Oakville Council Tackles $732M Stormwater Infrastructure Needs: Public Engagement Plan Launched - 12 September

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-09-13, City: Oakville, View Transcript

The Oakville Town Council meeting, led by Mayor Burton, featured presentations by Katherine Htson and representatives from AECOM, focusing on stormwater management funding. Key participants included Katherine Htson, who detailed the financial requirements and the development of potential funding solutions, and Alicia Evans, who addressed public engagement strategies.

  1. Rainwater Infrastructure Funding: Katherine Htson elaborated on the financial needs for Oakville's stormwater systems, emphasizing affordability, equity, simplicity, and financial sustainability. "We need a funding source that is affordable, equitable, simple to understand, and provides financial sustainability," she stated.

  2. Revised Cost Estimates: Updated 30-year needs for stormwater infrastructure were presented, now totaling $732 million. "This is about a $3.1 million increase over the amount we showed you in the last presentation," Htson noted, reflecting recent cost adjustments.

  3. Two Streams of Work: The rainwater management plan includes two streams: Stream 1 for lifecycle needs ($351 million) and Stream 2 for climate adaptation ($365 million). Htson highlighted the growing necessity for investments: "Some of our infrastructure is now beginning to approach its end of life and will require more investment into the future."

  4. Impact on Property Owners: Discussion moved to the potential financial impact on property owners, though specific numbers were not disclosed. "We aim to consider various fee options to minimize the burden on residents," stated a council member, indicating ongoing evaluations and consultations.

  5. Public Engagement and Education: Public engagement plans were introduced, including an email contact (stormwaterfee@oakville.ca) and a project webpage for public inquiries and feedback. Alicia Evans stressed, "It's crucial for residents to be informed and engaged as we progress."

Opportunities for Public Input: - Residents can provide input via email at stormwaterfee@oakville.ca. - A new stormwater project webpage is available for information and feedback submissions.

Motions and Outcomes: - Motion to Receive Presentations: - Title: Reception of Katherine Htson's and AECOM's Presentations. - Outcome: Passed. - Motion to Proceed with Public Consultation Plan: - Title: Implementation of Public Engagement Plan. - Outcome: Passed.

Follow-Up Actions and Next Steps: - AECOM will evaluate stormwater fee methods and public consultation outcomes in the next council session. - Updates on revisions and budget meetings will be presented by the Director of Finance, John Vanderheiden.

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