City Council Prioritizes Public Engagement with New Consultation Plans and Enhanced Survey Methods - 18 September

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-09-19, City: Hamilton, View Transcript

City Council Meeting Summary

High-Level Summary: The city council meeting, led by key participants including Jesse from Enterprise Canada and members of the Mayor's Task Force on Transparency, Access, and Accountability, focused on reviewing progress and planning next steps for public consultations and engagement. Significant topics included revised survey questions, the integration of the Engage Hamilton platform, and ensuring diverse community input.

Important Topics Discussed

  1. Progress Review and Consultation Steps: Jesse updated the task force on the progress of the consultations, emphasizing a shift towards outcomes-based approaches. He noted, "we're nearing that cliff ledge of being able to open up all of our consultations and start engaging with citizens," highlighting the importance of actionable recommendations.

  2. Revised Survey Questions and Approach: The surveys underwent a comprehensive revision to better capture actionable insights, causing a slight delay in public consultations. Jesse stated, "we have taken an overhaul of the survey questions to reposition the approach to the surveys," ensuring the data collected will be more meaningful.

  3. Engage Hamilton Platform Integration: The team is working to harness the Engage Hamilton platform as a centralized hub for public engagement. Jesse mentioned, "work with the City of Hamilton to get the Engage Hamilton platform lined up in and utilized as a great kind of One-Stop shop," which will streamline communication and ensure easy access for residents.

  4. Review of Previous Consultative Data: The task force reviewed past data on public sentiment to ground current and future consultations effectively. Using this data aims to ensure recommendations are well-informed and address resident concerns accurately.

  5. Timelines and Deadlines: Despite adjustments in the timeline due to survey revisions, the task force remains confident in delivering actionable recommendations by year-end. Jesse assured attendees, "we are still widely confident that with our efforts we're going to be able to turn around the report in the exact same amount of time."

Opportunities to Provide Input

Motions and Outcomes

  1. Approval of Amended Agenda:

    • Mover: Mateline
    • Seconder: Tanashi
    • Outcome: Approved
    • Follow-up Actions: Proceed with the amended agenda for the meeting.
  2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

    • Mover: Nashi
    • Seconder: Mateline
    • Outcome: Approved
    • Follow-up Actions: Record and archive the approved minutes from the previous meeting.

Follow-up Actions

Councillors Present

  1. Co-Chair
  2. Tanashi
  3. Mateline
  4. Nashi

This structured summary encapsulates the key elements and outcomes of the city council meeting, focusing on improving transparency, access, and accountability in city services.

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