made by The Province to roll back some of the amendments to development charge legislation and the town really uh benefited from some of those changes such as the elimination of the phas in and return of study funding to the DC charge and a reminder as well that when we do our next background study although we don't have to maintain that bylaw for a 10year period they did offer the opportunity to um have a BT further than the five year so those are all things we'll consider when we start that process thank you sir councelor chaler anything further uh just one more question Mr chairman and those are excellent responses I appreciate both what col and and uh Glenn have said col made a point about assessment and reassessment is that to say that there's also a discussion now taking place between municipalities The Province and impact about lifting the freeze on assessment ccor best I believe Glen might have more information CFO so we we don't have a date yet but it is certainly something that we're we're still uh we we know the province is well aware of as well and uh we look forward to when we can officially talk about the reassessment cycle change thank you councelor chaler yeah that's that's good news I mean it's going to create some interm pain for some parts of our community and there'll be some difficult political decisions around the council table but uh it's necessary and it just should never have been frozen in the first place so that's good news thank you thank you counselor we'll now go into is there any further questions before I call the vote no okay all those in favor it's carried moving on to item 9.3 the purchasing various I have a motion moved by councelor best and seconded by councelor malbu as written in the staff report and I'm going to ask to CFO to introduce this so this month's version of the purchasing various report I do apologize for the length but uh September does tend to be a bit of a heavier agenda as we get some of the uh awards from competitive processes that we've had as well as we report back on some of the things we've um we've done under delegated authority including Council mayor recall delegated authority was provided for things like line painting and winter maintenance um and I would actually highlight the winter maintenance one I think staff did a tremendous job with that in terms of rethinking some of the elements of our tender and we think we really saw the benefit and some of the pricing that we saw as well as the fact that we had a lot more competition in the in certain aspects of that tender than we had historically so uh really good job to the operations and purchasing team on that one I believe thank you sir we'll move on to questions councelor Ali thank you so much I'm um happy to see um uh in schedule B of this report uh the reasoning for the delay of the construction of the sidewalk on Louis St Laura um and bronti intersection going down to Britannia that is a much awaited sidewalk that the LC McGill Family School family is waiting for uh so that children can act access the school through a sidewalk so I'm happy to see this here and uh pending tonight's approval of this report I'm U excited to see this uh go up and provide the safety the children need thank you thank you counselor anybody else for questions or comments regarding this report okay we'll call the vote all those in favor it's carried any updates from Regional counselors counselor best yes a couple items we have our next council meeting on September 18th and including the both paramedic and transportation master plan updates which I think are quite uh highlighted Al along with h getting ready for the regional budget which I'll be taking councelor Cher as the concerns back also just wanted to thank the mayor and Council for their support of the recent Amo conference I know Mr chair you attended long counc Al Jazz and malou and it was our most successful conference uh to date and I continue now on for the next two years as past president which uh gets me the honorary title of being the chair of the audit committee which I'm really excited about as well as serving on know the executive the board as well as the mou team so it's going to be interesting two years thank you counselor any other Regional counselors wishing to provide an update okay we are moving on to statements by members uh that are about community events or Community announcements and please note that this point in the agenda is not to give staff direction or Q&A for another item it's statements only any statements by members mayor Crown yeah Mr chairman uh of course uh once a year it's referred to as the mayor United Way golf tournament and of course it was last uh Friday a very successful uh United Way golf tournament once again we raised uh a little in excess of $230,000 so it's an alltime record for one golf tournament I just want to thank some of my colleagues uh that was there and contributed and as well as uh the role that uh Town staff play in it they're the ones that really help make it happen and many many other volunteers out there in the the community but I really do want to single out the business Community uh and their contribution they made and they're the ones that really put it over the top there too so I just want to recognize the uh the work that goes into that and a substantial amount of money and I think now if I recall rightly it over the 24 years this was the 24th year of the May's United Way golf tournament raised a little over $3.5 million do and that's a lot of money for a golf tournament to you know to support United Way of Melton Halton and and Hamilton and I also might make mention the money is raised in Milton does stay in Milton too A lot of the administration is is combined of course but I just want to thank the the mton and especially the business Community for that so thank you thanks mayor CR any other statements for members okay just want to quickly uh talk to the young people that are watching or that you know tune into this uh applications for the Milton youth task force are open the final date to apply is September 16th 2024 I encourage all young people who are from grade 8 to grade 12 to consider applying to this program it's a great opportunity to work with Town staff uh various other volunteers and provide feedback and ultimately you know plan some nice exciting events for our community and give back in a way that makes Milton a better place for a young community and we encourage all of our young people to get involved and participate in these initiatives volunteer hours will also be provided which is important for high school students thank you moving on to the confidential session portion I'm aware that there's four items in confidential session this evening uh Town staff advised that there's no need to go into confidential session unless members wish to do so is there anybody that wishes to go into Council confidential session no okay we'll move on to the first motion here motion moved by councelor Malibu seconded by councelor best that recommendations obtained contained sorry in staff report cores 025 2024 be approved any questions no questions all those in favor it's carried moving on to the next item here moved by councelor Malibu seconded by councelor best that recommendations contained in staff report Comm 000724 be approved any questions seeing none all those in favor carried next item moved by Council Malu seconded by counc for best their recommendations contained in staff report Comm 000724 be approved any questions all those in favor carried another item here moved by councelor Malu seconded by councelor best recommendations contained in staff report DS 06524 be approved any questions all those in favor it's carried okay final matter here moved by councelor Ali and seconded by councelor best this is regarding our bylaw section of the agenda um that bylaw is numbered 073 2024 through and including bylaw 082 2024 be read ped and numbered and that the mayor and the town clerk be authorized to sign the said bylaws seal them with the Seal of the corporation and that they be engrossed in the bylaw book any questions councelor Ali usually I never ask questions during the bylaw section but I just want to make a point here um you will see there's page after page um that says no parking at any time added um sign um this creates a lot of issue in our communities I just want to highlight a situation in W 4 where temporary parking on the streets was allowed and which is the case with all new construction all new subdivisions and once we take um we assume it back or once um the curbs are done um the proper minage goes up which means the residents who've been living there for a year cannot park in front of the house anymore and they just learn that actually their house is on a No Parking Street creates chaos a lot of grief and frustration for the new residents as well as Town staff as well as council members I just want to highlight that 80% of the streets mentioned in this document are from W four um and some from word three I want to highlight to our staff to take this into consideration the fact that perhaps in future we might change the way we do things wherein residents who move in know from day one that this is a No Parking street so that it saves them from grief and frustration in the future thank you thank you counselor would any member of Staff like to respond to that commissioner thank you thank you councelor Ali and and uh we' definitely noted uh the concern uh just Just for council's information we do indicate which streets will be uh permitted for on street parking in agreements of purchase and sale there's also notifications in sales offices as well so there is early notification but I think there are some things we can do in our internal processes to uh improve notification once residents have moved in thank you commissioner mayor CR yeah thank you m chairman it's rather unusual that this comes up under bylaws it doesn't Happ very often but I appreciate the uh the comment from counselor Ellie and U as recently as last week there was a deputation that I met in in the appropriate staff and and we recognize there's a bit of an issue there that has to be resolved and uh and hopefully it will be resolved and it's it's a work in progress right now how we best do that but it it isn't forgotten thank you mayor CR any further questions or comments for members of council seeing none all those in favor of this motion it's going to be carried all right the meeting is now going to be adjourned as all business has been concluded have a great night everybody e
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