City Council Advances on Financial Transparency, STR Compliance, and Tax Adjustments - 14-07-24

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-07-14, City: Kingston, View Transcript

1. Administrative Policies Committee Meeting Overview: - Agenda approved and the previous meeting's minutes confirmed. - No disclosures of interest, delegations, or briefings were noted.

  1. ROC Crest Home Board Of Management:

    • Transitioned into the ROC Crest Home Board of Management.
    • Ms. Keys reported: 97% occupancy, a waitlist of 510 people, 13 reportable incidents, two compliance issues addressed, added staff positions, and underbudget due to staffing delays.
    • Budget impacts received additional care funding.
    • Questions on operations, staffing, and funding were answered.
    • Motion to rise from the ROC Crest home Board:
      • Mover: Councillor Glenn
      • Seconder: Councillor OS
      • Carried.
  2. Audited Financial Statements for 2023:

    • Presented by Ms. Huber and Ms. Cox, revealing a municipal equity increase to over $1.8 billion.
    • New accounting standards led to a $24 million liability for asset retirements.
    • Audit findings included a miscalculation correction and acknowledgment of minor misstatements to be adjusted in 2024.
    • Audit approach and independence confirmed.
    • Motion to approve financial statements:
      • Mover: Councillor Glenn
      • Seconder: Councillor Assan
      • Carried.
  3. Short-Term Rental (STR) Bylaw Amendments:

    • New regulations introduced for STR brokerages and updates on increased licensed STRs and MAT revenue.
    • Proposal for data-sharing agreements to improve STR compliance.
    • Tiered fee structure proposed to ensure STR compliance, with Administrative Monetary Penalties set at $300.
    • Motion to approve proposed fees and compliance measures carried.
  4. Tax Write-Offs:

    • Reported write-offs for properties affected by changes, totaling $139,925.72, with the city's portion at $93,571.82.
    • Motion to approve tax write-offs carried.
  5. Meeting Conclusion:

    • Next meeting scheduled for September 12, 2024.
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