City Council Approves Traffic Calming Measures and Zoning Amendments Amidst Community Concerns - 19 September

By GPT-4 & Parth on 2024-09-20, City: Scarborough, View Transcript

High-Level Summary:

The city council meeting, chaired by Counselor Mantis and attended by key participants like Deputy Mayor Meli, Counselor Thompson, and Counselor Kival, focused on zoning amendments, community traffic improvement measures, and public consultations. Attention was given to resident concerns, approved traffic calming measures, and the acknowledgment of Indigenous lands.

Important Topics Discussed

  1. Zoning Amendment at 565 Kennedy Road (File SC 16.1):

    • Christopher Langley from Bor Planning and Management presented updates on the previously deferred application. He noted, "The application was originally presented to Community Council on July the 12th, however, was deferred," indicating efforts in added consultation with staff and the counselor's office.
    • The approval came with a motion to address parking ratios, impacting local residents by potentially altering available parking spaces.
  2. Parking Issues at 2257 Kingston Road Development (File SC 16.2):

    • Peter Stigler highlighted community opposition to limited parking. He stated, "We noticed a substantial drop in customers walking and walking by," prompting the council to re-evaluate the parking allocation.
    • This deferral for further examination would significantly affect local businesses and customer convenience.
  3. Traffic Calming Measures in Various Wards (Files SC 16.11, SC 16.12, SC 16.13, SC 16.14, SC 16.15, SC 16.16, SC 16.17):

    • Multiple measures including speed humps and compulsory stops were discussed to improve pedestrian safety. The chairman noted, "All in favor of Staff recommendations carried," reflecting widespread support for these safety initiatives.
    • The implementation of these measures in several wards directly benefits residents by enhancing road safety.
  4. Acknowledgment of Indigenous Lands:

    • Counselor Mantis began with a formal acknowledgment of the land's traditional territories, mentioning, "...the Missas of the Credit, the Anishnabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples...," underscoring a respectful acknowledgment of Indigenous history.
    • This recognition emphasizes inclusivity and cultural awareness within the community.
  5. New Business Items and Public Input Opportunities:

    • Counselor Thompson introduced three new items for traffic measures and construction staging, showcasing the council's flexibility in addressing urgent matters.
    • Public input was encouraged for zoning amendments and traffic measures, allowing residents to register and speak, thus providing a direct channel for community voices.

Opportunities for Public Input

Residents are encouraged to engage in public consultations for zoning amendments and traffic measures. They can register to speak during meetings or submit written comments directly to the council.

Motions Passed, Rejected, or Deferred

- Passed: - SC 16.1: 565 Kennedy Road Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Decision Report Approval—approved with amendments for parking ratios. - SC 16.11: Charlottetown Boulevard traffic calming. - SC 16.12: Brimorton Drive traffic calming. - SC 16.13: Burnview Crescent traffic calming. - SC 16.14: Eleanor Avenue traffic calming. - SC 16.15: Glamorgan Drive traffic calming. - SC 16.16: Pitt Avenue traffic calming. - SC 16.17: Presley Avenue traffic calming.

- Deferred: - SC 16.2: 2257 Kingston Road Zoning Amendment—referred to council for further parking ratio examination.

Follow-Up Actions or Next Steps

Councillors Present

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