e good evening everyone I'd like to call the council meeting of uh Monday September 9th 2024 to order everyone that can please stand for the playing of the national anthem oh our home and native [Music] land true patriot love in all of us come [Music] they brilant God keep our land Glory and free Oh Canada we stand on God for thee Oh Canada we stand on God for the Niagara region and grinby are situated on treaty land this land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the had wendon the hodon and theab including the misas of the Credit First Nation there are many First Nation matey and Inu people from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today the regional Municipality of niagar and the town of grimby stand with all indigenous peoples past and present in promoting the wise stewardship of the land on which we live are there any disclosures of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest seeing none uh can I have a mover and seconder to approve the agenda move by councelor Frank second by councelor Devi moved by councelor Frank second by councelor devoi resolved at September 9th 2023 council meeting agenda be approved all in favor that's carried uh our only delegation this evening is from Ron Mir um Ron Mir will be speaking to the 2025 International plowing match and Rural Expo Ron please come to the podium Podium thank you good evening everybody could I have my cohorts come with me absolutely the marrier I'd like to introduce rata mcgilvery and Mel witzer of the international plowing match uh Opa actually for Mel he's the president and rata and I are co-chairs on the international plowing match for the 2025 season which will be up on the fairgrounds uh right after the fair next year um we have a short uh uh PowerPoint to show do you want to talk about it Rada um yeah or we can together we can together we can add pieces in there yes so yeah just move move quite close to the mic there oh I'm sorry um so basically um the international plow match is going to be in West Lincoln in West Niagara and um we're expecting I don't know how do I do I get to move the pictures um so the last plowing match was um in Niagara about 100 years ago and um since then the traveled like it had traveled out from Community to community and in 2025 will be the 106th IPM so it's a long history um this is just a picture of the fairgrounds and surroundings um the tented City where all the equipment and the selling vendors and food and all the um events are going to be held is going to be at the West niga Fairgrounds um all the land around it is going to be used for plowing and there's going to be um RV Park in the large part I think it's south side of the fairgrounds and the entertainment there is going to happen every night but the rest of the day it's 5 days September 16th until the 20th that we have um the plowing match open and it is from the morning until 5:00 during the day and the center of the uh the center of the the plowing match is going to be the fairgrounds that's going to be sort of the Hub where all the Commodities and all that stuff takes place a lot of the shows we have an RV park being put together uh just to the South as well and then there's other Farmers that uh have signed and are signing on to contracts uh for us to volunteer their land for uh plowing all different kinds of plowing HSE drawn plowing uh large tractor small tractor many bottom this is West lincon Lincoln and grimby that are involved in the land yeah there's going to be approximately how many people can we say think we probably get up to 70 to 80,000 70 to 80,000 people we figure uncoming and i' like to because it's in the ner p and has been here for a while I'd like to exceed that if possible and they're all going to need places to stay places to eat and all sorts of uh things like that that are going to affect the businesses of Grimsby Smithville Beamsville probably even Niagara Falls St Catherine's Welland who knows how far it's going to go but it's uh it's a far-reaching very busy time traffic is going to be quite heavy uh coming off the main line here of course up the mountain and Highway 20 and some of the other streets as well um 30 million pardon um go ahead yeah the the prediction is that the financial impact to our area is going to be about 30,000 no 30 million in income y direct direct money direct income for our local community we'll say that 30 million is is over and above what would be coming profit from the IPM cu the IPM this money the profits from the IPM has split between the OPA and the IPM the IPM committee can do whatever they want with that their profit part of it go to the Charities or whatever Charities they chose to go to yeah the money derived from it goes back into the charity after our expenses are covered of course you want to carry on with the sure slideshow sure um so tenta City brings all kinds of people we have uh quilting we have Lifestyles we have all kinds of food um we're really trying to promote our local wine industry at this IPM also and our fruit and um vegetable industry um we're trying to promote our local tourism because we live in a very interesting area that people should be enjoying a visit to Niagara um Everybody enjoys our Wineries and our other farms and our conservation areas and we have a good infrastructure to accommodate all this in this area so the IPM is very excited to have it in this area um especially because we already have the fairgrounds there with nice buildings for people to go to and should be good we have lots of people here and we can draw from lots of areas um the RV park is um basically it's going to be a tradition from a lot of people that travel from IPM to IPM every year and spend time at every IPM um in the 2024 IPM they will be booking spots for the I the RV park um for the our coming year and this will be startup money for our IPM for 2025 um so basic uh we have like the Canadian cowgirls coming we have entertainment every day um the politicians come I believe that's Doug Ford on the Ford tractor are going to come the first day and basically they shut down the leg legislation for the first day of the IPM because all the politicians are going to get their picture taken on the tractor and the the game is to get the right color tractor for the right party so not always the tractor is available that they need for that particular party but they will do the best they can for everybody to um get their picture taken um so there's going to be antiques there's going to be local artists and there's going to be about 10,000 school children visiting um the IPM there's a large education part for the IPM for the students to come and visit is it um there's going to be entertainment every day during the IPM hours and we're going to be bringing local artists to the IPM representing our area and there's also going to be um entertainment at night so there's lots to do lots of people to bring in and the people that don't stay at the RV for a charge can and enjoy the entertainment at night at the RV park also your turn okay is that the next one yes the IPM it's like she said there's going to be many students that come through as well education program uh that follows the interor curriculum traditionally we welcome 8,000 to 10,000 students over the first 4 days uh the ipum is built on tradition the parade and opening ceremonies are a yearly must SE for many of the visitors the IPM is the only event in the province of Ontario whereby the legislature adjourns for the day she already said that I'm repeating her let's skip ahead one uh the queen of the furrow program has been a Cornerstone of the IPM since 1960 uh congratulations to the 2324 ENT Queen of the furrow Mel car Peno of Peele duffen which is where it was last year um and a few weeks we're going to have the uh Lindsay Moka Lakes y Moka Lakes IPM Lakes corth Lakes sorry Lakes is going to be uh hosting their IPM there October 1st to the 6th 1st to the 6th um at that point at the on the last day I'll be up there to receive the uh torch I guess to carry it forward for the next year um at the corth the one uh a main feature of the IPM is plowing of course uh Plowman come from all across Canada even some from the United States and Europe showcasing their plowing skills and they buy for prizes in the number of different classes uh some of the highlights uh we had last year 2023 there was uh 7,000 total attendees over 5 days including over 6,000 students in organized School groups uh that was in duffan many visiting uh dignitaries including Premier Ford leaders of the provincial opposition parties mpps MPS and Senators um performances by the mudmen tribute bands and local talent performances by the Canadian cowgirls Ram rodeo with Amber Marshall star of the cbc's Heartland auctioneers Challenge and speed plowing which is kind of a new thing each year an independent survey is conducted to determine the economic impact of the IPM to the host Community uh the data is calculated using the government of Ontario's trium model not only does IPM thrill visitors the study's results clearly demonstrate it has a positive economic impact for the host Community significant economic AC ity uh studies show 25 million in positive economic impact by tourists and event operations the IPM generates Regional tourism there's some of the numbers and percentages there uh No Vacancy not yet we're still okay for for this area but it will get full uh there won't be any rooms available for sure when the IPM comes to town accommodations are quickly sold out we always promote accommodations within the host Community First so the closer the more we'll promote it until they're full of course then I'll have to go to other cities outside of our Zone um the impact economic impact study results the buyer the buying power of IPM visitors was significant farm and Rural visitors intend to spend in the following months 291 million on Farm Supplies 252 million on tractors and farm equipment 243 million on buildings 89 million on animal related supplies and 38 million on lawn tractors ATVs Su utvs snow blowers and such so there is a huge selling going on as well the buying power of IPM oh sorry we did that you tricked me uh Hydra 1 dear to my heart I worked for Hydra 1 for 30 years retired now uh they're a major sponsor for uh our event as so as interro mutuals Ontario or Hydra 1 actually comes in and uh they use our or this fac these uh this event has a practice for their Stu their apprentices and they'll have them come in and they'll study in the area they'll go out and do a practical setting some poles and hanging wires and stuff like that and they use it as a training exercise for the apprentices it's a it's a win-win for everybody real world uh experience uh IPM partners and success uh lots of community leaders local volunteers local businesses and organizations local sponsors the region and municipalities we have had a um uh an initial meeting with the region uh they're excited about this we have to go through some details of course first but uh they're on board I believe for helping us out anyway they can uh within reason um and uh we've already also contacted town of Lincoln uh West Lincoln and uh they're looking forward to it as well um provincial volunteers members of Ontario Plowman Association provincial businesses and organizations additional provincial sponsors and plowing competitors event Partners uh well yeah it's going to be all of the sponsors right 2024 International pling match and real Expo the local community or committee rather volunteers and staff which is I'm going to guess was hundreds hundreds of people involved provincial committee uh volunteers and staff uh which is also quite a number of people there's the structure Opa president which is for the time being is Mel um then there's an executive director uh the IPM chair that's shared by uh renad and myself uh we have a board of directors already IPM board of directors uh the OPA board of directors the OPA is the Ontario uh uh Branch or or overseer overseer of the IPM the IPM is kind of like the fair for the OPA i' like to explain it that way the OPA is an organization we put on a fair for them and the volunteers which is us we we volunteer to do some of the work not all of it but some of it legal document called the hosting agreement uh fully defines the responsibilities of both the local organizing committee and the interial plowman Association ation it also States the terms for the division of the event profits uh like rata was saying uh most of our money is going to go back into the community in some form of a charity uh be it whatever it happens to be uh at our discretion and and how we chop it up it probably be the Comm communities that help us out right it'll it'll come back to to you also States the terms oop sorry um all that's we went through sorry skip ahead one of the first steps will be to incorporate the 2025 inter International plying match which we have it's all done uh the 2025 local committee board of directors will consist of co-chairs uh under us uh directors and a non- voting secretary and Treasurer uh Niagara region agricultural leaders and members of local Plum associations will be recruited as necessary want to carry on I'm getting dry yeah okay the directors will be responsible oh Sor I'm a teacher so I'm directors will be responsible for series of organization committees so that means the chairs of every different person like the quilts um the horsemen um the parade that kind of stuff everybody has a head person for that volunteer recruitment events will be held throughout the region and we'll welcome residents of all ages and interest approximately 100 people attend our first volunteer recruitment day in January it was a full house um committees will work with well defined guidelines have an opportunity to attend IPM 2024 in Lindsay and be able to participate in workshops led by post local and provincial committee members the Niagara North Lincoln and Niagara North Caster plows Association part of a provincial network of six zones with 44 branches plowman's Association members will be leaders in the fundamental planning of the plowing commit competition read you don't okay can we go to the next one okay so volunteers um so we've done a lot of this volunteer recruiting already um people assigned for certain jobs so we're going to need volunteers for um the tractor drivers to take people back and forth we need people there to help people on the tractors there's lots of volunteers needed um so the key to our success are the IPM and you already know that Ron and I are the co-chairs of the planning um of the next IPM the board of directors has started meeting and developing a group of committees that will be working closely with the OPA the OPA past president M switcher president again has provided important information and guidance and has agreed to continue to be mentoring us and addition to the financial Legacy outlined hosting agreement volunteers who take the opportunity to be involved in the IPM will be rewarded with lasting Friendship Community Pride and perhaps most of all with leadership legancy wow are we lucky there are two distinct components to this partnership the in-kind sponsorship and perhaps cash sponsorship or startup loan and a showcase display so what this means is we're looking for some money as a loan to start up with some of the expenses um as in one of them is our traditional cookbook and some of our um sweaters hats with a logo for the 2025 on it that we're trying to promote at the next uh IPM and 2024 and we're also looking for a display from the town of grimby in our display tent so something to categorize like Grimsby as as a town into this to put your personal touch on this so there'll be a space in the the display tent for the town of Grimsby the town of Lincoln and West Lincoln we have uh we have one large tent that we put up for the uh political dignitaries sorry we're not enough to step on you uh and then you'll have a spot or available spot to be a oops sorry to be a uh participant in that uh Smithville is going to be there West Lincoln and uh Grimsby and Wayne Fleet I believe uh we're going to approach palmat yeah so it'll be one large t for that anything else or do we got to cut to the chase if I was you I'd be bored sry um so basically we have been in touch with um the West Lincoln um firefighters um we have a designated person for all the first aate uh first a gency care that we need um so that that's been put in place um what else do we need um advertising we' like to advertise uh on some of your available spots where we could advertising with you along with you promoting our IPM yeah right yeah what's next I just small to choose oh I see that's for their display right okay we already talked about that road reconstruction extra grass cutting I don't think no that's all going to be West right yeah there's no or the region there's no Road no construction we need something from West Lincoln as in um uh Culver so that to make the roads well I I think we certainly have the gist of it and and we certainly really look forward to it um the international pling match um from September 16th to 20th 2025 and I just really want to thank you uh Ron melan rata for for coming out and uh certainly bringing this forward to uh West Niagara it's certainly a very exciting thing and we look forward to participating and um and maybe we can get over 100,000 people so are there any other questions from Council councelor def Flavia through you mayor uh yeah congratulations on it it was uh I remember when the announcement came out uh it was very exciting have you spoken to our facility staff because Southward Park is right across the road so uh you know as far as maybe running a shuttle or and and using the parking lot it's it seems like a pretty obvious partnership that that one there okay so because that I mean clearly that's something that the the town and Recreation staff would would want to partner with um as far as the you know we have we have digital signs things like that which I would recommend we could put as far as advertisement is concerned Are there specific because you you had some asks there but I there wasn't really anything specific that you're asking so a motion of counsel endorsing uh you know the or a motion of council endorsing was one of them which I think is an easy one that we could probably hammer out tonight I I don't know if the mayor wanted to do that but uh you have spoken to to Recreation staff and sorry oh sorry initially when I was starting uh my contact with town of Grimsby that was who I was hoping to meet with first just to sit down with them and get a little powow and then come here with something more official but I guess we'll follow that up with a meeting with them after this okay and then we'll try and get more specifics yeah we're we're quite happy to to um Hammer up some type of motion for endorsement probably at our next council meeting we'll have something more formalized and we certainly want to participate in everything that's uh going to be uh bringing this type of um uh population into into Grimsby and West niagar and and it's something that's benefit for everyone involved it's a win-win y councelor shwa uh through mayor Jordan thank you I would just also suggest for volunteers um to contact the high schools because uh students need volunteer hours so something safe obviously you're probably not going to want them on tractor okay just an answer to that we do we have had one volunteer night I think we got about a 100 volunteers now but we will have three or four more volunteer nights around the area too so municipalities councelor Frank thank you mayor Jordan I just want to commend you for being able to attract this major tourism event to this area uh did you say it was 100 years ago that we6 1916 wow 1920 1926 was the last match in this wow okay well congratulations and and I'm sure that there's you know tourism we want to bring as much tourism as we can to this town and to the towns in the area so I mean this is obviously one of the probably the biggest event that I know of that happens in this area so I got to give you a lot of congratulations and Comm Commendation so thank you very much for coming out and presenting it to us thank you recognize that I beat a p eating last year yes yes you you did a good job at the Ping eating contest Ron before I go I do have a whole bunch of showcase official show guyses from last year's bch and I got a a report from this past last year's match so I can give it to the clerk and okay take it there okay one thing about the international plown match uh we move it year to year and we we're in Lindsay right now and I'm involved in that I'm supposed to be at a meeting in Lindsay tonight but uh we close up we have 17 containers that we move from one match to another so it's not we own a lot of that stuff so we don't have to you know buy it every year so we we moan that and move it so we work with the community work with the municipalities to help us put things up and do things so thank you thank you very much again uh can I have a mover and seconder move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy move by counselor Frank second by councelor brzy can I uh resolve that the delegation from Ron Moore be received and uh the 2025 International plowing match in West Lincoln or in West Niagara be um endorsed all in favor and that's carried thank you you're very welcome have a good evening up next we have chair's reports uh first chair's report is councelor devoli for the finance committee of August 22nd go ahead thank you mayor Jordan the finance committee met on August 22nd of 2024 and I will just walk us through the highlights of that particular meeting um U there are a few outstanding questions for staff to follow up and get back to some of our members questions on but um basically the reports presented to us the first one was the biannual procurement report which was received for information is basically a requirement to present it to the committee the second report was a tax AAR update um I always call some of these reports the the canary and the coal mines they're a bit of you know uh some feedback basically of knowing how our residents are are handling their property tax bills and how many um are in aars and so on and and the good news is that Grimsby fair is very favorably compared to many of our neighboring municipali ities and um our our residents are be to to be congratulated for paying on on on a timely basis the uh next report that came up after that was our investment policy report and um we have been updating the investment policy and working through that and as part of that the finance committee is recommending that a valuation be ta undertaken of our internally um owned investment our what is called for accounting purposes are government business Enterprise but that is what we would know as grimby power um we also looked at our other investments in previous meetings and um are now working with a new investment adviser as well and so the staff also are had a report recommending that we also um and you will see it here tonight that we um approve the endorsement of going to um an amended investment and policy but that would also include the ability to invest with the one investment um and you will see on our agenda there is the um bylaw drafted um hopefully um all of you will be endorsing that and then the peach King Center expansion that report comes to us on a monthly basis and that was really good news as well I will say the um most of the major tenders have now gone out and come in with costs and on that biggest component which is tender package number three that came in significantly under what we were budgeting and so the prediction is even if everything else is at the stated expected prices and we use up the whole contingency the the Outlook right now is very favorable that we we are not only on budget but under budget at the moment and so that was some really good news that we're happy to share with everybody in addition to that um and I think it will be addressed tonight as well um one of the things that the finance committee continues to agonize over is the fact that we have meetings on a Thursday evening and our policy has always been to release the agenda and so on within 48 hours and and it's just I will say a pressing issue especially for our Lan members who work full-time too and so the um you know the the ask especially from the finance committee is to um ask for a longer lead time basically that the agendas and the reports come out further in advance before the meeting and I believe that is one of the amendments to our um policies this evening um and then the last thing that was noted is that and again we do want to just repeat this for all those listening to our council meeting tonight that the 2025 budget survey is on let's talk Grimsby on our website we do encourage people to uh go online and fill that out um we asked that it be extended as um it was cutting off and right during the week when everybody's going back to school and so on and so that will be staying live on our website for a few more weeks hoping to get more input from our residents and that concludes our report thank you councelor Devi up uh next is myself for uh planning and development meeting of September 4th 2024 um we had a public meeting on 165 Lake Street um it's a development of 31 units on the lakefront uh right across from the um uh treatment plant on Lake Street and um one thing that we've um really happy with with the um redesign is that there will be a dedicated public walkway uh from Lake Street right down to the lake and it will meet up with the park to the West um we're really happy about this because um the original proposal had uh had the public going through the development and and this way it separated out and it it's just better for everyone uh um planning was very happy with it and it really HP H helps the um the parks and trails network uh to be more contiguous along the uh Waterfront that was the only um item we had and uh uh that's pretty well it for planning and development this past week uh can I have a mover and seconder to approve the previous minutes move by councelor deflavio second by councelor shwa mooved by councelor deflavio second by councelor shwa resolve that the following minutes be approved Council August 12 20 all right councelor shell you want to lift something sorry yes I just wanted to lift um the council um minutes just to because I have myself as uh listed for attendance I just want to state if you could just say that I was electronically participating if you could separate that yeah I think that'll be I don't know if we have to lift it or can that just be corrected in housekeeping okay perfect thank you we'll just correct that all right moved by councelor deflavio second by councelor Shah resolve the following minutes be approved Council August 12 2024 finance committee August 22nd 2024 and planning and development committee September 4th 2024 all in favor that's carried can I have a mve in secondary to approve the council endorsement packages councelor deflavio councelor Frank mooved by councelor deflavio second by councelor Frank resolved that the council endorsement packages for the grinby economic development advisory committee meeting of July 4th 2024 and agef friendly advisory committee meeting of August 2024 be approved all in favor that's carried can I have a move in second to receive board minutes move by councelor Frank second by councelor bradsy moveed by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy resolved that the following board minutes be received grinby Economic Development advisory committee July 4th 2024 agef friendly advisory committee August 20th 2024 and Committee of adjustment August 20th 24 all in favor that's carried are there any announcements for this evening councilor brzy thank you mayor through you uh I got a couple for um next Saturday September 14th um it's a local veteran his name Bernie privo 100th birthday down at the Grimsby Legion uh Bernie was a Juno Beach veteran um it's not not too it's pretty rare to find one of those today and then uh the also September 19th has another catch the ace starting back up the last one rose uh just south of $75,000 for local charities and then I also had a third announcement but I I did email a video you was last minute I'm little sorry quick put up on the screen yes okay Gary nice shoes Greg thanks I'm geing up for walk a mile in her shoes is that where men walk through the Pen Center wearing women's shoes and raise funds vir Jillian's place the walk is a good time a good time but isn't the walk not till October yeah but it got me thinking it's about more than just wearing these shoes for an hour Jillian's place helps thousands of women every year they probably need thousands of men to step Step Up walk together to show our community that the safety of women and girls is important to us all so it's about taking a step in the right direction towards open dialogue and open minds yes by participating together we can break down stereotypes and combat violence against women do you know what else would be a step in the right direction entering a team for walk a mile in her shoes you got it let's go Gary what's your shoe size are you feeling brave off to walk a mile in her shoes yeah you are walk a mile in her shoes with your team this October change and save lives with Jillian's place thank you councel brzy counselor deflavio thank you Meritt through you uh Friday September 20th the author series uh I think it's our 24th season uh at the Grim C Public Library the first two authors this year are Carol off for anybody who listens to CBC Radio you'd know Carol off from there and uh Heather Marshall who was an award-winning author uh I try to think of the name of her her uh looking for Jane was was her novel from 2022 which was in awardwinning novel she has a new novel out there are more Series dates on October 18th and November 15th uh I would encourage people to buy tickets and to attend it's going to be a great night uh we have jeie Becker coming coming uh for those who grew up in the 80s like me you might remember Genie Becker from Fashion television she's going to be there in October uh I'm definitely going to ask some questions because she's like she's iconic there's no other way to describe her so we great job by all those involved in in organizing it uh another six great authors in in the fall series and there are also special events coming up so I would encourage people to check the library website because there are extra events being added through the the fall as well thank you all right uh I have one uh councelor Frank Frank and myself participated today in the West Lincoln Memorial Foundation golf tournament uh we got 11 holes in and we were uh minus two uh by the time the uh tornado warning came through and um about 4 Ines of rain fell in 30 seconds uh so uh we don't know quite honestly if they got back out to finish the uh round but uh we hope they did because it did clear up and it was all a great event and it was a a certainly packed course at 20 Valley today uh seeing no more announcements um up next we have discussion reports um need a moover in secondary for the governance review moved by councelor devoi second by councelor brzy um this one move by councelor Dev or devoi second by councelor bradsy resolved that report TC 2409 governance review dat September 9th 2024 be received and the council continue with the current standing committee model of government governance and the amendments to the committee terms of reference including the dissolution of the cultural advisor committee be approved as presented and town clerk be delegated the authority to implement the changes to all related processes procedures policy and terms of reference as required to implement council's decisions further to the approval of this report all in favor are we discussing this at all um yes if you have questions go ahead I yeah sorry I just assume that we were um okay so I just had um some items that I was hoping that we could amend on this report um so it's now the time to to discuss okay so the first one is on page 85 um to do with composition and term we are at this part right like that's is that this this is this section sorry so through the chair I believe you're on um you're talking about the standing committees yes and under on page 85 of the report which is uh it's shortly after the table of content so page uh page four of the report if you're looking at the HTML under composition and term y okay okay yeah there were several sections that I just wanted to to get to I was hoping that we'd have a chat about this so the first one has um in this section sorry and I've I printed the whole 67 7 sorry 677 pages of this agenda so um this one's on page 85 it says for composition and term um the chair of these committees will be a member of council and will will be appointed by Council and the vice chairs shall be appointed by their respected committee members so I'm just hoping that we would do what we did last time in instead and have the committee nominate the chair rather than it be an appointment of councel since it's the committee that's working directly with the members and would know best um as far as who should should be chair so I I don't this is one of a few things that I've kind of highlighted so I don't know how you want to go through this yeah I think we have to to do resolutions on each single one and vote on them all separately question about that chair councelor uh just a question clarification through you mayor to the clerk so Council appoints the the chair does that mean that the committee can't still elect the chair I is that changing the the process or is that kind of we already do I maybe I does my question make sense is that am I making it overly confusing for the chair this section to my knowledge was not changed uh so I I wasn't here so I'm sorry what happened last time if the Committees appointed chairs or if council did do you remember through you Mr Mayor if I can maybe answer that uh the committee recommends and Council would approve right yeah okay so I guess clarification then is it are we starting fresh are we doing like whole new appointments and this whole thing no no it's we're halfway through a term we're not going to change anything now okay okay um that helps then um I'm sorry there were a few other things um um page 83 had to do with the live streaming says that the meetings will be live streamed uh or sorry it should it says it might be live streamed or gosh so the standing committees on all of these sorry on every single one of these standing committees it says the meetings of the standing committee may be live streamed whereas right now we do stream all of the live streaming so um I would I would ask for an amendment for it to be will be live streamed of all standing committees that was the next part through the chair yeah through the chair um the reason like that is that before the procedural bylaw didn't actually say that standing committees would be live stream so if we approve the procedural bylaw in the next report I'm happy to take that as an administrative Amendment for the terms of reference um I there's no issue with that for me okay those are those are the main items for me councelor Chris eny thank you through chair so just a question because this is I'm assuming once we vote the S this is going to apply immediately to all of our advisory and standing committees and stuff like that have we actually consulted with the members on the Committees because they signed up for something two years ago and now halfway through we're going to change it so I I don't really like making this decision without the input of the members who are actually on these committees so I'm just asking if they've had um opportunity to at least I mean everybody has the weekend to review this but was there consultation um with members so that we know that cuz I mean if some of these things are deal breakers we may lose a lot of committee members so through the chair um I would say the majority of these I'm just trying to find the the right section so I can share it the majority of the changes made in the terms of reference were administr there were uh there was some consultation um with the sorry I will get there here we go okay so these were the what we determined were the more substantial changes uh so the community services standing committee moving it to an ad hoc basis we did consult uh with the the members there the community services committee uh this ties closely to the art gallery special purpose advisory committee and the decision to um uh dissolve the culture advisory committee so they were consulted uh staff made those phone calls we also are proposing that uh the members of the culture advisory committee there is opportunity on uh the art special gallery and possibly Community Services to do that so we were hoping if they're willing to continue to serve that they would be uh realigned to the Committees that serve their interest uh so the changes to the community service were just to ensure that there was clarification on that change as well um our again our age friendly and mayor's youth those changes were the um were were more administrative template the Grimsby green advisory committee there was definitely a narrow more narrow scope applied uh upon Council approving or uh providing Direction on that we can send the terms of reference to the committee for their input as well uh we wanted to make sure that council at the uh is the is setting the direction for the committee so if if council's agreeable to the terms of reference we will would then give it to the green and they can provide uh any motions for that and then uh the GAC committee um again those were more administrative changes um so I would I would say that uh for the majority they were consulted and if they aren't we can make sure that council is agreeable to those changes and send it back to the Committees for their review thank you I just heard from a few committee members that weren't happy so I just want to make sure that they do get the opportunity to to speak and to make changes or suggest changes that we might make on their behalf councelor shwa through maror Jordan thank you um I don't know if it's appropriate right now but like just certain sections I'm I'm noticing there's different rules for different committees and I I I don't want to point anything out and I I I don't want to make this a big deal but um I'm just wondering how we have conversation about some of the rules within certain committees in a respectful manner could through the mayor um are we talking rule changes or are we talking about specific committee members just not committee members just certain certain items within certain committees that are different than others so I don't want to point out so I I don't have to point out I I think if if they are specific we either go into closed or you um read them out whatever you feel comfortable with um no so this is this is just and I don't know if it's it if this is going to be an overlap of of because then we have to approve another item so when we're talking about conflict of interest let's say if we're not if we're talking about a committee that is not necessarily doesn't have video and then we're also talking about not recording votes how would you then prove conflict of interest or anything if you have no that's see what I'm saying like I just don't want to be dealing with some of these issues after yeah I would suggest that we deal with them now so continue to I I would suggest continue to talk about them uh at this point that's the appropriate Point conflict of interest is on the I believe the third item on every agenda so if a Committee Member declares a conflict of interest we would put it both on the agenda or if it's after in the minutes and we also have a form on our website where it gets um registered there as well for any item of conflict of interest regardless of if it's Council or committees I I I get that and I appreciate that my point is so what if a what if a member of the community later says somebody has a conflict of interest and somebody voted but we don't have a video recording of it we don't have a recorded vote so you don't know how the person voted voted so how like I just don't want to get in trouble with the utsman or have issues later with with legal in that way so I just want to make sure that we're doing things correctly sure through the chair uh it's up to a member themselves to declare conflict of interest so if a Community member wants to do that it has to be raised directly with the member it's up to them to declare it we can't do it staff can't do that for them and a member of the community can't do it for them um mnet are prescribed through the municipal act so those are uh the record that's where anything would be indicated if somebody left the room that would be indicated in the minute so if they had a conflict and the expectation was for them to read the room we can we would note that in the minutes so if there's a specific section in the in the terms of reference that you feel doesn't reflect that we're happy to change that but all of that would be noted in the minute and I'm not trying to make this I'm not trying to be difficult I'm just wondering how how you would find that answer if you don't have a recorded vote and you don't have a recording of it is my point does that make sense like I don't know unless I'm reading this completely wrong cuz right now we're talking about not having a recording and we're talking about not having a recorded vote it through the chair it would be documented in the minutes so it says approved it would say for example it's going to say how people voted yeah it's it currently does not if they declare a conflict of interest then they're they're out of the meeting if they don't declare it and you feel they have well then that that's up to to you to file a code of conduct complaint I'm I'm not okay I I'm not trying to be difficult and I'm not saying that I'm going to I'm saying if the member say the member of the public wanted to challenge that then there's no way to challenge it because there's no record of it does that make sense like I'm not trying to be difficult yeah through the chair it would say in the minutes it would be registered on our website and then it would be up for somebody if they want to debate if they want to file a complaint it would go through our codee of conduct process um which also includes that uh or sorry the Ombudsman as well there's there's multiple options there so I think what you're asking is documented in the minutes coun brzy thank you mayor Jordan through you I just wanted to um say if we needed to go into I think it would be in closed session to discuss any one particular committee or conduct um would we be able to do that tonight or would that be a later date a question for the clerk yeah sorry through the through the chair uh it would it would be recommended that if it's a specific committee if you're looking to make any decisions outside this that we do it at the next meeting if you have a specific item um we can amend the resolution that's on the floor to include going into Clos session for something uh for I think we need a little more detail but um whether it's committee composition or committee fill in the blank um we we could do that the next closed session we' also need a staff would need a little bit of direction of what council's looking for about the reasoning why we're going into close session or if you need a report from us or just a little bit more information but we're happy we can amend the resolution on the floor if that's the desire of council yep thank you um yeah said to protect obviously identifiable individuals um but on a general General sense just conduct and general so you do need a second or if that's your resolution do you want to repeat it yeah do you want to to go over your resolution and kind of make it so Council can understand it so be to add so we can go we have to go and close next week not tonight yes from what I'm hearing through the that would be my preference unless it's urgent I think it's important that we're transparent that we put things on the agenda that uh people are aware of why we're going into into close session we have a full agenda as well tonight if I I may suggest your resolution I think you're saying it's that Council go into close session at the next council meeting to discuss committee contact conduct and identifiable individuals go right and I think we have counselor cangi as a second on that one vote on that so you heard the resolution all in favor next meeting councelor deflavio Mary I just wanted to commend staff I I'm happy that we're staying the course uh the changes that are being made are minor but and I'm sure you're going to say the same thing uh great job I I'm I didn't want to change halfway through I think that we're making the right decision tonight and I'm glad that we're sticking with it the next term of council uh they can go in fresh and if people want to changed the the process they start from from the beginning of of the council term and and could start fresh but I'm glad that we're we're sticking with it and finishing this term in the way that we began it so thank you mayor and thank you uh uh all of our staff members that were involved in that process councelor Frank thank you mayor Jordan I'd like to Echo what councelor the council just said um I think that the staff has done a tremendous Monumental job with with this particular these particular documents and uh it may not be 100% perfect but it's moving ahead we're making progress that's the important thing and like we always do we we always get the opportunity to make these revision any other Vision to make it more perfect as we go forward but this document I think is important I think that you've done a great job with it and I endorse it as it sits so and I thank you very much for for all the work you've done all right see no further questions or comments again I just want to thank staff too it was a Monumental task and and I understand how much work actually has gone into this and all the all the the changes involved and um I'll leave it at that moved by councelor deflavio second by councelor bradz resolved the report tc2 24-9 governance reviewed September 9th 2024 be received the council continue with the current standing committee model of government and cancel then the Amendments of the to the committee terms of reference including dissolution of the cultural advisory committee be approved and as presented and that the town clerk be delegated the authority to implement changes to all related processes procedures policy and terms of references as required to implement council's decisions further to the approval of this report all in favor that's carried second report from the clerk's department is on a midterm procedural review can I have a mover and second or to get it on the floor move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy um want me to yes go ahead I just have a very quick statement to read if that's okay before we get into speakers um the sorry the purpose of this report uh is to provide a midterm update uh on the Consolidated procedural bylaw the Consolidated code of conduct audio and video recording of close session uh resending the simplified meeting procedures and I just wanted to uh advise Council that the town's external legal council was heavily involved in reviewing and Advising the town on the proposed amendments to the procedural bylaw to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and identification of best practices for municipal meetings sorry councelor shell uh dear mord thank you I'm going to ask if we can defer this to the next meeting just because there's so much information and it it's really completely changed um and it appreciates some more more time to go through it completely and make sure it's completely compliant with all sections yeah a all right so we need a seconder for the deferral motion and we'll vote on E grabe all right we have councelor cangi as the seconder um the resolutions to defer and I'll just ask verbally for councelor how and councelor vard's vote councelor how uh Y no that's no for me that's a no no councelor bardy for all right that's defeated questions or comments questions or comments councelor cangi thank you can I put a motion on through you chair can I put a motion on the floor to separate my motion of the section of remedial measures to be separated the update from that to be separated from the code of conduct and be voted on separately all right I what I think procedurally what we can do is we can vote on each number um in the resolution separately but I don't think we can pull out individual pieces of the code of conduct document to vote on separately okay thank you I just because my motion was only for the section with remedial measures and this is a complete update to the code so um I'm not sure if this is not my motion then or it's my motion or I'm not sure how that works to go through all of this individually is quite extensive uh through the chair this is uh your motion was included in the changes but it was an entire midterm review of everything so um I would as the mayor just said if you would like to separate it out you can divide the question and vote on each one separately um I'm not sure if you're looking for changes or you were just looking to uh yeah I I think it depends what you'd like to do but we can vote on them indiv each uh resolution individually if that's the will of council for all right councelor course Angie we're welcoming that if you want lift number three separate and discuss it and vote on it separately yes that will work for me okay so we need a seconder for that councelor deflavio so that's uh move by councelor Cori second by councelor Def clavio that the audio and video recording a closed session policy be approved no it's not that number two it's number two then okay all right okay moved by councelor cangi second by councelor deflavio resolve the amendments to bylaw 2074 Consolidated code of conduct be approved as presented uh discussion Council course shwa okay yeah I'm that's the resolution to put it on the floor so then we have discussion [Music] yeah councelor cie thank you through chair okay so uh I did put a motion forward a long time ago for remedial measures because our code of conduct lacked that so I am support of having the ability to have the remedial measures when needed um there are a lot of things in this code of conduct though that I do not support uh the for example the addition to the I thought our code of conduct was sufficient are uh the addition to the social media uh where it says that um anything you post on social media can be uh subject to the coast of conduct which is fine if it's publicly accessible but then in Brackets it says including your private messages and stuff like that so I think that's a little bit of overreach because the public doesn't have um access to your your uh private messages and stuff like that so I I think we've gone a little bit far um so while I am in favor of adding remedial measures I didn't think that our entire code of conduct needed to be um fixed so that was my point with that thank you councelor Shah uh through mayor Jordan thank you okay so I spent a lot of time on this going through I didn't think we were going to go piece by piece but I guess we're going to have to so um the first one has to do with electronic devices um so page 224 um Council and committee meeting General no person other than the clerk or designate uh may use an electronic device to record the proceedings of a meeting notwithstanding the foregoing members of the media may receive exception to this um section if they submit a written request of the clerk no later than 24 hours before the start of a meeting the clerk approves the request um so this is just one example of certain things that have not have not been um compliant um with several sections of the Charter of Rights um and other municipalities that have tried to do these things have had a lot of push back and then have had to reverse that so um I would just suggest we take a better look at this stuff so the other part um to ensure all members of the public are comfortable participating in meetings and to avoid disruption of the proceedings uh sorry and to avoid disruption to the proceedings signs banners and emblems and flags are prohibited in the council chambers or any space where is a meeting where a meeting is to be held this was something that the Niger region I believe or was it Niger region or St Catherine's tried to bring this in and there was an outcry so I don't know why we would possibly go down that road again um or or attempt to page 228 um the rules of procedure uh we're talking about length of time person may speak um they can speak to any any question are s this is still part of right sir we're not on the procedural bot or we we're on number two we lifted it for separate consideration okay so we're on okay Cota conduct I think you were the second oh no councelor deio okay so when I was going through this um I pulled out my old code of conduct and made a whole lot of notes so first part access to information and confidentiality that part was added um like I I just don't understand how we can possibly approve this all right now when there are so many changes to this like this isn't just one or two items that have changed it there's significant amounts that have changed it's a complete revamp and we just got it and this is something that reflects every decision we make in council chambers so um I I just don't first of all another thing as well I'd like to know how we got here as far as who so I I Victoria this was you uh Mr mayard and I'm assuming ADR chambers that that wrote this up like how did we get here because there are certain things here I'd like to challenge that other municipalities are not doing through the chair the code of conduct was updated uh first with our legal councel and then uh followed by our integrity commissioner and there was some back and forth between the two uh this was highly recommended by our legal council that we take on this template to better reflect what other municipalities are doing and they as I said at the beginning they had uh a heavy uh presence in revising this so for clarification though the legal council is the same firm as as our integrity commissioner right ADR Chambers or is this oh okay perfect well that I feel I feel better about that that's for sure um okay well that's good um the one thing that you know I do like is the fact that we talk about the chair and the chair's responsibility so if there are um discussions and something needs to be resolved that the chair takes the onus on right that that's something that happens in all municipalities um the whole investigation process that we've gone through is something that is um singular to Grimsby it's doesn't happen in other municipalities definitely not retroactively applying rules into pending proceedings um that's also something um the certain things do not comply with the municipal act um which I can bring forward with my motion later so I don't know where we go from here because I I feel like this is a losing battle anyways but this is not something that's compliant with the municipal act or several of the charter rights councelor deflavio thank you mayor um when I saw the agenda and I glanced through this uh and I apologize for not reading it more thoroughly I was under the assumption that we would have a presentation tonight that would show a matrix that shows changes being made that traditionally when we make these types of changes we would get you know a chart that shows before and after um that so that we could compare the what we have currently and what we're going to uh that's why I voted for deferral tonight because I as soon as I saw that there was no such presentation I wanted to give staff a chance to prepare something like that so we could see the changes that were being made I I don't know enough about the changes to be I'm going to be completely honest I I don't know if just to further um clarify with there's appendix B in the report that is the summary of substantive changes to the procedural bylaw so it's all there it is I yes traditionally and I I'm sorry to use that word but we would put that up and have that discussion publicly rather than it just being in a report it's a discussion report but it's usually a report that where where we see a presentation and we discuss each item as it comes through on the report so uh the appendix B which you're mentioning I you I I agree it's there but it is in uh summary form not side by side where you can see it before and after so you kind of have to go and look for if if it's the the document that I'm that I'm thinking of uh you have to go and look for the changes yourself rather than seeing them side by side which is a significantly different way of looking at things so that was why I voted for deferral because I was hoping that we could get something that that is more comparative yeah there is a Redline revision right in the um in the uh report that tell that spells out the changes and it shows you in red what is changed councelor sherah uh through mayor Jordan thank you um so like I said I've gone through this it's completely it's a completely different document um and one thing that really stood out was the deletion of the section transparency and openness in decision-making so in that one that one's completely gone it says members so our previous one said members shall conduct Council business business and their duties in an open and transparent manner so that the public can understand the process and rationale which has been used to reach decisions B ensure the public has input and receives notice regarding council's decision-making processes in accordance with the procedural bylaw C ensure in compliance with the municipal act uh 2001 Municipal Act of interests conflict of interests act Municipal freedom of interest and protection act uh protection of privacy act and other applicable legislation regarding open meetings accountability and transparency gone this is in the Cod this was in our previous code of conduct it's no longer in the code of conduct go ahead Tori sure through the chair in the report we note that several times we have deleted things that were redundant that were in either the municipal conflict of interest act or the um Municipal act that was one of the sections where the role of the counselor and accountability and transparency is already in provincial legis ation so we eliminated it from here to avoid uh uh misalignment between a bylaw and uh provincial legislation okay there there's sections in here that are non-compliant with the municipal act so for instance um where we're talking about 180 days to provide a report the municipal Act is burm on 90 days or before um mine went 212 days but that was okay um so there there are things that that do not apply um for those of you that were not at Amo um our Minister um of Municipal Affairs and Housing actually said that there is a review right now for the Integrity commissioner process because he called it a wild wild west because municipalities are all doing their own thing um so they're trying to come up with something so that all municipalities are um following the same thing and we're not just making bylaws up on the Fly um I've actually did get a um I got a hold of him at the end and I've asked to be a part of the the feedback um for when that report comes out so if we could possibly defer this until we get some more legislation this is too important to pass today not like this go ahead I see you Mr Mayor I think the clerk made it very clear in the beginning that this was vetted by legal so if he do have any concerns that it's reaching legis ation or legal has ensured that this is in compliance so if that is your stance I think the best uh recommendation at this time is that you ask for a deferral I I've asked for a deferral deferral was asked for and it was defeated yeah so uh Ju Just Just A further clarification the fact that uh the prent government in 2018 put this process in place so so it it's really on them why every municipality has to have a Integrity commissioner it was put in by the province can I comment on that is it out of line if I could or no if you want to comment on it go ahead thank you I appreciate that um obviously they've noticed that there's improvements that need to be made um because they're finding there are overwhelming amount of um complaints coming through the edsman so this is something that they're reviewing right now because there are problems um he's addressed this multiple times this is something that came up last year as well well I guess we're still waiting for their legislation so I guess we'll continue to wait so uh so has anyone else want to speak again conduct specifically on the code of conduct specifically councelor deflavio thank you mayor through you uh so section 3.6 uh regarding um advisory committees mentions that members who are not a member who are not appointed to a standing committee May attend the meeting but may not speak that's the procedure by we're speaking oh sorry myad I apologize Consolidated code of conduct right now my bad councelor Chris Angie thank you through chair I have concerns with 18 18.1 legal fees um I understand why we don't want to pay legal fees for people uh in these situations but at the same time I think we're violating one of the Motions that we put forward in the very beginning of our term was removing barriers uh for underrepresented demographics I I I fear that when we get into these situations that somebody needs legal representation as a direct result of this position and doesn't financially have the resources to that it puts them out of disadvantage as opposed to somebody who does have the financial resources so I would like to see the Le legal fees part removed it wasn't in the original one um if I can so what I would would I'd like to see is that a resolution for that to be removed and for the 12 the social media to um revert back to the original one in the original code do we have a seconder for that resolution councelor shwa yeah it it it is um certainly I know the region uh doesn't pay for uh counselor's legal fees uh I know they paid for counselor Gail I certainly voted against that um and uh it was a pretty close to a TI vote um and I think that if if you feel strongly enough you either represent yourself find the money or find a lawyer to if it's a good case they will do it uh pro bono so and I think looking across all the municipalities are certainly the ones I've talked to in Ontario it's it's um defending someone who um puts a claim together um and files a claim paying for their services is not something that's certainly normal it was the first time I'd seen it at the Regional Council and and there were a number of counselors and a number of mayors that were extremely disappointed that that we at the region set um set that precedent the resolution on the floor moved by counselor cor Tangi second by counselor shwa is to defer is it or is it that that to amend to amend the code of conduct so that the social media section uh be reverted back to the original not that the legal section fees be removed all right Ebe vote okay CIO would like to comment before so through you Mr Mayor regarding uh the removal of the legal fee Section I mean I think it it might be best it's deferred to staff to see there if there is any implication on cost for removing that because it could open up to severe like significant legal costs and uh maybe it's an application that someone puts forward for any kind of undue hardship like something more Case by case rather than opening it up completely like this yeah thank you through chair I I completely understand what could possibly happen we see that right now with the Integrity commissioner but it's the same type of thing my concern is the imbalance that's going to happen if somebody has the uh Financial Resources to hire the best lawyer and somebody else doesn't and we're constantly in these battles I don't want to see that imbalance so um if we say that nobody can have representation then it's fair I'm totally happy with that or we say that you know the person that wins gets reimbursed or whatever I just want to I just want to not put barriers um up for people that can't afford lawyers at their discretion I don't know many lawyers that do it pro pro boner um I just want to I want to make sure that we're being fair and that everybody can have access to Fair representation if needed that's that's sort of my point with that so I'm happy to refer to to defer that section and refer it back and and come up with a a more Equitable solution yeah we have a resolution on the floor so um calling the vote to vote on escribe well no I we have a resolution with a mover and seconder so we need to vote on that first defeat it and then maybe try again I I don't know councelor how you there yeah yes or no counselor how no tell me that you heard me yeah I we heard you okay thank you all right and that is defeated so you go back to the original to vote on the Amendments all right number three or sorry number two all right so we move back move by councelor kangi second by councelor deflavio resolv that the amendments to bylaw 27- 74 Consolidated code of conduct be approved as presented councelor deflavio thank you mayor through to the clerk um so regarding the social media section uh to it says personal social media accounts are captured by the code anything posted or shared which is publicly accessible that's an important part I.E accessible to any member of the public staff or any other member of council including private messages through a counselor's private or public social media account is subject to the code of conduct does that mean personal conversations between two counselors are subject to the code of conduct and if so what distinguishes a social media account like uh messenger from personal messages like uh text messages because is it just what you use to to communicate with somebody else because personal messages are no different than a text message uh so are are my text messages now to a per to one counselor subject to code of conduct as well through through the mayor I the the situation I'm envisioning in this scenario and I'm not legal council but the situation I'm thinking of is if you were communicating with another Council a member of the public and they submitted a code of conduct because they felt your conversation was out of line and they screenshotted that text message that social media and submitted it as evidence I think in this scenario it could be considered is what the what they're trying to get at Happ to clarify that makes absolute sense that's not what it says here though right it says that all my private messages are subject to code of conduct it it doesn't doesn't say why so I think including the why part is very important and then I think probably and I don't want to speak for Council cangi that would probably make you feel a lot more comfortable because that would make me feel a lot more comfortable because the way it seems to be written now is that my personal messages between myself and another counselor if the other counselor is part of that conversation are still subject to a third party having access to them I it doesn't doesn't clarify that it's if if a complains about B then a can can can you know give a snapshot it just that do access right it's those aren't public so those are private messages through through the chair I understand uh I understand what you're saying I would just the the entire purpose of this is reporting on how behavior is in a code of conduct and so so I think in your that scenario counselor a could screenshot that private message that's what it's referring to there's not a third- party aspect to this but an investigation could take place like it's not like we it's not a Freedom of Information Act where we would ask for records so uh if you have Clarity I'm happy to add in third party um sorry just to clarify under definition of social media it states it refers to freely accessible third-party hosted interactive internet Technologies right so like your text isn't a freely accessible third party hosted platform my thank you through you mayor my point is that one is subject to the code of conduct and the other one is not so it's just what you choose to communicate on that is distinguishing whether it is subject to the code of conduct or not so a text message is not according to the code of conduct and I think it's saying that a messenger between two counselors is not other than if one of the counselors finds it's a violation right I I understand that I I understand after the clarification I don't think that that's what it says here you know perhaps in in adding a phrase like in the course of an investigation or something like that might help to to clarify that statement but this this statement just says that the your personal messages are subject to code of conduct so if if if two counselors are joking around that with each other and it's and it's an equal you know like where it's just friendly and not where one is offending the other that could also be subject to code of conduct outside it doesn't it doesn't say that one party has is making a complaint against the other just says it's open to I I my question is how would someone even know about that so if it's two counselors that are are having a private conversation it would only be one counselor or the other counselor that could file anything no one else would even know about it unless it was leaked to the public by one of the counselors I agree it is private though right there's a difference between private and public and what we're and and within this very statement it says publicly accessible and then it says private messages so those are a conflict th those two statements are a conflict if it's been let vetted by legal I I just it doesn't it doesn't make sense in the way that it's worded to me but you know if people want to vote in favor of having their private messages open to the public I I don't know it just seems unclear in the wording through you Mr Mayor no I think we agree and and that wasn't Our intention so I mean we can take that and definitely change the wording but the intention is not private text message it's more the social media public platforms yeah councelor Shah uh through thank you so another thing is is there I've I've read through a bunch of different um cases in other municipalities regarding social media and the Integrity commissioner complaints found completely different findings um based on social media use for example there were some that were um kind of outrageous as far as what um like a counselor had said that was pretty offensive um within a community group and the Integrity commissioner actually said that when everybody is in this community group or Facebook group they are consenting to being in that group so even though this what this person said I would personally not say it um was offensive they found that there is a consent that happens as soon as you are in this group so I would look to other cases because a lot of these things are completely against findings of other municipalities so um i' keep that in mind um because people do go to legal to get advice on a lot of these things all right I think uh we've discussed this enough so we'll call the question on that um vote on your EB through the chair uh councelor deflavio just asked if there's a change being made we're doing a social media bullettin to accompany this so I'm happy to one send that to council legal council to get their opinion on that clarification and to provide clarification through our social media bulletin and if we need to further revise it we can do that all right we can find it who who would someone else like to move it councelor Frank councelor how no that was a no we heard you uh councilor B says yes did I say yes this what the resolution the resolution on the floor is now councelor B it's moved by councelor Frank second by councelor deflavio resolved the amendments to bylaw 2074 Consolidated code of conduct be approved as presented yes I vote Yes all right that's noted councelor vardy thank you all right that is carried all right um the rest of the uh resolutions U moved by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy uh resolve that report TC 2410 mid procedure review dated September 9th number one that the amendments to bylaw 2065 Consolidated procedure bylaw be approved number three that audio and visual recording of closed session policy be approved as presented number four that the simplified meeting procedure for advisory committees be rescinded number five that the town clerk be de delegated the authority to implement changes to all related processes procedures and policies as required to implement council's decision further to the approval of this report councelor deflavio thank you mayor through uh section 3.6 regarding advisory committees says members of council who are not appointed to a standing committee May attend the meeting but may not speak and a brief written statement may be provided to the chair in advance of the meeting to be read on the record um my concern about this is that oftentimes during the course of a discussion during committee meetings questions arise that would best be asked at the at the committee I understand not allowing a counselor to go on a you know on a speech but I think asking questions is an important part of committee meetings so I would I don't know if it's a friendly Amendment or not but I I think uh the ability to ask questions at a committee is is very important asking questions helps committee members that maybe maybe the committee members didn't think of those questions uh it it saves staff from having to go back at when it come because otherwise uh council members would have to wait until um the the council meeting and then asked to have it sent back so I think those questions have to be asked at Council because when once a um a member of council starts participating at a meeting we get Quorum issues and it becomes a me a meeting of councel and it's been decided by um both the Integrity commissioner and um the Ombudsman that becomes a legal council meeting or has the potential to do so so thank you mayor through you uh I to the clerk there there were Decades of of Council meetings and committee meetings where counselors attended uh so is is there are there legal findings that that say that council members who attend committee meetings are because there's no voting occurring there's no that they they aren't part of the Quorum it's very clear that they're not because they're not sitting at count at the the table they're asking a question at the podium or from the audience um is is that a fact that that they are considered Quorum because I then there were there are many the city of Hamilton for example has committee meetings where council members are allowed to go and ask questions so if that's a fact then I think that there are a lot of uh communities that are doing it wrong so I I just want to know councelor Dei mayor Jordan I would just like to add a thought to what my fellow counselor said I think the problem that I have noted in meetings is that um when we sit in the audience and we ask a question very often there is a long Preamble before we get to the question um if it if people could contain themselves to only asking the question I don't think I'd have a problem but most of the time I find that we feel compelled to kind of give the background to why we're asking the question or we add our thoughts in or whatever and unfortunately our conduct and and how we speak about it is not so succinct to only restrict ourselves to the question um and it adds all those other components into it which then puts us in danger right um my second thought I'll add to that is certainly people have the opportunity to ask questions and to submit them to the chair ahead of time I hear your comment that sometimes you think of questions while it's ongoing um I don't think I have a problem as the chair that if my fellow counselors were sitting in the audience and had a question and they came up and slipped me a piece of paper or whatever with their question on it I would certainly take it and ask on their behalf um but I think what we're trying to get away from and I will use this word is from counselors sitting in the audience and pontificating on the topic and not just restricting themselves to the question um because that's a slippery slope that we go down and so we're trying to restricted to just that and then trying to help each other by saying just submit your question to the chair beforehand or I'll say even during the meeting and that way we don't go down that slippery slope okay uh through the chair I'm not sure of any specific cases I'm happy to take that back to legal council and ask them if there if there's a reason that it's phrased like that I believe the uh General thought is that uh council members are appointed to committees and that all committee business does come to council so the appropriate time given how this this is written is that if you're not on the committee the appropriate time to speak would be at the council meeting when that topic comes up that would be the thought uh behind it but I'm happy to follow up uh for any legal examples Council brzy thank you mayor sure you um I agree with councelor def favio's Point especially when If U I think the only instance we have of this would be would be the plan of committee where we don't have uh enough counselors on the committee to meet Quorum um so we kind of we don't really run into to that issue there so I wouldn't and in one open house I did yield the questions and I'd have no problem doing that um I just wanted to make that statement and I think Leanne had her had her hand up on Zoom councelor vardy yes thank you uh through you Mr Mayor um you know my my concern about um counselors who are observers are not observing um so they do have an opportunity to put their questions forward as councelor Dy had suggested or or do it ahead of time but you know once they become a participant you know the like the whole tone of the meeting has changed so I'm I'm inclined to uh to say look you know you can you can flag a question to the chair beforehand or pass a note uh and then if you if if during the course of that meeting your questions not answered you have the opportunity to to uh pull the item up for full Council discussion when it comes through to council so I I think that if we let if we let everybody talk at any time we're never going to get through any business you know because I think we do have some counselors who like to talk a lot and um and I'm just trying to be pragmatic about this I mean it's not as if the person won't get their shot at it they will but um we we need to be cognizant that we like we're here to do business and uh to sort of get on with it seeing no uh further discussion I've read the resolution uh please vote councelor CI thank you through chair I just wanted to uh discuss three Council and committee meetings General meetings open to the public 35 and 36 and this talks about um meetings that are open to the public that nobody is allowed to record them and you cannot use a electronic device to record the proceedings of a meeting um members of the media can can get an exception but if a unauthorized recording devices discovered or reported during meeting the clerk or designate will request the owner of the device to erase the recording to the satisfaction of the clerk um and if they don't feel that's done the owner device is not compliant to the request of the CL local police services may be called for assistance so I wouldn't have a problem with this if all meetings were recorded or live streamed but since we do have meetings that are not recorded I can tell you I sat in an advisory committee the first time I was able to uh due to employment um and it was very beneficial to sit in that meeting because it um it reports to one of the standing committees I'm in so if I can't make it it would be nice if there was a recording of it that I could that I could hear so that I could understand what's going on I think we're this is like a little bit of overreach if we're saying that somebody can't record a meeting that's open to the public anyway not everybody can attend meetings uh due to employment or accessibility and stuff like that uh we don't you know so I think this is just a little bit much um and then to go to police if somebody catches we had talked about this before and it was because we had brought this concern up that somebody could record a meeting sit in the audience and that was perfectly fine months ago and now all of a sudden the rules are changing so um I just think it's a it's a public space it's open to the public nobody is saying anything that's confidential that shouldn't be recorded so I don't see why somebody could not record it all right thanks so uh through the chair I can address a couple of those things and you can let me know if you're looking for more information um this has been inputed into uh procedural bylaws across a lot of Ontario municipalities an example would be uh there's been some issues when people live stream like through Instagram or Facebook live streaming a meeting it becomes disruptive people are more focused on the Instagram live streaming versus the official recording um I think if count would like to record all meetings that that's a motion of council the rationale I have been told behind not uh recording most advisory committees is that it's supposed to be an informal discussion it's supposed to be a space for uh ideas to be presented without uh the always necessarily the criticism of the public watching that meeting I think if that's council's Direction it would need to be a separate motion uh all committee meetings would then need to be held in the council chambers we have to review the scheduling and some overtime for R staff those are some of the implications of a recording advisory committees um I miss anything else sorry is there anything okay sure uh through the chair uh local police is equipped to handle situations when people are being disruptive or um any instances recording people without their permission is not something um Town staff or Council or even bylaw staff are equipped to handle so that would be the next escalation point thank you I just I understand if if people are live streaming through Facebook or something like that but if you're just like you have your phone and you're recording a meeting or if staff just records it so that there's audio so that you can listen um I don't think that anything bad is going on meetings that aren't recorded but I think to have access to that um is is very beneficial to council when deciding on things and to other members if something if something does happen and you have issues on a on an advisory at least there's a recording of that I just think that this has gone a little bit too far um and and really restricting something that is supposed to be open and accessible to the public councelor Sher I still have some comments as well for this but if we can put a motion for all um committees uh advisory committees um to be recorded I would like to put that forward please even if it's just a an audio recording just so that you can go back to it if somebody wants to hear the meeting or what what's happened just for record so that's recorded by staff then right but to be able to hear it so I don't know if it's like accessible so that we could actually come in and listen to it so I don't mind like if you wanted to video it and then come here I but I I do get a lot of of information from these meetings and I do like to see hear firsthand information so it doesn't need to be but if a member of a public wanted to come and watch it here or if I wanted to come and watch it I would I don't need to have it but I would like to see it and I would like to hear all of the conversation yeah well probably the problem we run into if we if we further review this is the fact that now we're going to have to um um repo all our lay members we're going to have to find out what this cost is there's a cost one for audio audio a larger cost and possible conflict of the council chambers and scheduling if we have video as well so the cost or it could be it could be video have staff report back it doesn't have to be live streamed so even if the P somebody member of the public or somebody that wanted to watch it came into town Chambers just this is like this is one of our Prime mandates is to be transparent and accountable to the public so I'm I don't want to put it out there so that you get trolled but you should be able to get information and so I don't know through through the chair I would maybe make the suggestion that staff report back on resource implications so that you can make that decision knowing the full picture and uh as opposed to um like right now we have resolved that all advisory committees be recorded moving forward but it's up to you that would just be my suggestion in terms of getting an idea of our options for audio visual both uh and Staffing uh sorry staff costs and uh chamber scheduling I still have comments but if if councelor crangi wanted to to address this go ahead I don't know if mayor Jordan Sarah you have a comment go ahead so through you maybe the report might help because uh this would impact just our advisory committees and in the beginning when the uh the committee members did sign up we did state that there was no recording of these uh meetings so now this kind of changes the terms of it and it might be worthwhile to have their feedback as well ccor de mayor Jordan just a question could someone just um reiterate the list of the advisory committee that that we are considering in all of this could you just read that list for me again you just give me one minute okay so our advisory committees are agef friendly advisory committee which is not recorded the art gallery special purpose advisory committee which is currently not recorded Committee of adjustment which is currently recorded uh GAC the economic development advisory committee which is not currently recorded grimby green advisory committee which is not currently recorded the Grimsby Heritage advisory committee which is currently recorded and the mayor's youth advisory committee which is not recorded and in followup to that where does the um entities like the local Boards of I'm talking about the grimby downtown business Improvement Association the library board and so on how do they fit into this picture uh those three examples are boards committed by Council they have their uh independent procedural bylaws to the best of my knowledge I know the Di has one I suspect uh Hydro has one um and so and the library board they the library board follows the town's procedural bylaw none of those boards are recorded or live streamed oh sorry sorry uh the the library board does record it's just not live streamed so they have a record of it on file I stand corrected can I can I continue sorry with the other one motions on the Motions on the floor all right the deferral motion no the staff report back staff report back on the recording advisory okay Council vardy um you know I I'm listening to all of this and I I I think what it really comes down to is that we need to trust each other that we're doing that we're doing business properly and you know at a certain sense we just got to be pra pragmatic you know we don't have the we don't have the capacity to be so administrative heavy you know we do have minutes taken um people have the opportunity to talk to the chair people have the opportunity to you know sit in on a meeting they have an opportunity to pull something up if they if they don't know but but at a certain point and you know I'm listening to all of this and you know the elephant in the room is we need to trust each other and if we can't do that we're going to get nowhere in this term of council yeah we just had a a point of clarification from the chief librarian uh that um the library board meetings aren't recorded okay so CLA sorry I was on the board so I thought when we're zooming that those were also recorded but not okay right so so the resolution on the floor is resol that all advisory committees be recorded and second what's do we have a seconder you have a question thank you chair would we be able to put this to the discretion of the committee because some committees have very different Dynamics than others uh some proser more from open collaboration and conversation versus like the structure of formal meetings can um Can bog that down in many ways so if it's for every committee I'm I'm going I I don't think you can really pick and choose a resolution it's either yes or no or against it okay yeah the resolution's on the floor so vote with escribe councelor how no you got me yep we got that councelor bardy thanks no all right we got that thank you all right that was defeated and um who has the floor councelor sh for councelor sha has the floor for the rest of the procedural byw thank you okay so um notices of motion um page 228 um actually before that no recorded votes so this is on page yeah 228 um 9d no recorded votes may take place and no record or notation of members opposition or favor on any issue will be recorded in any meeting's minutes I think that's important that we have recorded votes so I'm going to ask that we amend that if that is possible um these are for advisory committees is this just for advisory Comm right okay um it was for the printed version It's 228 um God I don't um story this is for standing committees of council yeah um page 13 on the procedural bylaw if that helps 13 of 42 um 14 sorry of 42 so the recording of uh yeah no recorded votes through the chair uh yes both for standing committees and advisory committees we have put in there uh for no recorded votes uh this is because they are less formal than Council typically and uh we leave that typically for a council meeting so I just ask if we can ask for a recorder vote if it's requested so it can just be like um call out that's fine we don't have to have it through escribe councelor Devi question won't that happen anyways now because we're leaving the simplified rules of procedure and moving back to using the full rules of procedure for all the advisory committees too so that's just part and Par of the usual rules right that someone can request a recorded vote um so by by moving from the simplified rules to the back to the full rules for all the advisory committees that will allow it to happen no matter what through the chair the reason it's in there was to not allow it that's why we put it into the procedural bylaw if you'd like to make that amendment I I think uh we can put that forward to remove recorded votes sorry to permit recorded votes for standing an advisory committee if if it's requested yeah okay so I'd like to put that forward we just need a second there councelor Frank can we do it by hand or yeah I think we can do it by hand um should be I'm good with it no but it says something else all right so Council we okay with that just show of hand councelor how councelor how's in favor councelor bardy yes all right that's carried okay so the next one was any matter may be deleted or deferred from the agenda by majority vote so that's on page 25 of 42 under approval of the agenda so I would just ask that notices of motion go through the proper procedure and I have no problem putting a notice of motion down having a debate about it and having it turned down I don't care if everybody turns it down I would just ask that you respect the fact that we have a debate over it and respectfully turn it down that's all don't delete it please so I'm going to ask for that Amendment as well so that was um page 25 of 42 for the procedural bylaw section um sorry 7.3 um number two any member may be deleted any matter may be deleted or deferred from the agenda by majority vote thanks so through the chair that is uh again a common procedural bylaw uh in there uh it is for notice of motions for example if something was outside the jurisdiction of council it would permit um it would it would not be included uh I would suggest that if you're putting if you want to put the Amendment forward that it say uh well I guess you could just remove it that would probably be I would just ask to remove it [Music] yes right so the resolution is to remove um 7.32 uh need a second for councelor Cori do you want me to read those yeah you can read section 7.3 uh subsection 2 approval of the agenda it says any matter may be defeated or deferred referred from the agenda by majority vote and the amendment is to uh remove that section from the procedural byw right just a point of clarification on that so if we vote yes that's in favor of removing it correct all right so NOS keeping it status quo okay those ones get confusing councelor deflavio one is really confusing quick question through you uh mayor so couldn't the committee just vote I I don't understand the purpose of this because people could just bring up a deferral motion and vote on it right there there there are lots of ways to to just strike something from an agenda without striking it from the agenda so I I don't get the purpose of this so I don't know if maybe if uh the clerk can just clarify quickly through the chair uh to remove something if you didn't have that provision in you would need two-thirds of the committee or Council to remove something from the agenda in in this case it's saying that you would need a majority councelor Bry all right you'd like to call the question all right um second yeah we had mooved by uh councelor shwa second by councelor cangi 7.32 7.32 be removed be removed Ebe please no okay councelor how we've got the know councelor bardy no yes we've got that all right that's defeated okay so notice is a motion um page 26 of 42 under notice of motion number one a notice of motion is a written notice given by a member of counselor of their intent to introduce the matter for consideration by council at a subsequent meeting before introducing a notice of motion a member of council is encouraged to consult with the appropriate members of town staff and chief administrated officer regarding the subject matter of their not notice of motion a member of council May introduce a notice of motion by providing the clerk a written copy of the notice of motion duly signed by the Mover and a seconder no later than 4:30 on the Tuesday prior to the council meeting to be included on the agenda for consideration a subsequent meeting and then it says on four a notice of motion must have a seconder before it is included on the agenda the seconder must confirm their approval and writing by the clerk by the deadlines indicated in section 7.71 and into it just seems so complicated to get to put a notice of motion and I like you know for me I'm usually on the on the losing side and I've come to realize that and that's fine however I would just ask respectfully um that for our constituents that we just have debate and we turn it down we don't need to make it so complicated for somebody to put something forward and have it sit there um that's all just just just a point of clarification sorry to interrupt but if you can't find a seconder for notice of motion I think probably right there that's a good thing if you may well be wasting your time and wasting council's time to get something on the floor that if you can't find a seconder and you go through all of council it bringing it to council is is just something that's going to make our meetings longer and I think that it's it's a good way to to float something that you're thinking of with someone else that's on Council and I think that was done quite often in the past I think councelor deflavio can confer with me I I respect that I appreciate that you're giving that input um but before it was Wednesday right so we we moved it so that you had to get it in Wednesday so it's before we even have a look at the agenda now we're asking to to have it even in advance and then you have to find somebody else to put it through so it's like we're we're making it so far in advance for somebody just to announce that they're going to talk about something like a month after so I I don't know why we need to be so complic I've never seen this anywhere else I I I can't say that this probably is anywhere other than Grimsby so I'm just asking that we go back to some simplified version of having Democratic respectful [Music] talk ccor course Dy thank you through chair I just have a question on that um so are we to then be emailing our other count like I'm just worried about having discussions then on topics that we shouldn't be to having discussions on behind the scenes on different topics so um well I I I don't think you'd uh email all of councel you you'd bring It Forward if you can't bring It Forward in person you'd bring it forward in a personal email to another counselor and and talk about it or pick up the phone and call them um see I just I have a problem with that so for myself I I think we're supposed to be having these conversations in council chambers so you know these are things that you bring forward individually and you discuss them with your council members it's not a coordinated thing outside of council chambers just just the two that I know that have it already is Lincoln and the Regional Council so they they bring notice the motions have a second you want to call the question might have a couple words first thank you mayor well then you can't if you have if you speak on it then you can't call it now you lost my train of thought um no I think it should be completely normal for counselors to pick up the phone call one another obviously not to chat in groups larger than five but I I don't I don't think that we should be considering every every and which motion I think we should be focused more on business pertaining to the town and the town's interest and um we should be making strides to streamline that more and I think if there are some conversations going on you know to one counselor to two counselors after a committee meeting and like the mayor said if if there's no support there then there's really no point in bringing it and wasting council's time now I would like to um mayor I'd like to just talk about something else that you mentioned and and perhaps one of my fellow counselors mentioned about um the suggestion within our procedural bylaw to run things by our staff when we have a notice of motion too and I will say that is an extremely good idea um my concern is that some of our notice of motion go on for a very long time where is this where is that where is this where is that and my concern is that when they go on they start mentioning all sorts of things which are not always accurate or complete as well and so I do find that the process of running it by staff to be extremely useful um it's another set of eyes on it that says how do you know this are you sure this is correct and so on and I find that to be a very useful step and I like seeing it in our procedures even just to add to council deves I mean sometimes things get on aenda that have we have no control over either so it makes sense just to completely remove them but now I'll call the question councelor FRS called the question all right so we're voting on the um original amend original resolution moved by councelor Frank second by Council Bradley result the report tc2 2410 term procedural review dated September 9th 2024 be received and one that the amendments to bylaw 2065 Consolidated procedure bylaw be approved as presented and number three that audio video recording of closed session policy be approved as presented and number four that the simplified meeting procedure for advisory committees be rescinded and number five that the town clerk be delegated the authority to implement changes to all related processes procedures and policies as required to implement council's decision further to the approval of this report all in favor with your e gribe or against yes councelor how is a yes councelor vardy yes for me councelor vard is a yes yes all right and that is carried up next we have the last report from the clerk's Department the 2025 Council and committee meeting schedule can I have a move to get it on the floor for discussion councelor brzy councelor Devi any discussion seeing none moveed by councelor brzy second by councelor Dy resolve the report tc2 24-1 2025 counciling committee meeting schedule dated September 9th 2024 be received and that the 2025 Council and committee meeting schedule be approved as presented all in favor that's carried moving to uh resolutions the first one is councelor Brad's notice a motion from the last meeting um we have councelor bradz as the Mover do we have a seconder councelor Frank discussion for the chair we need to have the resolution approved in Open Session that Council uh is authorizing that you move into Clos session so and then we will discuss the close session in close session so this is Council agreeing to go into close session about your notice of motion and clarification do does that mean we go into now or do can we go at the end of the meeting with the other items okay so far all right moved by councelor brzy second by councelor Frank where section 2392 C of the Ontario municipal black states to a meeting or part of meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered as a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land in the by the municipality or local board whereas section 2392 K of the Ontario Municipal black States K AOS plan procedure citerior instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board therefore be it resolved by Council move into Clos session to discuss the potential acquisition or disposition of property along the Waterfront Trail all in favor yes and that's carried no all right I we had five so up up next uh we have uh councelor Shah's motion on Integrity commissioner legislation there are responses from the clerk and the Integrity commissioner uh can I have a move in second or to get it on the floor for discussion councelor bradz secondary councel deflavio now you she why don't you to uh was just we received so you can vote on that and then read the motion all right moved by councelor um brzy second by councelor deflavio resolve that the memorandums from the clerk and the Integrity commissioner be received all in favor that's carried councelor shaah has moved her motion uh is there a secondary to get it on the floor that's um Municipal act framework within municipality uh I don't see a second there so that is defeated councilor Bry events task force committee um events task force committee uh councilor Brad's moved it uh seconder councelor Frank second it to get it on the floor um councelor brzy would you like to lead the discussion you should read staff are online oh yeah staff's online Sarah's yeah read read your uh you can read your motion I'll let you read it okay uh whereas Council has made investments in facilitating events with in the town of Grimsby with the aim of enhancing Community Spirit quality of life for residents and fostering a vibrant local economy and whereas the creation of a dedicated events task force committee could provide focused attention uh and exper expertise to the planning and execution of town events and a proactive approach to planning multiple events while also leveraging community volunteers and public private Partnerships therefore be it resolved that staff prepare report uh outlining the visibility and resource implications of establishing an advanced task force Committee in 2025 uh to oversee the planning and execution of town events including but not limited to a candidate a long weekend Festival uh be it further resolved that staff or the newly newly established committee develop a yearly Grimsby event schedule outlining potential competing events uh outside or inside uh the town uh timelines needed to plan events and uh venue or Park restraints as well as resource requirements and that I acknowledge that this notice motion will be considered at today's meeting all right questions or comments we just vote on it and refer it back yeah I thought we would have had uh I mean obviously not a full-on yearly timeline by but um we're kind of having the um the folks that delegated earlier tonight um kind of speaks for while this one event that you know hasn't been here in a 100 years but we can certainly certainly um be bringing in more smaller events more frequently coun Frank yeah I don't know how much we can how much we can debate this one tonight but I think it's a good idea it has a lot of Merit but I really would like to hear what staff has to say and maybe they can come back with some kind of a plan or because we do have a lot of events and I think there's there's may be a way of coordinating some of these things and help move them along more efficiently more effectively more costly yeah I I think we should do set staff do the work on this one thank you all right so we we have that in the resol body of the resolution so um I guess we just uh show a hands should be fine all in favor three four you want to Five I'll include so councelor vardy yes or no may not be well I think we have five I've got myself councel the Mover the second councelor de and councelor house so that's carried counc I just add that we're just we're really looking to next year too so we're not there's no like immediate rush to this timeline so definitely want a more fome view I think that that's noted all right up next um we have uh correspondents councelor Devol has requested a resolution from the city of quinty West regarding the candidate community building fund be endorsed uh do we have a second or all right councelor Frank moved by councelor devoli second by councelor Frank resolved that the council receed and endorse the correspondence from the city of quinty West regarding the Canada community building fund all in favor that's carried that's carried all right can I have a move in secondary to receive the remaining correspondents move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy move by councelor Frank second by councelor bradz result that the following correspondents be received nagra garment commission letter to municipalities regarding short-term accommodations town of 4 support Family Physicians all in favor that's carried all right okay so we're going to do the proclamations and the bylaws and we'll take a five minute break before we go into Clos session so we need a mover and seconder for the rail Safety Week move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy move by councelor Frank second by councelor bradz whereas rail safety week is to be held across Canada from September 23rd to 29th 2024 whereas 229 Railway Crossings and trespassing incidents occurred in Canada in 2023 resulting in 66 avoidable fatalities and 90 or 39 avoidable serious injuries whereas educating and informing the public about rail safety reminding the public that rail rights of way are private property enhancing public awareness of the dangers associated with Highway rail grade Crossings ensuring pedestrians and motorists are looking and listening while near Railways and obeying established traffic laws will reduce the number of avoidable fatalities and injuries caused by incidents involving trains and citizens and whereas operation Lifesaver is a public private partnership whose aim is to work with the public rail industry governments Police Services media and others to raise rail safety awareness where CN and operation Lifesaver have requested city council adopt this resolution in support of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness save lives and prevent injuries in communities including our municipality therefore be it resolved that the Council of the town of grinby supports National Rail Safety Week to be held from September 23rd to 29 all in favor that's carried and can I have a move in second there for the British home child day Proclamation moved by councelor cangi second by councelor moved by councelor Cori second by councelor shwa whereas over 100,000 poor and orphan children were taken from all areas of the UK to Canada between 1869 and 1940 and used as Farm labor and domestic services and Canadian households these children became known as British home children bhc and whereas there are an estimated 4 million bhc descendants living in Canada today many of whom were settled settled in Halton and the surrounding areas and whereas this year marks the 154th anniversary of the first party of bhcc to arrive on Canadian Shores and cities across Canada therefore I mayor Jeff Jordan do hereby Proclaim September 28th 2024 as British home child day all in favor that's carried all right can I have a mover in second or for the senior's climate day Proclamation moved by councelor cangi second by councelor Def lavio moved by counselor corsi second by counselor deflavio whereas October 1st is Canada's national senior's day and the UN International Day of older persons it is a day to recognize the accomplishment accomplishments and contributions of seniors and where of seniors for climate is a nationwide mobilization calling for Urgent access to address the climate crisis and support a livable future for our children and grandchildren and whereas we are witnessing the degradation of the natural environment loss of biodiversity deadly heat waves wildfires floods and destructive storms and whereas we must reduce carbon emission for a livable future and work towards a transition to renewable energy and whereas the town of grinby recognizes the importance of widespread support for seniors for climate and its goals therefore I mayor Jeff Jordan hereby Proclaim October 1st 2024 as seniors for climate day all in favor that's carried up next we have uh bylaws can I have a mover and secondary to approve the bylaws move by councelor Devi second by councelor frak move by councelor Devi second by counselor frake resolved that LE begin introduced byas 2462 to 2464 inclusive and that same be read a first time and considered and pass all in favor that's carried our next council meeting is scheduled for Monday September 23rd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. um uh we're going into close session now so good evening um for everyone who doesn't come back after the close and um for the people that do we'll see you after our Clos session and we're going to have a five minute break e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we're just waiting to get back into open all right welcome back everyone uh Council will be now voting on the three reports discussed in Clos session can I have a mover in secondary oh I guess we have movers and secondar we'll just use them right I tell you yep I can tell you so the first one was councelor VY councelor Gangi moved by councelor vardy second by councelor Gangi resolved that report PA 2427 a 2324 256 Mountain Road minor variance application Town representation at land tribunal dated August 29th 2024 be received and that Council instruct towns Le Council to reach a settlement with the appellant accepting the planning staff recommendation contained with the planning staff report regarding minor variance application a 23-24 and present such a settlement to the Ontario land tribunal escribe vote it's a no for me all right that's carried now I need a move in second for report Frank Bry oh I move by councelor Frank second by councelor brzy resolve the report PA 24-28 26 op 16 2303 and z26 16233 54544 North Service Road Town representation at Ontario land tribunal dat is September 9th 2024 be received and the council instruct the town's legal council to defend the town's decision at the Olt hearing e scribe please yes all right that's carried can I have a oh move um sorry uh Chrisi and uh deavia moved by councelor Changi second by councelor deflavio result that report PA 24-29 a 22-24 30 Viking Drive minor variance application Town representation of the anterior trans land Tri dated September 99th 2024 be received and the council instruct Town's legal council to reach a settlement with the appellant accepting the planning staff recommendation contained within the planning staff report regarding minor variance application a 22-24 and present such as settlement to the Ontario trans land tribunal uh escribe please councelor bardy no all right that's carried all right can I have a mover and second to um approve the remaining closed session Direction councelor brzy councelor Frank move by councelor brzy second by councelor Frank resolved that the direction provided in closed session regarding the proposed acquisition or dis position of land be approved all in favor okay e scribe vote okay you can tell me I've got it here councelor B uh yes that's carried can I have a mover and second for the confirming bylaw move by councelor brzy second by councel Frank resolved that leave be given to introduce byw 24-65 and that same be read a first time considered and passed all in favor that's carried good night everyone meeting is adjourned
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